Program Listing for File printing.cpp
↰ Return to documentation for file (lib/printing.cpp
#include "AnalysisGraph.hpp"
#include <boost/range/algorithm/for_each.hpp>
using namespace std;
using fmt::print;
Public: Printing
void AnalysisGraph::print_nodes() {
print("Vertex IDs and their names in the CAG\n");
print("Vertex ID : Name\n");
print("--------- : ----\n");
for_each(this->node_indices(), [&](int v) {
cout << v << " " << this->graph[v].name << endl;
print("Independent nodes\n");
for (int v : this->head_nodes) {
cout << v << " " << this->graph[v].name << endl;
print("Dependent nodes\n");
for (int v : this->body_nodes) {
cout << v << " " << this->graph[v].name << endl;
void AnalysisGraph::print_edges() {
for_each(edges(), [&](auto e) {
cout << "(" << (*this)[boost::source(e, this->graph)].name << ", "
<< (*this)[boost::target(e, this->graph)].name << ")" << " - "
<< (this->graph[e].is_frozen()
? "Frozen at " + to_string(this->graph[e].get_theta())
: "Free") << endl;
void AnalysisGraph::print_name_to_vertex() {
for (auto [name, vert] : this->name_to_vertex) {
cout << name << " -> " << vert << endl;
cout << endl;
void AnalysisGraph::print_indicators() {
cout << "-----Indicators-----\n";
cout << "Indicators attached to nodes\n";
for (int v : this->node_indices()) {
cout << v << ":" << (*this)[v].name << endl;
for (auto [name, vert] : (*this)[v].nameToIndexMap) {
cout << "\t"
<< "indicator " << vert << ": " << name << endl;
cout << "\nIndicators in CAG \n";
for (string ind : this->indicators_in_CAG) {
cout << "indicator: " << ind << endl;
void AnalysisGraph::print_A_beta_factors() {
int num_verts = this->num_vertices();
for (int row = 0; row < num_verts; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < num_verts; ++col) {
cout << endl << "Printing cell: (" << row << ", " << col << ") " << endl;
if (this->A_beta_factors[row][col]) {
void AnalysisGraph::print_latent_state(const Eigen::VectorXd& v) {
for (int i=0; i < this->num_vertices(); i++){
cout << (*this)[i].name << " " << v[2*i] << endl;
void AnalysisGraph::print_all_paths() {
int num_verts = this->num_vertices();
// if (this->A_beta_factors.size() != num_verts ||
// this->A_beta_factors[0].size() != num_verts) {
// this->find_all_paths();
// }
cout << "All the simple paths of:" << endl;
for (int row = 0; row < num_verts; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < num_verts; ++col) {
if (this->A_beta_factors[row][col]) {
// Given an edge (source, target vertex ids - i.e. a β ≡ ∂target/∂source),
// print all the transition matrix cells that are dependent on it.
void AnalysisGraph::print_cells_affected_by_beta(int source, int target) {
typedef multimap<pair<int, int>, pair<int, int>>::iterator MMapIterator;
pair<int, int> beta = make_pair(source, target);
pair<MMapIterator, MMapIterator> beta_dept_cells =
cout << endl
<< "Cells of A affected by beta_(" << source << ", " << target << ")"
<< endl;
for (MMapIterator it = beta_dept_cells.first; it != beta_dept_cells.second;
it++) {
cout << "(" << it->second.first * 2 << ", " << it->second.second * 2 + 1
<< ") ";
cout << endl;
void AnalysisGraph::print_training_range() {
std::cout << "ID : " << this->id << std::endl;
std::cout << "Start year : " << this->training_range.first.first << std::endl;
std::cout << "Start month: " << this->training_range.first.second << std::endl;
std::cout << "End year : " << this->training_range.second.first << std::endl;
std::cout << "End month : " << this->training_range.second.second << std::endl;
void AnalysisGraph::print_MAP_estimate() {
if (this->MAP_sample_number < 0) {
cout << "\n\nModel " << this->id << " is not trained.\n";
cout << "\tCould not print the MAP estimate.\n\n";
cout << "\n\nMAP estimate sample number: " << this->MAP_sample_number << endl;
cout << "\n\nMAP log-likelihood: " << this->log_likelihood_MAP << endl;
cout << "\nInitial derivatives:\n";
for (int v = 0; v < this->num_vertices(); v++) {
Node &n = (*this)[v];
cout << this->initial_latent_state_collection
[this->MAP_sample_number](2 * v + 1);
cout << " : " << << endl;
cout << "\nEdge weights:\n";
for (EdgeDescriptor e : this->edges()) {
cout <<this->graph[e].sampled_thetas[this->MAP_sample_number];
cout << " : (" << (*this)[boost::source(e, this->graph)].name << ", "
<< (*this)[boost::target(e, this->graph)].name << ")" << " - "
<< (this->graph[e].is_frozen()
? "Frozen at " + to_string(this->graph[e].get_theta())
: "Free") << endl;