Program Listing for File subgraphs.cpp
↰ Return to documentation for file (lib/subgraphs.cpp
#include "AnalysisGraph.hpp"
#include "Node.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
#include <boost/range/algorithm/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/filtered.hpp>
#include <range/v3/all.hpp>
using boost::for_each;
using delphi::utils::in;
using fmt::print;
using namespace std;
void AnalysisGraph::get_subgraph(int vert,
unordered_set<int>& vertices_to_keep,
int cutoff,
bool inward) {
// Mark the current vertex visited
(*this)[vert].visited = true;
if (cutoff != 0) {
// Recursively process all the vertices adjacent to the current vertex
if (inward) {
for_each(this->predecessors(vert), [&](int v) {
if (!(*this)[v].visited) {
this->get_subgraph(v, vertices_to_keep, cutoff, inward);
else {
for_each(this->successors(vert), [&](int v) {
if (!(*this)[v].visited) {
this->get_subgraph(v, vertices_to_keep, cutoff, inward);
// Mark the current vertex unvisited
(*this)[vert].visited = false;
void AnalysisGraph::get_subgraph_between(int start,
int end,
vector<int>& path,
unordered_set<int>& vertices_to_keep,
int cutoff) {
// Mark the current vertex visited
(*this)[start].visited = true;
// Add this vertex to the path
// If current vertex is the destination vertex, then
// we have found one path.
// Add this cell to the Tran_Mat_Object that is tracking
// this transition matrix cell.
if (start == end) {
vertices_to_keep.insert(path.begin(), path.end());
else if (cutoff != 0) {
// Recursively process all the vertices adjacent to the current vertex
for_each(this->successors(start), [&](int v) {
if (!(*this)[v].visited) {
this->get_subgraph_between(v, end, path, vertices_to_keep, cutoff);
// Remove current vertex from the path and make it unvisited
(*this)[start].visited = false;
AnalysisGraph AnalysisGraph::get_subgraph_for_concept(string concept,
bool inward,
int depth) {
using ranges::to;
using namespace boost::adaptors;
// Mark all the vertices as not visited
for_each(this->nodes(), [](Node& node) { node.visited = false; });
int num_verts = this->num_vertices();
unordered_set<int> vertices_to_keep = unordered_set<int>();
this->get_vertex_id(concept), vertices_to_keep, depth, inward);
unordered_set<string> nodes_to_remove =
this->node_indices() |
filtered([&](int v) { return !in(vertices_to_keep, v); }) |
transformed([&](int v) { return (*this)[v].name; }) | to<unordered_set>();
if (vertices_to_keep.size() == 0) {
print("Subgraph has 0 nodes - returning an empty CAG!");
// Make a copy of current AnalysisGraph
// TODO: We have to make sure that we are making a deep copy.
// Test so far does not show suspicious behavior
AnalysisGraph G_sub = *this;
for_each(nodes_to_remove, [&](string n) { G_sub.remove_node(n); });
return G_sub;
AnalysisGraph AnalysisGraph::get_subgraph_for_concept_pair(
string source_concept, string target_concept, int cutoff) {
int src_id = this->get_vertex_id(source_concept);
int tgt_id = this->get_vertex_id(target_concept);
unordered_set<int> vertices_to_keep;
unordered_set<string> vertices_to_remove;
vector<int> path;
// Mark all the vertices are not visited
for_each(this->node_indices(), [&](int v) { (*this)[v].visited = false; });
this->get_subgraph_between(src_id, tgt_id, path, vertices_to_keep, cutoff);
if (vertices_to_keep.size() == 0) {
print("AnalysisGraph::get_subgraph_for_concept_pair(): "
"There are no paths of length <= {0} from "
"source concept {1} --to-> target concept {2}. "
"Returning an empty CAG!",
// Determine the vertices to be removed
for (int vert_id : this->node_indices()) {
if (!in(vertices_to_keep, vert_id)) {
// Make a copy of current AnalysisGraph
// TODO: We have to make sure that we are making a deep copy.
// Test so far does not show suspicious behavior
AnalysisGraph G_sub = *this;
return G_sub;