Program Listing for File format_output.cpp

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#include "AnalysisGraph.hpp"

AnalysisGraph::get_credible_interval(Predictions preds) {
  CredibleIntervals cis;
    // The calculation of the 95% confidence interval about the median is
    // taken from:
    // \
    //     about-statistical-courses/research-methods-and-statistics/chapter-8-content-8
    int n = this->res;
    int lower_rank = int((n - 1.96 * sqrt(n)) / 2);
    int upper_rank = int((2 + n + 1.96 * sqrt(n)) / 2);
    int middle = n / 2;
    bool n_is_odd = (n % 2 == 1);

    lower_rank = lower_rank < 0 ? 0 : lower_rank;
    upper_rank = upper_rank >= n ? n-1 : upper_rank;

    for (auto [ind_name, ind_preds] : preds) {
        std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<double>> ind_cis;

        for (int ts = 0; ts < this->pred_timesteps; ts++) {

            sort(ind_preds[ts].begin(), ind_preds[ts].end());
            double median_value = n_is_odd ? ind_preds[ts][middle]
                : (ind_preds[ts][middle] + ind_preds[ts][middle - 1]) / 2.0;
            double lower_limit = ind_preds[ts][lower_rank];
            double upper_limit = ind_preds[ts][upper_rank];

            ind_cis["Upper 95% CI"].push_back(upper_limit);
            ind_cis["Lower 95% CI"].push_back(lower_limit);
        cis[ind_name] = ind_cis;
    return cis;

CompleteState AnalysisGraph::get_complete_state() {
    ConceptIndicators concept_indicators;
    Edges edges;
    Adjectives adjectives;
    Polarities polarities;
    Thetas thetas;
    Derivatives derivatives;
    Predictions predictions;
    Data data_set;

    for (int v : this->node_indices()) {
        for (auto [ind_name, vert] : (*this)[v].nameToIndexMap) {

    for (auto e : this->edges()) {
        const Node& s = this->source(e);
        const Node& t = this->target(e);

        const Statement& stmt_0 = this->graph[e].evidence[0];
        const Event& subject = stmt_0.subject;
        const Event& object = stmt_0.object;

        std::string subj_adjective = subject.adjective;
        std::string obj_adjective = object.adjective;

        int subj_polarity = subject.polarity;
        int obj_polarity = object.polarity;

        adjectives.push_back(std::make_pair(subj_adjective, obj_adjective));
        polarities.push_back(std::make_pair(subj_polarity, obj_polarity));

        std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<double>> prior;
        std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<double>> sampled_thetas;
        prior["Prior"] = this->graph[e].kde.dataset;
        sampled_thetas["Sampled Thetas"] = this->graph[e].sampled_thetas;

//        thetas.push_back(std::make_pair(this->graph[e].kde.dataset, this->graph[e].sampled_thetas));
        thetas.push_back(std::make_tuple(this->graph[e].kde.dataset, this->graph[e].sampled_thetas, this->graph[e].kde.log_prior_hist));

    for (auto [vert_name, vert_id] : this->name_to_vertex) {
        for (int samp = 0; samp < this->res; samp++) {
            derivatives[vert_name].push_back(this->initial_latent_state_collection[samp](vert_id * 2 + 1));
    int year = this->training_range.first.first;
    int month = this->training_range.first.second;
    int num_data_points =
    std::vector<std::string> data_range;

    for (int t = 0; t < num_data_points ; t++) {
        data_range.push_back(std::to_string(year) + "-" + std::to_string(month));

        if (month == 12) {
            month = 1;
        else {
    for (auto [vert_name, vert_id] : this->name_to_vertex) {
        for (auto [ind_name, ind_id] : (*this)[vert_id].nameToIndexMap) {
            std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<double>> preds;
            std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<double>> data;

            for (int ts = 0; ts < this->pred_timesteps; ts++) {
                for (int samp = 0; samp < this->res; samp++) {
            predictions[ind_name] = preds;

            //for (int ts = 0; ts < this->n_timesteps; ts++) {
            for (int ts = 0; ts < this->observed_state_sequence.size(); ts++) {
                if (this->observed_state_sequence[ts][vert_id].empty()) {
                    // This concept has no indicator specified in the create-model
                    // call
                for (double obs : this->observed_state_sequence[ts][vert_id][ind_id]) {
                    data["Time Step"].push_back(ts);
            data_set[ind_name] = data;

    //std::vector<long> data_range(this->n_timesteps);
    std::vector<long> data_range(this->observed_state_sequence.size());
    double timestep = 0;
    //for (int ts = 0; ts < this->n_timesteps; ts++) {
    for (int ts = 0; ts < this->observed_state_sequence.size(); ts++) {
        timestep += this->modeling_timestep_gaps[ts];
        //data_range[ts] = this->train_start_epoch +
        //                timestep * this->num_modeling_timesteps_per_one_observation_timestep;
        data_range[ts] = timestep;

    std::vector<double> prediction_range(this->pred_timesteps);

    for (int ts = 0; ts < this->pred_timesteps; ts++) {
      //prediction_range[ts] = this->train_start_epoch + (this->pred_start_timestep + ts * this->delta_t) * this->num_modeling_timesteps_per_one_observation_timestep;
      prediction_range[ts] = this->pred_start_timestep + ts * this->delta_t;

    CredibleIntervals cis = get_credible_interval(predictions);

    //return std::make_tuple(concept_indicators, edges, adjectives, polarities, thetas, derivatives, data_range, data_set, this->pred_range, predictions, cis);
    return std::make_tuple(concept_indicators, edges, adjectives, polarities, thetas, derivatives, data_range, data_set, prediction_range, predictions, cis, this->log_likelihoods, this->n_kde_kernels);