Class Indicator

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class Indicator : public RV

The Indicator class represents an abstraction of a concrete, tangible quantity that is in some way representative of a higher level concept (i.e. a node in an :class:delphi.AnalysisGraph.AnalysisGraph object.)

Param source:

The source database (FAO, WDI, etc.)

Param unit:

The units of the indicator.

Param mean:

The mean value of the indicator (for performing conditional forecasting queries on the model.)

Param value:

The current value of the indicator (used while performing inference)

Param stdev:

The standard deviation of the indicator.

Param time:

The time corresponding to the parameterization of the indicator.

Param aggaxes:

A list of axes across which the indicator values have been aggregated. Examples: ‘month’, ‘year’, ‘state’, etc.

Param aggregation_method:

The method of aggregation across the aggregation axes. Currently defaults to ‘mean’.

Param timeseries:

A time series for the indicator.

Public Functions

inline Indicator()
inline Indicator(std::string name, std::string source = "", std::string unit = "", double mean = 1, double value = 0, double stdev = 1, std::string time = "", std::vector<std::string> aggaxes = {}, std::string aggregation_method = "first", double timeseries = 0, std::vector<double> samples = {})
inline std::string get_name()
inline void set_source(std::string source)
inline std::string get_source()
inline void set_unit(std::string unit)
inline std::string get_unit()
inline void set_mean(double mean)
inline double get_mean()
inline void set_value(double value)
inline double get_value()
inline void set_stdev(double stdev)
inline double get_stdev()
inline void set_time(std::string time)
inline std::string get_time()
inline void set_aggaxes(std::vector<std::string> aggaxes)
inline std::vector<std::string> get_aggaxes()
inline void set_aggregation_method(std::string aggregation_method)
inline std::string get_aggregation_method()
inline void set_timeseries(double timeseries)
inline double get_timeseries()
inline void set_samples(std::vector<double> samples)
inline std::vector<double> get_samples()
void set_default_unit()

Public Members

std::string source = ""
std::string unit = ""
double mean = 1
double value = 0
double stdev = 1
std::string time = ""
std::vector<std::string> aggaxes = {}
std::string aggregation_method = "first"
double timeseries = 0
std::vector<double> samples = {}