Steps for deploying a component to the TA3 testbed

  • Create a PR into the master/main branch with the necessary changes. Also, if there is a file like VERSION or version.sbt that contains the version number, bump the version number in it appropriately.

    • Bugfixes will increment the patch version number (e.g. 3.0.1 to 3.0.2).

    • New backwards-compatible features and improvements will update the minor version number (e.g. 3.0.1 to 3.1.0). Here, backwards-compatible means that the format of the JSON messages either does not change or changes in a way that code that could process the previous format can also process the new format. For example, adding a key in the data part of the message would be backwards-compatible, while removing an existing key would not.

    • Backwards-incompatible changes should bump the major version number (e.g. 3.0.1 –> 4.0.0)

  • Once the CI tests pass, merge the PR into the main branch.

  • Create a release on Github.

  • Switch to the main/master branch, run git pull to make sure you have the latest code, then run ./scripts/deploy_to_gitlab.

  • Go into the TA3 testbed repo

  • Switch to the develop branch

  • Run git pull to make sure you have the latest code from the develop branch.

  • Make a new branch off of develop

  • Update the agent version number in the docker-compose.yml file (or .env file if you are using that to set the version numbers) in your agent directory under the Agents directory. The agent version number should match the version you just deployed to the Gitlab container registry.

  • Update the (located in the top-level testbed directory) file with a summary of the changes.

  • Push your changes to the testbed upstream repository

  • Check the changes to the code and make sure your edits are there.

  • Go to the testbed repo webpage in your browser, and then create a merge request to merge your branch into the develop branch.

  • Include a link to the GitHub release you created in the testbed merge request.

  • Once the your merge request is accepted, delete the branch in the testbed repo.