Lab session overview: What to do when?

You are running your first session?! Don’t panic, here’s the big picture order step by step!

  1. Greet participants, consent, explain what we will be doing

  2. Ask if they need to use the restroom

  3. Put on Heart Rate Electrodes (while standing)

  4. Seat participant at their iMac

  5. Wipe their forehead with baby shampoo

  6. Attach skin conductance sensors (on shoulder blade)

  7. Put cap on (see Equipment setup)

  • Calibrate fNIRS first

  • Then complete EEG setup

  • If you end up doing EEG first, you can no longer move the cap during the fNIRS procedure

  1. Put eyetracker on (see Eye tracker)

  • Eyetracker can only be put on after cap setup is completed

  1. Give participant headset

  • adjust microphone and/or headband

  1. Wait for all participants to be ready, then start baseline tasks