Program Listing for File fourier.cpp
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#include "AnalysisGraph.hpp"
#include "CSVWriter.hpp"
using namespace std;
vector<double> AnalysisGraph::generate_frequencies_for_period(int period,
int n_components) {
vector<double> freqs(n_components);
// λ is the amount we have to stretch/shrink pure sinusoidal curves to make
// one sine cycle = period radians
double lambda = 2.0 * M_PI / period;
// ω is the frequency of each stretched/shrunk sinusoidal curve.
// With respect to trigonometric function differentiation, the effective
// frequency of pure sinusoidal curves is λω
for (int omega = 1; omega <= n_components; omega++) {
freqs[omega - 1] = lambda * omega;
return freqs;
pair<Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd>
AnalysisGraph::assemble_sinusoidal_generating_LDS(const vector<double> &freqs) {
int lds_size = freqs.size() * 2;
// For each effective frequency, there are two rows in the transition matrix:
// 1) for first derivative and
// 2) for second derivative
// In the state vector these rows are:
// 1) the value
// 2) the first derivative---
Eigen::MatrixXd A_sin = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(lds_size, lds_size);
Eigen::VectorXd s0_sin = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(lds_size);
for (int i = 0; i < freqs.size(); i++) {
int i2 = i * 2; // first derivative matrix row
int i2p1 = i2 + 1; // second derivative matrix row
// Assembling a block diagonal matrix
// with each 2 x 2 block having the format
// columns -> 2i 2i+1
// _________________
// row 2i | 0 1 |
// row 2i+1 | -(λω)^2 0 |
// ω = i+1 & λ = 2π/period
A_sin(i2, i2p1) = 1;
A_sin(i2p1, i2) = -freqs[i] * freqs[i];
// Considering t₀ = 0 radians, the initial state of the sinusoidal
// generating LDS is:
// row 2i | sin(λω 0) | = | 0 |
// row 2i+1 | λω cos(λω 0) | | λω |
// ω = i+1 & λ = 2π/period
s0_sin(i2p1) = freqs[i];
return make_pair(A_sin, s0_sin);
// 1087
pair<Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd>
AnalysisGraph::assemble_sinusoidal_generating_LDS(unsigned short components,
unsigned short period) {
unsigned short comps_2 = components * 2;
Eigen::MatrixXd A_sin_k = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(comps_2, comps_2);
Eigen::VectorXd s0_sin_k = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(comps_2);
// Assembling a block diagonal matrix
// with each 2 x 2 block having the format (ω = i + 1)
// colunms 2i 2i+1
// _____________________________
// row 2i | 0 1 |
// row 2i+1 | -(2πω / period)^2 0 |
for (int i = 0; i < components; i++) {
int i2 = i * 2;
int i2p1 = i2 + 1;
int ip1 = i + 1;
double combined_frequency = 2.0 * M_PI * ip1 / period;
A_sin_k(i2, i2p1) = 1;
A_sin_k(i2p1, i2) = -combined_frequency * combined_frequency;
// Considering t0 = 0 radians, the initial state of the sinusoidal
// generating LDS is:
// row 2i | sin(0) | = | 0 |
// row 2i+1 | (2πω / period) cos(0) | | (2πω / period) |
// s0_sin_k(i2p1) = ip1 * cos(ip1 * M_PI); //#(-1)**(ip1)*ip1
s0_sin_k(i2p1) = combined_frequency;
return make_pair(A_sin_k, s0_sin_k);
Eigen::MatrixXd AnalysisGraph::evolve_LDS(const Eigen::MatrixXd &A_base,
const Eigen::VectorXd &_s0,
int n_modeling_time_steps,
double step_size) {
int tot_steps = int(n_modeling_time_steps / step_size);
int lds_size = _s0.size();
// Transition matrix to advance the system one step_size forward
Eigen::MatrixXd A_step = (A_base * step_size).exp();
// A matrix to accumulate predictions of the system
Eigen::MatrixXd preds = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(lds_size, tot_steps);
preds.col(0) = _s0;
// Evolve the LDS one step_size at a time for desired number of steps
for (int col = 1; col < tot_steps; col++) {
preds.col(col) = A_step * preds.col(col - 1);
return preds;
const Eigen::MatrixXd &A_sin_base,
const Eigen::VectorXd &s0_sin,
int period) {
// Evolve the sinusoidal generating LDS one step at a time for a whole
// period to generate all the sinusoidal values required for the Fourier
// reconstruction of the seasonal time series. Column t provides
// sinusoidal values required for bin t.
Eigen::MatrixXd sinusoidals = this->evolve_LDS(A_sin_base, s0_sin, period,
// Transpose the sinusoidal matrix so that row t contains the sinusoidal
// values for bin t.
return sinusoidals;
// NOTE: This method could be made a method of the Node class. The best
// architecture would be to make a subclass, HeadNode, of Node class and
// include this method there. At the moment we incrementally create the
// graph while identifying head nodes, we are using Node objects
// everywhere. To follow the HeadNode subclass specialization route, we
// either have to replace Node objects with HeadNode objects or do a first
// pass through the input to identify head nodes and then create the graph.
const Eigen::MatrixXd &sinusoidals,
int n_components,
vector<int> &head_node_ids) {
int tot_sinusoidal_rows = 2 * n_components;
for (auto hn_id: head_node_ids) {
Node& hn = (*this)[hn_id];
/* Setting up the linear system Ux = y to solve for the
* Fourier coefficients using the least squares optimization */
// Adding one additional column for cos(0) term
Eigen::MatrixXd U = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(hn.tot_observations,
tot_sinusoidal_rows + 1);
// Setting the coefficient for cos(0) term (α₀). In the traditional
// Fourier decomposition this is 0.5 and when α₀ is used, we have to
// divide it by 2.
// To avoid this additional division, here we use 1 instead.
U.col(0) = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(hn.tot_observations); // ≡ cos(0)
Eigen::VectorXd y = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(hn.tot_observations);
int row = 0;
// Iterate through all the bins (partitions)
for (auto [bin, data] : hn.partitioned_data) {
// Iterate through all the observations in one bin
for (double obs : data.second) {
// Only the first tot_sinusoidal_rows columns of the
// sinusoidals are used.
U.block(row, 1, 1, tot_sinusoidal_rows) =
sinusoidals.block(bin, 0,
1, tot_sinusoidal_rows);
y(row) = obs;
hn.fourier_coefficients =
U.bdcSvd(Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV).solve(y);
pair<Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd>
const Eigen::MatrixXd &A_sin_base,
const Eigen::VectorXd &s0_sin,
int n_components,
int n_concepts,
unordered_map<int, int> &hn_to_mat_row) {
int tot_concept_rows = 2 * n_concepts;
int tot_sinusoidal_rows = 2 * n_components;
int lds_size = tot_concept_rows + tot_sinusoidal_rows;
unordered_map<double, int> frequency_to_idx;
for (int i = 0; i < tot_sinusoidal_rows; i += 2) {
// Since we are using t₀ = 0 radians as the initial time point, the
// odd rows of the initial state of the sinusoidal generating LDS,
// s0_sin, contains all the effective frequencies (λω) used to generate
// the sinusoidal curves of different effective frequencies. Here we
// are extracting those and assign them to the rows of the complete LDS.
// The first tot_concept_rows of the system are used to model the actual
// concepts. The latter tot_sinusoidal_rows are used to generate the
// sinusoidal curves of all the effective frequencies used to model the
// seasonal head nodes.
frequency_to_idx[s0_sin(i + 1)] = tot_concept_rows + i;
Eigen::MatrixXd A_complete_base = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(lds_size, lds_size);
// TODO: We do not have to do this within this method, when assembling the
// final LDS, we cold do this to the matrix and initial state returned by
// this method.
//A_complete_base.topLeftCorner(tot_concept_rows, tot_concept_rows) =
// A_concept_base;
A_complete_base.bottomRightCorner(tot_sinusoidal_rows, tot_sinusoidal_rows)
= A_sin_base.topLeftCorner(tot_sinusoidal_rows, tot_sinusoidal_rows);
Eigen::VectorXd s0_complete = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(lds_size);
s0_complete.tail(tot_sinusoidal_rows) = s0_sin.head(tot_sinusoidal_rows);
for (auto [hn_id, dot_row]: hn_to_mat_row) {
Node& hn = (*this)[hn_id];
int dot_dot_row = dot_row + 1;
// Sinusoidal coefficient vector to calculate initial value for concept v
Eigen::VectorXd v0 = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(hn.fourier_coefficients.size());
// Coefficient for cos(0) term (α₀). In the traditional Fourier
// decomposition this is 0.5. When we compute α₀ we include this factor
// into α₀ (Instead of computing α₀ as in the traditional Fourier series,
// we compute α₀/2 straightaway).
v0(0) = 1;
for (int concept_freq_idx = 0; concept_freq_idx < hn.n_components;
concept_freq_idx++) {
double concept_freq = hn.fourier_freqs[concept_freq_idx]; // λω
double concept_freq_squared = concept_freq * concept_freq;
int concept_freq_idx_2 = concept_freq_idx * 2;
int beta_omega_idx = concept_freq_idx_2 + 1;
int alpha_omega_idx = concept_freq_idx_2 + 2;
// Coefficient for sin(λω t) terms ≡ β_ω
double beta_omega = hn.fourier_coefficients[beta_omega_idx];
// Coefficient for λω cos(λω t) terms ≡ α_ω
double alpha_omega = hn.fourier_coefficients[alpha_omega_idx];
int sin_idx = frequency_to_idx[concept_freq];
int cos_idx = sin_idx + 1;
// Setting coefficients of the first derivative of the head node
// hn_id. They are in row 2 * hn_id in the transition matrix.
// Setting coefficients for sin terms: -freq^2 * cos_coefficient
A_complete_base(dot_row, sin_idx) = -concept_freq_squared *
// Setting coefficients for cos terms: sin_coefficient
A_complete_base(dot_row, cos_idx) = beta_omega;
// Setting coefficients of the second derivative of the head node
// hn_id. They are in row 2 * hn_id + 1 in the transition matrix.
// Setting coefficients for sin terms: -freq^2 * sin_coefficient
A_complete_base(dot_dot_row, sin_idx) = -concept_freq_squared *
// Setting coefficients for cos terms: -freq^2 * cos_coefficient
A_complete_base(dot_dot_row, cos_idx) = -concept_freq_squared *
// Populating the sinusoidal coefficient vector to compute the
// initial value for the head node hn_id.
v0(beta_omega_idx) = s0_complete(sin_idx);
v0(alpha_omega_idx) = s0_complete(cos_idx);
// Setting the initial value for head node hn_id.
s0_complete(dot_row) =;
// Setting the initial derivative for head node hn_id.
s0_complete(dot_dot_row) = A_complete_base.row(dot_row).dot(s0_complete);
return make_pair(A_complete_base, s0_complete);
bool AnalysisGraph::determine_the_best_number_of_components(
const Eigen::MatrixXd & A_hn_period_base,
const Eigen::VectorXd & s0_hn_period,
int period,
int n_components,
unordered_map<int, int> &hn_to_mat_row) {
Eigen::MatrixXd A_till_first_midpoint = (A_hn_period_base * 0.5).exp();
// Evolve the system for 1 period of time steps at between bin midpoints.
// Column b of preds contain the predictions for the midpoint between bin
// b and bin (b + 1) % period.
Eigen::MatrixXd preds = this->evolve_LDS(A_hn_period_base,
A_till_first_midpoint *
period, 1);
// Track whether the rmse for at least one head node got reduced for this
// number of components. This means we have to check the rmse for
// n_components + 1. Monitoring this allows us to stop training when rmses
// are not reducing for all the head nodes with the specified period.
bool rmses_are_reducing = false;
for (auto [hn_id, hn_preds_row]: hn_to_mat_row) {
// NOTE: This for loop could be made a method of the Node class. The
// best architecture would be to make a subclass, HeadNode, of
// Node class and include this for loop as a method there. At the
// moment we incrementally create the graph while identifying head
// nodes, we are using Node objects everywhere. To follow the
// HeadNode subclass specialization route, we either have to
// replace Node objects with HeadNode objects or do a first pass
// through the input to identify head nodes and then create the
// graph.
Node& hn = (*this)[hn_id];
vector<double> errors;
// TODO: Just for debugging delete
//for (auto [midpoint, vals] : hn.partitioned_data) {
//for (double val : vals.second) {
// Iterate through all the midpoint bins
for (auto [midpoint, vals] : hn.between_bin_midpoints) {
// Iterate through all the linear interpolated midpoints in the
// current midpoint bin.
for (double val : vals) {
errors.push_back(val - preds(hn_preds_row, midpoint));
double rmse = -1;
if (errors.size() > 0) {
rmse = sqrt(inner_product(errors.begin(), errors.end(),
errors.begin(), 0.0) / errors.size());
// cout << n_components << " : " << rmse << endl;
if (hn.rmse_is_reducing) {
// RMSE for this head node got reduced for this head node for
// n_components - 1 components.
hn.rmse_is_reducing = (rmse < hn.best_rmse);
if (hn.rmse_is_reducing) {
// RMSE for this head node got reduced this time as well for
// n_components components.
// Remember that rmse for at least one head node got reduced
// during this run. So, we need to check again for
// n_components + 1 components.
rmses_are_reducing = true;
// Remember the best model we have so far.
hn.best_rmse = rmse;
hn.best_n_components = n_components;
hn.best_fourier_coefficients = hn.fourier_coefficients;
return rmses_are_reducing;
pair<Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd>
unordered_set<double> fourier_frequency_set,
int n_concepts,
unordered_map<int, int> &hn_to_mat_row) {
// Prepare all the sinusoidal frequencies needed to model all the
// seasonal head nodes possibly with various periods.
vector<double> all_freqs(fourier_frequency_set.begin(),
// This is not as essential step. But it makes the transition matrix more
// ordered, easily inspectable and helps debugging.
sort(all_freqs.begin(), all_freqs.end());
auto [A_sin_all_base, s0_sin_all] =
auto [A_concept_full_base, s0_concept_full] =
return make_pair(A_concept_full_base, s0_concept_full);
void AnalysisGraph::merge_concept_LDS_into_seasonal_head_node_modeling_LDS(
const Eigen::MatrixXd &A_concept_base,
const Eigen::VectorXd s0_concept) {
// Merge the initial state for concepts with the initial state for
// Fourier decomposition based seasonal head node model.
this->current_latent_state = this->s0_fourier;
this->current_latent_state.head(s0_concept.size()) += s0_concept;
// Merge the transition matrix for concepts with the transition matrix
// for Fourier decomposition based seasonal head node model.
A_concept_base.cols()) =
void AnalysisGraph::predictions_to_csv(const Eigen::MatrixXd &A_base,
const Eigen::VectorXd &_s0,
int n_time_steps) {
CSVWriter writer("head_node_predictions_" +
to_string(_s0.size() / 2) + ".csv");
int lds_size = _s0.size();
// Evolve the LDS one step_size at a time for desired number of steps
Eigen::MatrixXd preds = this->evolve_LDS(A_base, _s0, n_time_steps, 0.25);
int tot_steps = preds.cols();
// Transpose the prediction matrix so that
// col 2i - Predictions for variable i in the system
// col 2i+1 - Derivatives for variable i in the system
// Each row is a time step
// This has tot_step rows and lds_size columns.
// Output the whole prediction matrix, including derivatives, into a csv
// file.
for (int step = 0; step < tot_steps; step++) {
vector<double> preds_at_step(lds_size);
Eigen::VectorXd::Map(&preds_at_step[0], lds_size) = preds.row(step);
writer.write_row(preds_at_step.begin(), preds_at_step.end());
std::pair<Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd>
AnalysisGraph::fit_seasonal_head_node_model_via_fourier_decomposition() {
// Group seasonal head nodes according to their seasonality.
unordered_map<int, vector<int>> period_to_head_nodes;
for (int head_node_id: this->head_nodes) {
Node& hn = (*this)[head_node_id];
std::unordered_set<double> fourier_frequency_set;
for (auto [period, hn_ids]: period_to_head_nodes) {
// The maximum number of components we are going to evaluate in search
// of the best number of components to be used.
// max_k < period / 2 (Nyquist theorem)
int max_k = period / 2;
// Generate the maximum number of sinusoidal frequencies needed for the
// period. By the Nyquist theorem this number is floor(period / 2)
// The actual number of frequencies used to model a concept could be
// less than this, which is decided by computing the root mean squared
// error of the predictions for each number of components
vector<double> period_freqs =
this->generate_frequencies_for_period(period, max_k);
// Assemble the sinusoidal generating LDS with the maximum number of
// components. This includes all the sinusoidals needed for every lesser
// number of components we are going to try out.
auto [A_sin_max_k_base, s0_sin_max_k] =
Eigen::MatrixXd sinusoidals = this->generate_sinusoidal_values_for_bins(
A_sin_max_k_base, s0_sin_max_k, period);
// Assign transition matrix rows to head nodes with this period.
// NOTE: At this moment we do not need to reformat the head node vector
// this way. We could just use the head node vector as it is and
// compute the transition matrix row based on the index at which
// each head node is at.
// I am doing this to make assemble_head_node_modeling_LDS()
// method more generalized so that I could reuse it to assemble
// the final complete LDS with all the nodes (seasonal head nodes
// with different periods and body nodes).
// At the moment, in the complete system, head nodes does not
// occupy a contiguous range of rows in the transition matrix.
unordered_map<int, int> hn_to_mat_row;
for (int v = 0; v < hn_ids.size(); v++) {
hn_to_mat_row[hn_ids[v]] = 2 * v;
// Again in the light of reusing the LDS assembly code to assemble
// the complete LDS
Node& hn = (*this)[hn_ids[v]];
hn.fourier_freqs = period_freqs;
for (int components = 0; components <= max_k; components++) {
for (auto hn_id: hn_ids) {
// Again in the light of reusing the LDS assembly code to assemble
// the complete LDS
Node& hn = (*this)[hn_id];
hn.n_components = components;
sinusoidals, components, hn_ids);
// Assemble the LDS that generates the head nodes with this
// period using this number of components.
auto [A_concept_period_base, s0_concept_period] =
bool rmses_are_reducing = determine_the_best_number_of_components(
if (!rmses_are_reducing) {
// Node& hn_dbg = (*this)[hn_ids[0]]; // TODO: Just for debugging delete
// cout << "Best: " << hn_dbg.best_n_components << " : "
// << hn_dbg.best_rmse << endl;
// Accumulate all the fourier frequencies needed to model all the head
// nodes with this period
int max_n_components_for_period = 0;
for (auto hn_id: hn_ids) {
Node& hn = (*this)[hn_id];
// In the assemble_head_node_modeling_LDS() method
// Node object members: n_components and fourier_coefficients are
// accessed.
// When we assemble the final transition matrix with all the fitted
// seasonal head nodes and all the body nodes, we have to use Node
// object members: best_n_components and best_fourier_coefficients,
// for the final system to utilize the fitted seasonal models.
// Therefore, we reassign best_n_components and
// best_fourier_coefficient to n_components and
// fourier_coefficients members so that we could reuse the
// assemble_head_node_modeling_LDS() method
// seamlessly without any change or state checking at the time of
// assembling the transition matrix for the final complete system.
hn.n_components = hn.best_n_components;
hn.fourier_coefficients = hn.best_fourier_coefficients;
hn.best_fourier_coefficients.resize(0); // To save some memory
if (hn.best_n_components > max_n_components_for_period) {
max_n_components_for_period = hn.best_n_components;
// Remember all the sinusoidal frequencies needed to fit the best
// Fourier decomposition based seasonal model each of the
// seasonal head nodes with this period.
period_freqs.begin() + max_n_components_for_period);
// Assign transition matrix rows to seasonal head nodes.
unordered_map<int, int> hn_to_mat_row;
// Using only the seasonal head nodes
//int row = 0;
//for (int hn_id: this->head_nodes) {
// hn_to_mat_row[hn_id] = row;
// row += 2;
//int n_concepts = this->head_nodes.size();
// Using all the nodes
for (int hn_id: this->head_nodes) {
hn_to_mat_row[hn_id] = 2 * hn_id;
int n_concepts = this->num_vertices();
std::pair<Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd> seasonal_head_node_LDS =
// seasonal_head_node_LDS.second, 24);
return seasonal_head_node_LDS;