Source code for delphi.translators.for2py.rectify

The purpose of this module is to do all the clean up for
This ( module contains functions that receive OFP generated XML as an input.
Then, the functions removes any unnecessary elements and refactor randomly structured
(nested) elements into a correct structure. The output file will be
approximately 30%~40% lighter in terms of number of lines than the OFP XML.

Author: Terrence J. Lim

import re
import os
import sys
import argparse
import json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import copy
from delphi.translators.for2py import For2PyError, syntax, f2grfn
from os.path import isfile, join
from typing import List, Tuple

    "int": "integer",
    "bool": "logical",

[docs]class RectifiedXMLGenerator: def __init__(self): # True if derived type declaration exist self.is_derived_type = False # True if derived type var. reference exist self.is_derived_type_ref = False # True if current var. is an array self.is_array = False # True if format exists in the code self.is_format = False # True if current var. is for function argument self.is_function_arg = False # True only if goto-stmt exists in the AST self.need_goto_elimination = False # True if more goto-stmt exists self.continue_elimination = False # True if operation negation is needed self.need_op_negation = False # True if any statement requires reconstruction self.need_reconstruct = False # True if each goto case is ready for reconstruction self.reconstruct_after_case_now = False self.reconstruct_before_case_now = False # True if each goto case encountered self.label_before = False self.label_after = False # True if statement nests stop statement self.is_stop = False # True if statements follow either after # goto or label. Both cannot be true # at the same time self.collect_stmts_after_goto = False self.collect_stmts_after_label = False # True if collecting of statement is done self.collecting_stmts_done = False # True if reconstruction (goto elimination) is done self.reconstruction_for_after_done = False self.reconstruction_for_before_done = False # True if one reconstructed statement needs another # reconstruction by nesting it under do while due to # label_before case exist as it's parent goto self.encapsulate_under_do_while = False # Keep a track where goto was declared # whether it's under program(main) or loop body self.goto_under_loop = False # Keeps track of the signed real/int literal constant inside data # statements self.is_data_stmt_constant = False # Keeps records of encountered <goto-stmt> lbl value self.goto_target_lbl_after = [] self.goto_target_lbl_before = [] # Keeps records of encountered <label> lbl value self.label_lbl_for_before = [] self.label_lbl_for_after = [] # A name mapper list for declared # 'label_flag_' variables self.declared_label_flags = [] self.declared_goto_flags = [] # A list to hold save_entity tags self.saved_entities = [] # Keep a track of all encountered goto and label stmts self.encountered_goto_label = [] # Keep a track of goto and label with its case self.goto_label_with_case = {} # Keeps a track of current label of goto-stmt self.current_label = None # Keep a track of operations for conditional goto # key will be the unique code assigned to each <goto-stmt> # {code:Element} self.conditional_op = {} # Counts the number of <goto-stmt> in the code self.goto_stmt_counter = 0 # Keep a track of collected goto-stmts and labels # for goto elimination and reconstruction self.stmts_after_goto = { 'goto-stmts': [], 'labels': [], } # Dictionary to hold statements before_after case self.statements_to_reconstruct_before = { "stmts-follow-label": [], "count-gotos": 0, } # Dictionary to hold statements label_after case self.statements_to_reconstruct_after = { "stmts-follow-goto": [], "stmts-follow-label": [], "count-gotos": 0, } # Keeps a track of current derived type name self.cur_derived_type_name = None # Keeps a track of current scope of code # i.e. program, main, or function, etc. self.current_scope = None # Keep a track of both array and non-array variables # in the dictionary of {'name' : 'scope'} self.declared_non_array_vars = {} self.declared_array_vars = {} # Keep a track of declared derived type variables self.derived_type_var_holder_list = [] # Holds variables extracted from derived type refenrece # i.e. x%y%z, then x and y and z self.derived_type_refs = [] # Keeps track of subscripts of arrays self.subscripts_holder = [] # Holds format XML for later reconstruction self.format_holder = [] # Holds a type of parent element's type element self.parent_type = ET.Element('') # Holds XML of derived type reference for later reconstruction self.derived_type_ref = ET.Element('') # Actually holds XML of current scope self.current_body_scope = ET.Element('') # Keeps a track of parent statements to goto-stmt self.goto_stmt_parents = [] # Keeps a track of parent statements to label self.label_parents = [] # Flag to check if the variable is a character self.is_character = False # List to store all the character variables defined self.character_var_list = [] # Keeps a track of the main body that the statement # is nested under, i.e. program, loop, and if, etc self.body_level = { "current": None, "prev": None, "grand-prev": None, } self.body_level_rank = { "program": 1, "loop": 2, "if": 2 } self.body_elem_holder = { "program": None, "loop": None, "if": None, } # Check for the status whether current <goto-stmt> is # conditional or not. self.conditional_goto = False # True if goto handling needs outward or # inward movement. self.outward_move = False self.inward_move = False # True if another <if> appears before # goto. This <if> has nothing to do # conditional status of goto. self.if_appear_before_goto = True # True if goto is under <if> that is # a conditional goto statement. self.goto_under_if = False # If goto is conditional and under else # that is a case of conditional without operator self.goto_under_else = False # When handling function, collect names self.args_for_function = [] # Holds arguments of subroutine or function XML object self.arguments_list = {} # Holds function argument types self.argument_types = {} # Temporarily holds the type of declaring variable type self.variable_type = None # Holds the caller arguments that are array self.caller_arr_arguments = {} # Set to true if handling <call> self.call_function = False self.original_fortran_file_abs_path = None self.module_log_file_path = None self.module_files_to_process = [] self.modules_in_file = [] self.derived_type_array_dimensions = {} self.dim = 0 # Keeps a track of maximum number of function # arguments that are member of interface self.member_function_argument_max = 0 # Mark whether currently handling interface # member functions self.is_interface_member = False # Keeps a track of interface function names self.interface_functions = {} self.interface_function_xml = {} # Mark wheter currently handling interface self.is_interface = False # Keep a track of currently declaring interface name self.cur_interface_name = None # Keep a track of interface XML object for later update self.interface_xml = {} self.dimensions_holder = None # Keep a dictionary of declared variables {"var_name":"type"} # by their scope self.variables_by_scope = {} # Keep a track of used module in the current program self.used_modules = [] # Holds module summary imported from modFileLog.json file self.module_summary = {} ################################################################# # # # TAG LISTS FOR EACH HANDLER # # # ################################################################# file_child_tags = [ "program", "subroutine", "module", "declaration", "function", "prefix" ] program_child_tags = [ "header", "body" ] statement_child_tags = [ "assignment", "write", "format", "stop", "execution-part", "print", "open", "read", "close", "call", "statement", "label", "literal", "continue-stmt", "do-term-action-stmt", "return", "contains-stmt", "declaration", "prefix", "function", "internal-subprogram", "internal-subprogram-part", "prefix", "exit", "cycle", ] loop_child_tags = [ "header", "body", "format" ] specification_child_tags = [ "declaration", "use", ] declaration_child_tags = [ "type", "dimensions", "variables", "format", "name", "type-declaration-stmt", "prefix-spec", "save-stmt", "saved-entity", "access-spec", "attr-spec", "access-stmt", "access-id-list", "constants", "interface", "subroutine", "intent", "names", "procedure-stmt", "literal", "values" ] value_child_tags = [ "literal", "operation", "name", ] derived_type_child_tags = [ "declaration-type-spec", "type-param-or-comp-def-stmt-list", "component-decl-list__begin", "component-initialization", "data-component-def-stmt", "component-def-stmt", "component-attr-spec-list", "component-attr-spec-list__begin", "explicit-shape-spec-list__begin", "explicit-shape-spec", "explicit-shape-spec-list", "component-attr-spec", "component-attr-spec-list__begin", "component-shape-spec-list__begin", "explicit-shape-spec-list__begin", "explicit-shape-spec", "component-attr-spec", "component-attr-spec-list", "end-type-stmt", "derived-type-def", ] header_child_tags = [ "index-variable", "operation", "arguments", "names", "name", "loop-control", "label", "literal", "equiv-operand__equiv-op", "subroutine-stmt", "value-ranges", ] body_child_tags = [ "specification", "statement", "loop", "if", "label", "stop", "do-term-action-stmt", "select", "case", ] operand_child_tags = [ "name", "literal", "operation", ] subscripts_child_tags = [ "name", "literal", "operation", "argument", "range", ] index_range_child_tags = [ "lower-bound", "upper-bound", "step", ] bound_child_tags = [ "literal", "name", "operation", ] module_child_tags = [ "header", "body", "module-stmt", "members", "end-module-stmt", "contains-stmt", ] members_child_tags = [ "subroutine", "module-subprogram", "module-subprogram-part", "declaration", "prefix", "function", ] only_child_tags = [ "name", "only", "only-list", ] select_child_tags = [ "header", "body", ] case_child_tags = [ "header", "body", ] unnecessary_tags = [ "do-variable", "end-program-stmt", "main-program", "char-selector", "declaration-type-spec", "type-param-or-comp-def-stmt-list", "component-decl-list__begin", "data-component-def-stmt", "component-def-stmt", "component-initialization", "attr-spec", "attr-id", "designator", "int-literal-constant", "char-literal-constant", "real-literal-constant", "io-control-spec", "array-spec-element", "print-stmt", "print-format", "keyword-argument", "end-subroutine-stmt", "logical-literal-constant", "equiv-op", "equiv-operand", "saved-entity-list__begin", "saved-entity-list", "access-id", "parameter-stmt", "type-param-value", "char-selector", "interface-block", "interface-stmt", "interface-body", "interface-specification", "end-interface-stmt", "select-case-stmt", "case-selector", "case-stmt", "end-select-stmt", "component-attr-spec-list__begin", "explicit-shape-spec-list__begin", "explicit-shape-spec", "explicit-shape-spec-list", "component-attr-spec", "component-attr-spec-list", "sequence-stmt", "private-or-sequence", "data-stmt-set", "data-stmt", "signed-real-literal-constant", "signed-int-literal-constant", "data-stmt-constant", "data-i-do-object-list__begin", ] output_child_tags = [ "name", "literal", "operation", ] dtype_var_declaration_tags = [ "component-decl", "component-decl-list", "component-decl-list__begin", ] variable_child_tags = [ "initial-value", "length", "dimensions", ] ################################################################# # # # HANDLER FUNCTIONS # # # #################################################################
[docs] def handle_tag_file( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the file elements. In order to control new sub-element creation under the current element, if child.tag == "__tag_name__" has been added. If any new tag(s) that is not being handled currently, appears in the future, add child.tag == "__tag_name__" at the end of the last condition. This applies all other handler functions. <file> </file> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) try: _ = self.file_child_tags.index(child.tag) except KeyError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_file: "{child.tag}" not handled' if len(child) > 0 or child.text: self.parseXMLTree(child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse)
[docs] def handle_tag_program( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the program elements. <program> </program> """ self.current_scope = root.attrib['name'] for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag in self.program_child_tags: if child.tag == "body": self.current_body_scope = cur_elem self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_program: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_header( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the header elements. <header> </header> """ # This holder will be used only when refactoring of header is needed, # such as with odd syntax of .eqv. operator temp_elem_holder = [] target_tags = [ "name", "literal", "equiv-operand__equiv-op" ] need_refactoring = False for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.tag in self.header_child_tags: if child.tag == "subroutine-stmt": current.attrib.update(child.attrib) else: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) # Add a new interface:[] element into the interface # function tracker dictionary if current header is # for declaring interface. if self.is_interface and cur_elem.tag == "name": self.interface_functions[cur_elem.attrib['id']] = [] self.interface_function_xml[cur_elem.attrib['id']] = {} self.cur_interface_name = cur_elem.attrib['id'] if len(child) > 0 or child.text: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) # If the current header belongs to <function>, # we need to manipulate the structure of the AST # to have an equivalent syntax as <subroutine> if ( parent.tag == "function" and cur_elem.tag == "names" ): current.remove(cur_elem) count = len(self.args_for_function) cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, "arguments", {"count": str(count)}) for arg in self.args_for_function: _ = ET.SubElement( cur_elem, "argument", {"name": arg, "is_array": "false"} ) # If the current header belongs to <subroutine>, # add it to the arguments_list for later # array status marking when a function call happens if ( (parent.tag == "subroutine" and child.tag == "arguments") or parent.tag == "function" ): sub_name = parent.attrib["name"] self.arguments_list[sub_name] = cur_elem if cur_elem.tag in target_tags: temp_elem_holder.append(cur_elem) if cur_elem.tag == "equiv-operand__equiv-op": need_refactoring = True # Handler for the case where label appears under # the header element. This happens when label # is assigned to the if statement. if ( traverse == 1 and child.tag == "label" ): lbl = child.attrib['lbl'] parent.attrib['label'] = lbl self.encountered_goto_label.append(lbl) # Label-before case if ( not self.goto_target_lbl_after or lbl not in self.goto_target_lbl_after ): self.goto_label_with_case[lbl] = "before" if self.label_after: self.label_before = False else: self.label_before = True if lbl not in self.label_lbl_for_before: self.label_lbl_for_before.append(lbl) else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_header: Empty elements "{child.tag}"' # Revert the argument list back to its empty state to accommodate for # new functions self.args_for_function = [] # equivalent operator has a weird ast syntax, # so it requires refactoring. if need_refactoring: self.reconstruct_header(temp_elem_holder, current)
[docs] def handle_tag_body( self, root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the body elements. <body> </body> """ current.attrib['parent'] = parent.tag self.body_elem_holder[parent.tag] = current # Keeping the track of the body's boundary. if traverse == 1: if self.body_level['prev'] is None: self.body_level['grand-prev'] = parent.tag self.body_level['prev'] = parent.tag else: assert ( self.body_level['current'] is not None ), "self.body_level['current'] cannot be None." self.body_level['grand-prev'] = self.body_level['prev'] self.body_level['prev'] = self.body_level['current'] self.body_level['current'] = parent.tag for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag in self.body_child_tags: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) if traverse == 1: # Handling conditional <goto-stmt> if ( parent.tag == "if" and "goto-stmt" in cur_elem.attrib ): assert ( "lbl" in cur_elem.attrib ), "Label 'lbl' must be present in <if> attrib" # goto-stmt counter will be used as # an identifier for two statements # that are nested one in another unique_code = str(self.goto_stmt_counter) parent.attrib['conditional-goto-stmt-lbl'] = \ cur_elem.attrib['lbl'] parent.attrib['code'] = unique_code if "goto-move" in cur_elem.attrib: parent.attrib['goto-move'] = "true" if "goto-remove" in cur_elem.attrib: parent.attrib['goto-remove'] = "true" cur_elem.attrib['conditional-goto-stmt'] = "true" cur_elem.attrib['code'] = unique_code # If the <statement> for <goto-stmt> is nested # under the conditional <if>, then the boundary of # <statement> remains as the current - 1 level. cur_elem.attrib['body-level'] = \ self.body_level['prev'] self.body_level['current'] = self.body_level['prev'] else: self.body_level['grand-prev'] = \ self.body_level['prev'] self.body_level['prev'] = self.body_level['current'] self.body_level['current'] = parent.tag # Check if conditional goto-stmt is under loop statement if parent.tag == "loop": if ( child.tag == "if" or ( child.tag == "statement" and "conditional-goto-stmt" in child.attrib ) ): self.goto_under_loop = True # Check a case where <if> under another <if>. # <if> # <if> if ( grandparent.tag == "body" and "parent" in grandparent.attrib and grandparent.attrib['parent'] == "if" ): self.goto_under_if = True else: # A Checker for whether current statement is # nested under the loop. if "body-level" in cur_elem.attrib: if cur_elem.attrib['body-level'] == "loop": self.goto_under_loop = True else: self.goto_under_loop = False new_parent = current # Reconstruction of statements if ( "parent" in current.attrib and ( (not self.goto_under_loop and not self.goto_under_if and current.attrib['parent'] == "program") or (self.goto_under_if and current.attrib['parent'] == "if") or (self.goto_under_loop and current.attrib['parent'] == "loop") ) ): # Remove statements marked for removal(2nd traverse) if ( "goto-remove" in child.attrib or "goto-move" in child.attrib ): current.remove(cur_elem) if ( self.reconstruct_after_case_now and not self.reconstruction_for_after_done ): self.reconstruct_goto_after_label( new_parent, traverse, self.statements_to_reconstruct_after ) if self.label_lbl_for_before: self.continue_elimination = True if ( self.reconstruct_before_case_now and not self.reconstruction_for_before_done ): reconstruct_target = \ self.statements_to_reconstruct_before self.reconstruct_goto_before_label( new_parent, traverse, reconstruct_target ) if self.label_lbl_for_after: self.continue_elimination = True if ( not self.label_lbl_for_before and not self.label_lbl_for_after ): self.continue_elimination = False else: assert False, f'In handle_tag_body: "{child.tag}" ' \ f'not handled' else: if ( child.tag in self.body_child_tags and child.tag != "statement" ): _ = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) elif child.tag == "statement": if len(child) > 0: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_body: Empty elements "{child.tag}"' \ f' not handled' if self.is_format: self.reconstruct_format(parent, traverse) self.is_format = False
[docs] def handle_tag_specification( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the specification elements. <specification> </specification> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) try: _ = self.specification_child_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_specification: "{child.tag}" not handled' self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: if child.tag != "declaration": assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_specification: Empty elements ' \ f'"{child.tag}"'
[docs] def handle_tag_declaration( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the declaration elements. <declaration> </declaration> """ is_derived_type_dimension_setting = False is_end_of_one_dimension = False dim_number = 0 for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) # Temporarily hold the declaring variable's type. if child.tag == "type" and "name" in child.attrib: self.variable_type = child.attrib['name'] # Keep a track of array in derived type dimension information. if child.tag == "explicit-shape-spec-list__begin": is_derived_type_dimension_setting = True self.dim += 1 dim_number += 1 self.derived_type_array_dimensions[self.dim] = [] elif child.tag == "explicit-shape-spec": is_end_of_one_dimension = True dim_number += 1 elif child.tag == "explicit-shape-spec-list": is_derived_type_dimension_setting = False if len(child) > 0 or child.text: if child.tag in self.declaration_child_tags: if child.tag == "format": self.is_format = True self.format_holder.append(child) elif ( child.tag == "name" or child.tag == "literal" ): if is_derived_type_dimension_setting: child.attrib["dim-number"] = str(dim_number) self.derived_type_array_dimensions[self.dim].append(child) else: self.derived_type_var_holder_list.append(child) else: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag == "dimensions": self.is_array = True self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) elif ( child.tag == "component-array-spec" or child.tag == "operation" ): self.derived_type_var_holder_list.append(child) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_declaration: "{child.tag}" not handled' else: if child.tag in self.declaration_child_tags: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag == "saved-entity": # If you find saved-entity, add the element to a list # and remove it from the XML since you want to shift # it below save-stmt self.saved_entities.append(cur_elem) current.remove(cur_elem) elif child.tag == "save-stmt": # If you find save-stmt, check if it contains # saved-entities and add it below this XML element if len(self.saved_entities) > 0: for item in self.saved_entities: _ = ET.SubElement(cur_elem, item.tag, item.attrib) # Reinitialize this list since you'll need an # empty one for the next SAVE statement self.saved_entities = [] elif ( child.tag == "component-decl" or child.tag == "component-decl-list" or child.tag == "component-decl-list__begin" ): current.attrib['type'] = "derived-type" self.derived_type_var_holder_list.append(child) elif child.tag == "component-array-spec": self.derived_type_var_holder_list.append(child) else: if ( child.tag not in self.unnecessary_tags and child.tag not in self.derived_type_child_tags ): assert ( False ), f'self.In handle_tag_declaration: Empty elements "' \ f'{child.tag}" not handled' if self.is_array: self.is_array = False if self.is_character: self.is_character = False # If is_derived_type is true, # reconstruct the derived type declaration AST structure if self.is_derived_type: if self.derived_type_var_holder_list: # Modify or add 'name' attribute of the MAIN (or the outer # most) <type> elements with the name of derived type name self.parent_type.set("name", self.cur_derived_type_name) self.reconstruct_derived_type_declaration() self.is_derived_type = False self.variable_type = None if self.dimensions_holder: self.restruct_declaration(current, parent) parent.remove(current) self.dimensions_holder = None # Keep a track of all declared variables by scope if ( "type" in current.attrib and current.attrib['type'] == "variable" ): if self.current_scope not in self.variables_by_scope: self.variables_by_scope[self.current_scope] = {} for elem in current: if elem.tag == "type": var_type = elem.attrib['name'] elif elem.tag == "variables": for subElem in elem: if subElem.tag == "variable": self.variables_by_scope[self.current_scope][subElem.attrib['id']] = var_type
[docs] def handle_tag_type( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the variables elements. <type> </type> """ if current.attrib.get("name"): if current.attrib["name"].lower() == "character": self.is_character = True current.set("string_length", str(1)) dim_number = 0 is_derived_type_dimension_setting = False for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if "keyword2" in child.attrib: if child.attrib['keyword2'] == "": current.attrib['keyword2'] = "none" else: current.attrib['keyword2'] = child.attrib['keyword2'] else: current.attrib['keyword2'] = "none" if child.tag == "type": # Having a nested "type" indicates that this is # a "derived type" declaration. # In other word, this is a case of # <type> # <type> # ... # </type> # </type> self.is_derived_type = True cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.parent_type = current self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) elif child.tag == "derived-type-stmt": # If child.tag is derived-type-stmt while self.is_derived_type # is not true, it's an indication of only a single variable # was declared under the derived type declaration, so the syntax # has no nested type case like above. Thus, in order to make # the syntax same, I'm adding another type and nest everything # under it. if not self.is_derived_type: self.is_derived_type = True type_elem = ET.SubElement(current, current.tag, current.attrib) type_elem.set("is_derived_type", str(self.is_derived_type)) type_elem.set("name", child.attrib['id']) self.parent_type = current # Modify or add 'name' attribute of the <type> # elements with the name of derived type name current.set("name", child.attrib['id']) # And, store the name of the derived type name for # later setting the outer most <type> elements's name attribute self.cur_derived_type_name = child.attrib['id'] elif child.tag == "explicit-shape-spec-list__begin": is_derived_type_dimension_setting = True self.dim += 1 dim_number += 1 self.derived_type_array_dimensions[self.dim] = [] elif child.tag == "explicit-shape-spec": is_end_of_one_dimension = True dim_number += 1 elif child.tag == "explicit-shape-spec-list": is_derived_type_dimension_setting = False elif child.tag == "intrinsic-type-spec": if self.is_derived_type: self.derived_type_var_holder_list.append(child) elif child.tag == "derived-type-spec": if self.variable_type == None: self.variable_type = child.attrib['typeName'] if not self.is_derived_type: self.is_derived_type = True current.set("name", child.attrib['typeName']) else: self.derived_type_var_holder_list.append(child) elif child.tag == "literal": if self.is_character: self.derived_type_var_holder_list.append(child) current.set("string_length", str(child.attrib["value"])) elif is_derived_type_dimension_setting: child.attrib["dim-number"] = str(dim_number) self.derived_type_array_dimensions[self.dim].append(child) else: self.derived_type_var_holder_list.append(child) elif ( is_derived_type_dimension_setting and child.tag == "name" ): child.attrib["dim-number"] = str(dim_number) self.derived_type_array_dimensions[self.dim].append(child) elif ( child.tag == "component-array-spec" or child.tag == "operation" ): self.derived_type_var_holder_list.append(child) elif child.tag in self.dtype_var_declaration_tags: self.derived_type_var_holder_list.append(child) elif child.tag == "length": cur_elem = ET.SubElement(current, child.tag, child.attrib) self.parseXMLTree(child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse) else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert False, f'In handle_tag_type: "{child.tag}" not ' \ f'handled' # This will mark whether this type declaration is for a derived type # declaration or not current.set("is_derived_type", str(self.is_derived_type))
[docs] def handle_tag_variables( self, root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the variables elements. <variables> </variables> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: if ( child.tag == "variable" and self.current_scope in self.argument_types and child.attrib['name'] in self.argument_types[ self.current_scope] ): self.argument_types[self.current_scope][child.attrib[ 'name']] = self.variable_type # Up to this point, all the child (nested or sub) elements were # <variable> cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) cur_elem.set("is_array", str(self.is_array).lower()) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: if ( child.tag == "variable" and child.attrib ): grandparent = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( child.tag == "variable" ), f'In handle_tag_variables: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_variable( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the variables elements. <variable> </variable> """ # Store all declared variables based on their array status if current.attrib['is_array'] == "true": self.declared_array_vars.update( {current.attrib['name']: self.current_scope} ) else: self.declared_non_array_vars.update( {current.attrib['name']: self.current_scope} ) if self.is_character: self.character_var_list.append(current.attrib['name']) for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag in self.variable_child_tags: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) if child.tag == "dimensions": current.attrib['is_array'] = "true" self.declared_array_vars.update( {current.attrib['name']: self.current_scope} ) del self.declared_non_array_vars[current.attrib['name']] current.remove(self.dimensions_holder) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_variable: "{child.tag}" not handled' else: if child.tag == "entity-decl": current.attrib.update(child.attrib) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_variable: Empty elements "{child.tag}"' \ f' not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_constants( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the constants elements. <constants> </constants> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) cur_elem.set("is_array", str(self.is_array).lower()) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) elif child.tag == "parameter-stmt": pass else: assert ( child.tag == "constant" ), f'In handle_tag_constant: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_constant( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the constants elements. <constant> </constant> """ # Store all declared variables based on their array status if current.attrib['is_array'] == "true": self.declared_array_vars.update( {current.attrib['name']: self.current_scope} ) else: self.declared_non_array_vars.update( {current.attrib['name']: self.current_scope} ) for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.text or len(child) > 0: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_constant: Empty elements "{child.tag}" ' \ f'not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_statement( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the statement elements. <statement> </statement> """ if traverse == 1: current.attrib['body-level'] = self.body_level['current'] for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.tag in self.statement_child_tags: if child.tag == "stop": self.is_stop = True current.attrib['has-stop'] = "true" current.attrib['goto-remove'] = "true" cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag == "label": current.attrib['label'] = child.attrib['lbl'] label_presented = True lbl = child.attrib['lbl'] self.encountered_goto_label.append(lbl) if traverse == 1: # Label-before case if ( not self.goto_target_lbl_after or lbl not in self.goto_target_lbl_after ): self.goto_label_with_case[lbl] = "before" # Since we want to handle label_after case before # label_before when both cases appear in the code, # we ignore all label_before case until _after case # get handled. Thus, mark label_before to false if self.label_after: self.label_before = False else: self.label_before = True if lbl not in self.label_lbl_for_before: self.label_lbl_for_before.append(lbl) # Label-after case else: self.goto_label_with_case[lbl] = "after" self.collect_stmts_after_goto = False self.collect_stmts_after_label = True if lbl not in self.label_lbl_for_after: self.label_lbl_for_after.append(lbl) if ( self.label_before or lbl in self.label_lbl_for_before ): current.attrib['goto-move'] = "true" else: current.attrib['goto-remove'] = "true" current.attrib['target-label-statement'] = "true" # Since <format> is followed by <label>, # check the case and undo all operations done for goto. if child.tag == "format" and label_presented: del self.label_lbl[-1] del current.attrib['target-label-statement'] del current.attrib['goto-move'] self.label_before = False else: assert ( traverse > 1 ), "In handle_tag_statement. Reconstruction must be " \ "done in traverse > 1." if self.collecting_stmts_done: self.reconstruct_after_case_now = True self.collecting_stmts_done = False if child.text or len(child) > 0: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) elif child.tag == "name": # If a 'name' tag is the direct sub-elements of 'statement', # it's an indication of this statement is handling # (usually assignment) derived type variables. Thus, # in order to make concurrent with other assignment syntax, # remove the outside name elements (but store it to the # temporary holder) and reconstruct it before the end of # statement assert is_empty(self.derived_type_var_holder_list) self.derived_type_var_holder_list.append(child.attrib['id']) self.parseXMLTree( child, current, current, parent, traverse ) elif child.tag == "goto-stmt": # self.goto_stmt_level = parent.attrib['parent'] # <goto-stmt> met, increment the counter self.goto_stmt_counter += 1 # If goto-stmt was seen, we do not construct element for it. # However, we collect the information (attributes) that is # associated to the existing OFP generated element self.need_goto_elimination = True self.if_appear_before_goto = False target_lbl = child.attrib['target_label'] current.attrib['goto-stmt'] = "true" current.attrib['lbl'] = target_lbl _ = ET.SubElement(current, child.tag, child.attrib) # Reaching goto-stmt is a flag to stop collecting states if traverse == 1: if ( "type" in parent.attrib and parent.attrib['type'] == "else" ): self.goto_under_else = True self.encountered_goto_label.append(target_lbl) if self.collect_stmts_after_label: current.attrib['goto-remove'] = "true" current.attrib['next-goto'] = "true" self.statements_to_reconstruct_after[ 'stmts-follow-label'].append(current) self.collect_stmts_after_label = False self.collecting_stmts_done = True # A case where label appears "before" goto if target_lbl in self.label_lbl_for_before: self.goto_label_with_case[target_lbl] = "before" self.statements_to_reconstruct_before[ 'count-gotos'] += 1 self.goto_target_lbl_before.append(target_lbl) # A case where label appears "after" goto else: self.goto_label_with_case[target_lbl] = "after" self.statements_to_reconstruct_after['count-gotos'] += 1 if "parent-goto" not in current.attrib: current.attrib['skip-collect'] = "true" self.goto_target_lbl_after.append(target_lbl) self.collect_stmts_after_goto = True self.label_after = True else: if target_lbl in self.label_lbl_for_before: assert ( traverse > 1 ), "Reconstruction cannot happen in the first traverse" if self.label_before: self.reconstruct_before_case_now = True return else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_statement: "{child.tag}" not handled' # Statement collector (1st traverse) if traverse == 1: if self.label_before and not self.label_after: # Since we do not want to extract the stop statement from # that is not a main body, check it before extraction if "has-stop" not in current.attrib: current.attrib['goto-move'] = "true" self.statements_to_reconstruct_before[ 'stmts-follow-label'].append(current) else: if ( parent.tag == "body" and parent.attrib['parent'] == "program" ): self.statements_to_reconstruct_before[ 'stmts-follow-label'].append(current) elif self.label_after: if self.collect_stmts_after_goto: current.attrib['goto-remove'] = "true" if "has-stop" not in current.attrib: self.statements_to_reconstruct_after[ 'stmts-follow-goto'].append(current) else: if ( parent.tag == "body" and parent.attrib['parent'] == "program" ): self.statements_to_reconstruct_after[ 'stmts-follow-goto'].append(current) if "goto-stmt" in current.attrib: self.stmts_after_goto['goto-stmts'].append( current.attrib['lbl']) elif "target-label-statement" in current.attrib: self.stmts_after_goto['labels'].append( current.attrib['label']) elif self.collect_stmts_after_label: current.attrib['goto-remove'] = "true" self.statements_to_reconstruct_after[ 'stmts-follow-label'].append(current) if ( ( parent.tag == "body" and parent.attrib['parent'] == "program" and "has-stop" in current.attrib ) or self.goto_under_loop ): self.collect_stmts_after_label = False self.reconstruct_after_case_now = True
[docs] def handle_tag_assignment( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the assignment elements. <assignment> </assignment> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) cur_elem = ET.SubElement(current, child.tag, child.attrib) if child.tag == "target" or child.tag == "value": self.parseXMLTree(child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_assignment: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_target( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the target elements. <target> </target> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag == "name": self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) if child.tag == "name" and self.need_reconstruct: self.reconstruct_name_element(cur_elem, current) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_target: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_names( self, root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the names elements. <names> <names> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.tag == "name": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if "id" in child.attrib and self.is_interface: self.interface_functions[self.cur_interface_name].append( child.attrib['id']) self.interface_function_xml[self.cur_interface_name][ child.attrib['id']] = cur_elem if grandparent.tag == "function": self.args_for_function.append(cur_elem.attrib['id']) # If the element holds sub-elements, call the XML tree parser # with created new <name> element if len(child) > 0 or child.text: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) # Else, update the element's attribute # with the default <name> element attributes else: attributes = { "hasSubscripts": "false", "is_array": "false", "numPartRef": "1", "type": "ambiguous", } # Check if the variable is a function argument if self.is_function_arg: attributes['is_arg'] = "true" else: attributes['is_arg'] = "false" cur_elem.attrib.update(attributes) else: assert False, f'In handle_tag_names: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_name(self, root, current, parent, _, traverse): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the name elements. <name> <name> There are three different types of names that the type attribute can hold: (1) variable - Simple (single) variable or an array (2) procedure - Function (or procedure) call (3) ambiguous - None of the above two type """ if ( "id" in current.attrib and current.attrib['id'] in self.declared_array_vars ): current.attrib['is_array'] = "true" else: current.attrib['is_array'] = "false" # If 'id' attribute holds '%' symbol, it's an indication of derived type # referencing. Thus, clean up the 'id' and reconstruct the <name> AST. if "id" in current.attrib and "%" in current.attrib['id']: self.is_derived_type_ref = True self.clean_derived_type_ref(current) # Default attribute values current.attrib['hasSubscripts'] = "false" current.attrib['is_arg'] = "false" current.attrib['numPartRef'] = "1" current.attrib['type'] = "ambiguous" for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.text: if ( child.tag == "subscripts" or child.tag == "assignment" ): cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag == "subscripts": # If current name is for caller arguments, # mark the name of the function in the subscripts # as an one of its attributes if parent.tag == "call": cur_elem.attrib['fname'] = current.attrib['id'] current.attrib['hasSubscripts'] = "true" # Check whether the variable is an array AND the # variable is for the current scope. This is important # for derived type variable referencing if ( current.attrib['id'] in self.declared_array_vars and self.declared_array_vars[ current.attrib['id'] ] == self.current_scope ): # Since the procedure "call" has a same AST syntax # as an array, check its type and set the "is_array" # value assert ( current.attrib['type'] != "procedure" ), "Trying to assign a procedure call to while " \ "is_array true." current.attrib['is_array'] = "true" elif ( current.attrib['id'] in self.declared_non_array_vars and self.declared_non_array_vars[ current.attrib['id'] ] == self.current_scope and current.attrib['id'] not in self.character_var_list ): current.attrib['hasSubscripts'] = "false" self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) elif child.tag == "output": assert ( is_empty(self.derived_type_var_holder_list) ), "derived_type_var holder must be empty." cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.derived_type_var_holder_list.append(root.attrib['id']) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) elif child.tag == "name": self.parseXMLTree( child, current, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In self.handle_tag_name: "{child.tag}" not handled' else: if child.tag == "generic_spec": _ = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) elif child.tag == "data-ref": current.attrib.update(child.attrib) else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In self.handle_tag_name: Empty elements ' \ f'"{child.tag}" not handled' # If the name element is for handling # derived type references, reconstruct it if self.derived_type_refs: self.reconstruct_derived_type_names(current) self.is_derived_type_ref = False self.need_reconstruct = True
[docs] def handle_tag_value( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the value elements. <value> </value> """ function_call = False for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) cur_elem = ET.SubElement(current, child.tag, child.attrib) if ( child.tag == "name" and child.attrib['id'] in self.arguments_list ): # if 'id' is in the arguments_list, it indicates that # the RHS of the assignment is a function call self.call_function = True function_call = True current.attrib['fname'] = child.attrib['id'] try: _ = self.value_child_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert False, f'In handle_tag_value: "{child.tag}" not handled' self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) # If current assignment is done with a function call, # then update function definition's arguments with array status if function_call: self.update_function_arguments(current) if ( child.tag == "name" and self.need_reconstruct ): self.reconstruct_name_element(cur_elem, current)
[docs] def handle_tag_literal( self, root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the literal elements. <literal> </literal> """ if '"' in current.attrib['value']: current.attrib['value'] = self.clean_id(current.attrib['value']) for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: if child.tag == "stop": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) elif child.tag == "literal": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( parent, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, parent, grandparent, traverse ) else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_literal: "{child.tag}" not handled' else: if child.tag == "data-stmt-constant": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_literal: Empty "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_dimensions( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the dimensions elements. <dimensions> </dimensions> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag == "dimension": self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_dimensions: "{child.tag}" not ' \ f'handled' else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_dimensions: Empty "{child.tag}" not ' \ f'handled' if parent.tag == "variable": self.dimensions_holder = current
[docs] def handle_tag_dimension( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the dimension elements. <dimension> </dimension> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if ( child.tag == "literal" or child.tag == "range" ): self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_dimension: "{child.tag}" not handled' elif child.tag == "literal": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_dimension: Empty "{child.tag}" not ' \ f'handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_loop( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the do loop elements. <loop> </loop> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.text or len(child) > 0: if child.tag in self.loop_child_tags: if child.tag == "format": self.is_format = True self.format_holder.append(child) else: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( child.tag in self.unnecessary_tags ), f'In self.handle_tag_loop: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_index_variable_or_range( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the index_variable or range elements. <index_variable> or <range> </index_variable> </range> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag in self.index_range_child_tags: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( child.tag in self.unnecessary_tags ), f'In handle_tag_index_variable_or_range: "{child.tag}"' \ f' not handled' else: if traverse > 1: _ = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) else: assert ( child.tag in self.unnecessary_tags ), f'In handle_tag_index_variable_or_range: Empty ' \ f'"{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_bound( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the upper_bound elements. <upper_bound> </upper_bound> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag in self.bound_child_tags: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) if ( child.tag == "name" and self.need_reconstruct ): self.reconstruct_name_element(cur_elem, current) else: assert ( child.tag in self.unnecessary_tags ), f'In handle_tag_upper_bound: "{child.tag}" not handled' else: if traverse > 1: _ = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) else: assert ( child.tag in self.unnecessary_tags ), f'In handle_tag_upper_bound: Empty "{child.tag}" not ' \ f'handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_subscripts( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the subscripts elements. <subscripts> </subscripts> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag == "subscript": self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In self.handle_tag_subscripts: "{child.tag}" not ' \ f'handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_subscript( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the subscript elements. <subscript> </subscript> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) try: _ = self.subscripts_child_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In self.handle_tag_subscript: "{child.tag}" not ' \ f'handled' self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) # If current subscript is for a function caller and # current element (argument) is an array, then store # it into the caller_arr_arguments map for later use if ( self.call_function and (cur_elem.tag == "name" and cur_elem.attrib['is_array'] == "true") ): assert ( "fname" in parent.attrib ), "If this subscript is for the caller argument,\ fname must exist in the parent" fname = parent.attrib['fname'] arg = cur_elem.attrib['id'] if fname in self.caller_arr_arguments: self.caller_arr_arguments[fname].append(arg) else: self.caller_arr_arguments[fname] = [arg]
[docs] def handle_tag_operation( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the operation elements. <operation> </operation> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) # A process of negating the operator during goto elimination if ( child.tag == "operator" and self.need_op_negation ): child.attrib['operator'] = \ syntax.NEGATED_OP[child.attrib['operator']] self.need_op_negation = False cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag == "operand": self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: if child.tag != "operator": assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_operation: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_operand( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the operation elements. <operand> </operand> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) try: _ = self.operand_child_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_operand: "{child.tag}" not handled' self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) if ( child.tag == "name" and self.need_reconstruct ): self.reconstruct_name_element(cur_elem, current)
[docs] def handle_tag_write( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the operation elements. <operand> </operand> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.text or len(child) > 0: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if ( child.tag == "io-controls" or child.tag == "outputs" ): self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_write: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_io_controls( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the io-controls elements. <io-controls> </io-controls> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.text or len(child) > 0: if child.tag == "io-control": self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_io_controls: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_io_control( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the io-control elements. <io-control> </io-control> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) # To make io-control elements simpler, the code below # will append io-control-spec's attributes to its # parent (io-control). This will eliminate at least # one recursion in to retrieve # the io-control information if child.tag == "io-control-spec": current.attrib.update(child.attrib) if child.text: cur_elem = ET.SubElement(current, child.tag, child.attrib) if child.tag == "io-control" or child.tag == "literal": self.parseXMLTree(child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse) else: assert False, f'In handle_tag_io_control: "{child.tag}" ' \ f'not handled' else: if child.tag == "literal": _ = ET.SubElement(current, child.tag, child.attrib) else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert False, f'In handle_tag_io_control: Empty "' \ f'{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_outputs( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the outputs elements. <outputs> </outputs> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.tag == "output": cur_elem = ET.SubElement(current, child.tag, child.attrib) self.parseXMLTree(child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse) elif child.tag == "name": self.parseXMLTree(child, current, current, parent, traverse) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_outputs: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_output( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the output elements. <output> </output> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag in self.output_child_tags: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) if child.tag == "name" and self.need_reconstruct: self.reconstruct_name_element(cur_elem, current) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_outputs: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_format( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the format elements. <format> </format> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag == "format-items": self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: if child.tag != "label": assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_format: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_format_items( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the format_items and its sub-elements <format_items> ____<format_item> ____</format_item> </format_items> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag == "format-items" or child.tag == "format-item": self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_format_items: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_print( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the print tags. <print> </print> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.tag != "print-stmt": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag == "outputs": self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_print: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_open( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the open elements. <open> </open> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.text: if child.tag == "keyword-arguments": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_open: "{child.tag}" not handled' else: if child.tag == "open-stmt": current.attrib.update(child.attrib) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_open: Empty elements "{child.tag}" ' \ f'ot handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_keyword_arguments( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the keyword-arguments and keyword-argument elements. <keyword-arguments> ____<keyword-argument> ____</keyword-argument> </keyword-arguments> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.text: if ( child.tag == "keyword-argument" or child.tag == "literal" ): cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_keyword_arguments: "{child.tag}" not ' \ f'handled' else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_keyword_arguments: Empty elements ' \ f'"{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_read( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the read elements. <read> </read> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.text: if ( child.tag == "io-controls" or child.tag == "inputs" ): cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_read: "{child.tag}" not handled' else: if child.tag == "read-stmt": current.attrib.update(child.attrib) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_read: Empty elements "{child.tag}" ' \ f'not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_inputs( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the inputs and input elements. <inputs> ____<input> ____</input> </inputs> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.text: if ( child.tag == "input" or child.tag == "name" ): cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_input - {root.tag}: "{child.tag}" not ' \ f'handled' else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_input - {root.tag}: Empty elements ' \ f'"{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_close( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the close elements. <close> </close> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.text: if child.tag == "keyword-arguments": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_close: "{child.tag}" not handled' else: if child.tag == "close-stmt": current.attrib.update(child.attrib) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_close: Empty elements "{child.tag}"'
[docs] def handle_tag_call( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the call elements. <call> </call> """ self.call_function = True for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.text: if child.tag == "name": # fname: Function name current.attrib['fname'] = child.attrib['id'] cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_call: "{child.tag}" not handled' else: if child.tag == "call-stmt": current.attrib.update(child.attrib) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_call: Empty elements "{child.tag}"' # Update call function definition's arguments with array status self.update_function_arguments(current) # Update call function arguments with their types update = False arguments_info = [] self.update_call_argument_type(current, update, self.current_scope, arguments_info) # If modules been used in the current program, check for interface functions # and replace function names, if necessary. if self.used_modules: self.replace_interface_function_to_target(current, arguments_info)
[docs] def handle_tag_subroutine( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the subroutine elements. <subroutine> </subroutine> """ self.argument_types[root.attrib['name']] = {} self.current_scope = root.attrib['name'] for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.text: if child.tag == "header" or child.tag == "body": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag == "body": self.current_body_scope = cur_elem self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_subroutine: "{child.tag}" not handled' else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_subroutine: Empty elements "{child.tag}"' # Updating the argument attribute to hold the type. for arg in self.arguments_list[current.attrib['name']]: if arg.attrib['name'] in self.argument_types[current.attrib['name']]: arg.attrib['type'] = str(self.argument_types[current.attrib['name']][arg.attrib['name']]) # Add extra XMLs under the interface function names to hold the argument types. for interface in self.interface_function_xml: if current.attrib['name'] in self.interface_function_xml[interface]: argument_types = ET.SubElement( self.interface_function_xml[interface][current.attrib['name']], "argument-types" ) num_args = 0 for arg in self.arguments_list[current.attrib['name']]: num_args += 1 argument_type = ET.SubElement( argument_types, "argument-type", {"type": arg.attrib['type']} ) self.interface_function_xml[interface][current.attrib['name']].attrib['num_args'] = str(num_args)
[docs] def handle_tag_arguments( self, root, current, _, grandparent, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the arguments. <arguments> </arguments> """ num_of_args = int(root.attrib['count']) if self.is_interface_member: if grandparent.tag == "subroutine": for interface in self.interface_functions: if ( grandparent.attrib['name'] in self.interface_functions[interface] and interface in self.interface_xml ): if ( "max_arg" not in self.interface_xml[interface].attrib or ("max_arg" in self.interface_xml[interface].attrib and int(self.interface_xml[interface].attrib['max_arg']) < num_of_args) ): self.interface_xml[interface].attrib['max_arg'] = str(num_of_args) else: pass else: pass else: assert False, f"Currently, {grandparent.tag} not handled for interface." for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.tag == "argument": # Collect the argument names with None as a initial type. # Types will be updated in handle_tag_variable. if grandparent.tag == "subroutine": self.argument_types[grandparent.attrib['name']][child.attrib['name']] = None cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) # Set a default array status to False cur_elem.attrib['is_array'] = "false" else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_variable: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_argument( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the argument. <argument> </argument> """ current.attrib['is_array'] = "false" for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse )
[docs] def handle_tag_if( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the if elements. <if> </if> """ if traverse == 1: current.attrib['if-before-goto'] = \ str(self.if_appear_before_goto).lower() condition = None for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.text or len(child) > 0: if child.tag == "header" or child.tag == "body": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) if traverse == 1: # Check and hold conditional operation for <goto-stmt> if child.tag == "header": condition = child elif child.tag == "body": if "conditional-goto-stmt-lbl" in current.attrib: if ( "type" not in child.attrib or child.attrib['type'] != "else" ): if ( condition is not None and "code" in current.attrib ): unique_code = current.attrib['code'] self.conditional_op[unique_code] = \ condition else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_if: "{child.tag}" not handled' else: if child.tag == "if-stmt": current.attrib.update(child.attrib) elif child.tag == "body" and traverse > 1: _ = ET.SubElement(current, child.tag, child.attrib) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_if: Empty elements "{child.tag}" ' \ f'not handled' # If label appears before <goto>, mark <if> # with goto-move to move it later (1st traverse) if traverse == 1: # Since label_after needs to be reconstructed first, # we skip to collect the element if label_after is True # Then, once the reconstruction of label_after is done, # then we collect those reconstructed elements if self.label_before and not self.label_after: current.attrib['goto-move'] = "true" self.statements_to_reconstruct_before[ 'stmts-follow-label'].append(current) if self.label_after: if ( self.collect_stmts_after_goto and "conditional-goto-stmt-lbl" not in current.attrib and current.attrib['if-before-goto'] == "false" ): current.attrib['goto-remove'] = "true" self.statements_to_reconstruct_after[ 'stmts-follow-goto'].append(current) elif self.collect_stmts_after_label: current.attrib['goto-remove'] = "true" self.statements_to_reconstruct_after[ 'stmts-follow-label'].append(current)
[docs] def handle_tag_stop( self, root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the stop elements <stop> </stop> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.tag == "stop-code": current.attrib.update(child.attrib) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_stop: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_step( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the step elements. <step> </step> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.text: if ( child.tag == "operation" or child.tag == "literal" ): cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_step: "{child.tag}" not handled' else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_step: Empty elements "{child.tag}" ' \ f'not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_return( self, root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the return and return-stmt elements. However, since 'return-stmt' is an empty elements with no sub-elements, the function will not keep the elements, but move the attribute to its parent elements, return. <return> </return> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.tag == "return-stmt": current.attrib.update(child.attrib) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_return: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_function( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the function elements. <function> </function> """ self.current_scope = root.attrib['name'] for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.text: if child.tag == "header" or child.tag == "body": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) if child.tag == "header": self.is_function_arg = True elif child.tag == "body": self.current_body_scope = cur_elem else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_function: "{child.tag}" not handled' else: if ( child.tag == "function-stmt" or child.tag == "end-function-stmt" or child.tag == "function-subprogram" ): cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_function: Empty elements "{child.tag}"'
[docs] def handle_tag_use( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the use elements. <use> </use> """ assert ( isfile(self.module_log_file_path) ), f"Module log file path must exist." with open(self.module_log_file_path) as json_f: module_logs = json.load(json_f) file_to_mod_mapper = module_logs["file_to_mod"] mod_to_file_mapper = module_logs["mod_to_file"] self.module_summary = module_logs["mod_info"] use_module = root.attrib['name'] self.used_modules.append(use_module.lower()) if use_module.lower() in mod_to_file_mapper: use_module_file_path = mod_to_file_mapper[use_module.lower()] if ( use_module_file_path[0] != self.original_fortran_file_abs_path and use_module not in self.modules_in_file ): self.module_files_to_process.append(use_module_file_path[0]) else: # If module resides in the same file, we don't have to do # anything. Handling for this case is already implemented in # pass else: pass for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.tag == "use-stmt" or child.tag == "only": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.text: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_use: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_module( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the module elements. <module> </module> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) try: _ = self.module_child_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert False, f'In handle_tag_module: "{child.tag}" not handled' cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) self.modules_in_file.append(root.attrib["name"])
[docs] def handle_tag_initial_value( self, root, current, parent, _, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the initial-value elements. <initial-value> </initial-value> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.text: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if child.tag == "literal" or child.tag == "operation": self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_initial_value: "{child.tag}" not handled' else: if child.tag == "initialization": current.attrib.update(child.attrib) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_initial_value: Empty elements ' \ f'"{child.tag}"'
[docs] def handle_tag_members( self, root, current, parent, grandparnet, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the members elements. <members> or <member> </members> </member> """ self.is_interface_member = True for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) try: error_chk = self.members_child_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_members: "{child.tag}" not handled' cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) # Re-initialize to false when exiting members self.is_interface_member = False
[docs] def handle_tag_only( self, root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the only elements. <only> </only> """ for child in root: try: error_chk = self.only_child_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_only: "{child.tag}" not handled' cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse )
[docs] def handle_tag_length( self, root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the length elements. <length> </length> """ for child in root: if child.tag in ["literal", "char-length", "type-param-value"]: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_length: "{child.tag}" not handled'
[docs] def handle_tag_interface( self, root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse ): """This function handles rectifying the elements between interface tag. <interface> </interface> """ self.is_interface = True for child in root: if child.tag == "header" or child.tag == "body": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( child.tag in self.unnecessary_tags ), f'In handle_tag_length: "{child.tag}" not handled' self.interface_xml[self.cur_interface_name] = current # Re-initializing for next interface use self.cur_interface_name = None self.is_interface = False
[docs] def handle_tag_select( self, root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the select elements. <select> </select> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.tag in self.select_child_tags: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: assert ( child.tag in self.unnecessary_tags ), f'In handle_tag_length: "{child.tag}" not handled' try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_select: Empty elements "{child.tag}"'
[docs] def handle_tag_case( self, root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the case elements. <case> </case> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.tag in self.case_child_tags: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_case: Empty elements "{child.tag}"'
[docs] def handle_tag_value_ranges( self, root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the value-ranges elements. <value-ranges> </value-ranges> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.tag == "value-range": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_value_ranges: Empty eleme' \ f'nts "{child.tag}"'
[docs] def handle_tag_value_range( self, root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the value-range elements. <value-range> </value-range> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.tag == "value": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: current.remove(cur_elem) if len(root) == 1: parent.remove(current) else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_value_range: Empty elements ' \ f'"{child.tag}"'
[docs] def handle_tag_values( self, root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse ): """This function handles cleaning up the XML elements between the values elements. <values> </values> """ for child in root: self.clean_attrib(child) if child.tag == "literal": cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, child.tag, child.attrib ) if len(child) > 0 or child.text: self.parseXMLTree( child, cur_elem, current, parent, traverse ) else: try: _ = self.unnecessary_tags.index(child.tag) except ValueError: assert ( False ), f'In handle_tag_values: Empty elements "{child.tag}"' # For DATA statements, further indentation might be required target_child = None delete_child = [] for child in current: if len(child) == 0: target_child = child else: cur_elem = ET.SubElement( target_child, child.tag, child.attrib ) delete_child.append(child) for child in delete_child: current.remove(child)
################################################################# # # # XML TAG PARSER # # # #################################################################
[docs] def parseXMLTree( self, root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse ): """Recursively traverse through the nested XML AST tree and calls appropriate tag handler, which will generate a cleaned version of XML tree for Any new tags handlers must be added under this this function. parseXMLTree Arguments: root: The current root of the tree. current: Current element. parent: Parent element of the current. grandparent: A parent of parent statement of current. traverse: Keeps the track of number of traverse time. Returns: None """ if root.tag == "file": self.handle_tag_file(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "program": self.handle_tag_program(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "header": self.handle_tag_header(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "specification": self.handle_tag_specification(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "body": self.handle_tag_body(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "declaration": self.handle_tag_declaration(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "type": self.handle_tag_type(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "variables": self.handle_tag_variables(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "variable": self.handle_tag_variable(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "statement": self.handle_tag_statement(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "assignment": self.handle_tag_assignment(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "target": self.handle_tag_target(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "value": self.handle_tag_value(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "names": self.handle_tag_names(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "name": self.handle_tag_name(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "literal": self.handle_tag_literal(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "dimensions": self.handle_tag_dimensions(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "dimension": self.handle_tag_dimension(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "loop": self.handle_tag_loop(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "index-variable" or root.tag == "range": self.handle_tag_index_variable_or_range(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "lower-bound" or root.tag == "upper-bound": self.handle_tag_bound(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "subscripts": self.handle_tag_subscripts(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "subscript": self.handle_tag_subscript(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "operation": self.handle_tag_operation(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "operand": self.handle_tag_operand(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "write": self.handle_tag_write(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "io-controls": self.handle_tag_io_controls(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "io-control": self.handle_tag_io_control(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "outputs": self.handle_tag_outputs(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "output": self.handle_tag_output(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "format": self.handle_tag_format(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "format-items" or root.tag == "format-item": self.handle_tag_format_items(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "print": self.handle_tag_print(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "open": self.handle_tag_open(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "keyword-arguments" or root.tag == "keyword-argument": self.handle_tag_keyword_arguments(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "read": self.handle_tag_read(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "inputs" or root.tag == "input": self.handle_tag_inputs(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "close": self.handle_tag_close(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "call": self.handle_tag_call(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "subroutine": self.handle_tag_subroutine(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "arguments": self.handle_tag_arguments(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "if": self.handle_tag_if(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "stop": self.handle_tag_stop(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "step": self.handle_tag_step(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "return": self.handle_tag_return(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "function": self.handle_tag_function(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "use": self.handle_tag_use(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "module": self.handle_tag_module(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "initial-value": self.handle_tag_initial_value(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "members": self.handle_tag_members(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "only": self.handle_tag_only(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "length": self.handle_tag_length(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "saved-entity": self.handle_tag_saved_entity(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "save-stmt": self.handle_tag_save_statement(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "constants": self.handle_tag_constants(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "constant": self.handle_tag_constant(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "argument": self.handle_tag_argument(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "interface": self.handle_tag_interface(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "select": self.handle_tag_select(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "case": self.handle_tag_case(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "value-ranges": self.handle_tag_value_ranges(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "value-range": self.handle_tag_value_range(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) elif root.tag == "values": self.handle_tag_values(root, current, parent, grandparent, traverse) else: assert ( False ), f"In parseXMLTree: <{root.tag}> passed from <{parent.tag}> " \ f"not supported"
################################################################# # # # RECONSTRUCTORS # # # #################################################################
[docs] def reconstruct_derived_type_declaration(self): """This function reconstructs the derived type with the collected derived type declaration elements in the handle_tag_declaration and handle_tag_type. Args: None. Returns: None. """ if self.derived_type_var_holder_list: size = ET.Element("") is_dimension = False # Since component-decl-list appears after component-decl, # the program needs to iterate the list once first to # pre-collect the variable counts. counts = [] for elem in self.derived_type_var_holder_list: if elem.tag == "component-decl-list": counts.append(elem.attrib['count']) # Initialize count to 0 for <variables> count attribute. count = 0 dim = 0 # 'component-decl-list__begin' tag is an indication # of all the derived type member variable # declarations will follow. derived_type = ET.SubElement(self.parent_type, "derived-types") literal_value = None str_value = None for elem in self.derived_type_var_holder_list: if elem.tag == "intrinsic-type-spec": keyword2 = "" if elem.attrib['keyword2'] == "": keyword2 = "none" else: keyword2 = elem.attrib['keyword2'] attributes = { "hasKind": "false", "hasLength": "false", "name": elem.attrib['keyword1'], "is_derived_type": str(self.is_derived_type), "keyword2": keyword2, } newType = ET.SubElement(derived_type, "type", attributes) if newType.attrib['name'].lower() == "character": assert ( literal_value != None ), "Literal value (String length) for character cannot be None." newType.set("string_length", literal_value) literal_value = None # Reset literal_value to None elif elem.tag == "derived-type-spec": attributes = { "hasKind": "false", "hasLength": "false", "name": elem.attrib['typeName'], "is_derived_type": str(self.is_derived_type), "keyword2": "none", } newType = ET.SubElement(derived_type, "type", attributes) elif ( elem.tag == "literal" or elem.tag == "name" ): value = elem if elem.tag == "literal": tag_name = "literal" literal_value = elem.attrib['value'] else: tag_name = "name" elif elem.tag == "component-array-spec": is_dimension = True dim += 1 elif ( elem.tag == "component-decl-list__begin" and not is_dimension ): if len(counts) > count: attr = {"count": counts[count]} new_variables = ET.SubElement( derived_type, "variables", attr ) # <variables _attribs_> count += 1 elif elem.tag == "operation": str_value = "" for op in elem.iter(): if op.tag == "char-literal-constant": str_value += op.attrib['str'] str_value = str_value.replace('"','') elif elem.tag == "component-decl": if not is_dimension: var_attribs = { "has_initial_value": elem.attrib[ "hasComponentInitialization" ], "name": elem.attrib['id'], "is_array": "false", } # Store variable name in the non array tracker self.declared_non_array_vars.update( {elem.attrib['id']: self.current_scope} ) new_variable = ET.SubElement( new_variables, "variable", var_attribs ) # <variable _attribs_> if elem.attrib['hasComponentInitialization'] == "true": init_value_attrib = ET.SubElement( new_variable, "initial-value" ) if str_value: value.attrib['value'] = str_value str_value = None new_size = ET.SubElement( init_value_attrib, tag_name, value.attrib ) # <initial-value _attribs_> else: total_number_of_arrays = len(self.derived_type_array_dimensions) new_dimensions = ET.SubElement( derived_type, "dimensions", {"count": "1"} ) # <dimensions count="1"> if self.derived_type_array_dimensions[dim]: new_dimension = ET.SubElement( new_dimensions, "dimension", {"type": "simple"} ) # <dimension type="simple"> has_lower_bound = False new_range = ET.SubElement(new_dimension, "range") num_of_dimensions = len(self.derived_type_array_dimensions[dim]) for s in range(0, num_of_dimensions): value = self.derived_type_array_dimensions[dim][s] if value.tag == "literal": tag_name = "literal" elif value.tag == "name": tag_name = "name" value.attrib["is_derived_type_ref"] = "true" else: pass need_new_dimension = False need_upper_bound = False if ( len(self.derived_type_array_dimensions[dim]) == 1 or (not has_lower_bound and ((s+1) < len(self.derived_type_array_dimensions[dim]) and value.attrib["dim-number"] != self.derived_type_array_dimensions[dim][s+1].attrib["dim-number"])) ): if ( (s+1) < len(self.derived_type_array_dimensions[dim]) and value.attrib["dim-number"] != self.derived_type_array_dimensions[dim][s+1].attrib["dim-number"] ): need_new_dimension = True upper_bound_value = copy.copy(value) upper_bound_tag_name = tag_name tag_name = "literal" value.tag = "literal" value.attrib = { "dim-number": value.attrib["dim-number"], "type": "int", "value": "0" } need_upper_bound = True if not has_lower_bound: bound = ET.SubElement(new_range, "lower-bound") has_lower_bound = True else: bound = ET.SubElement(new_range, "upper-bound") has_lower_bound = False new_range_value = ET.SubElement(bound, tag_name, value.attrib) if need_upper_bound: bound = ET.SubElement(new_range, "upper-bound") new_range_value = ET.SubElement(bound, upper_bound_tag_name, upper_bound_value.attrib) has_lower_bound = False if need_new_dimension: new_dimension = ET.SubElement( new_dimensions, "dimension", {"type": "simple"} ) # <dimension type="simple"> new_range = ET.SubElement(new_dimension, "range") need_new_dimension = False if len(counts) > count: attr = {"count": counts[count]} new_variables = ET.SubElement( derived_type, "variables", attr ) count += 1 var_attribs = { "has_initial_value": elem.attrib[ "hasComponentInitialization" ], "name": elem.attrib['id'], "is_array": "true", } # Store variable name in the array tracker self.declared_array_vars.update( {elem.attrib['id']: self.current_scope} ) new_variable = ET.SubElement( new_variables, "variable", var_attribs ) is_dimension = False # Once one derived type was successfully constructed, # clear all the elements of a derived type list self.derived_type_var_holder_list.clear()
[docs] def reconstruct_derived_type_ref(self, current): """This function reconstruct the id into x.y.k form from the messy looking id. One thing to notice is that this new form was generated in the python syntax, so it is a pre-process for and even that Args: current (:obj: 'ET'): Current element object. Returns: None. """ assert ( current.tag == "name" ), f"The tag <name> must be passed to reconstruct_derived_type_ref.\ Currently, it's {current.tag}." # First the root <name> id gets the very first # variable reference i.e. x in x.y.k (or x%y%k in Fortran syntax) current.attrib['id'] = self.derived_type_var_holder_list[0] if ( current.attrib['id'] in self.declared_array_vars and self.declared_array_vars[current.attrib['id']] == self.current_scope ): current.attrib['hasSubscripts'] = "true" current.attrib['is_array'] = "true" else: current.attrib['hasSubscripts'] = "false" current.attrib['is_array'] = "false" number_of_vars = len(self.derived_type_var_holder_list) attributes = {} parent_ref = current self.derived_type_refs.append(parent_ref) for var in range(1, number_of_vars): variable_name = self.derived_type_var_holder_list[var] attributes.update(current.attrib) attributes['id'] = variable_name if ( variable_name in self.declared_array_vars and self.declared_array_vars[variable_name] == self.current_scope ): attributes['hasSubscripts'] = "true" attributes['is_array'] = "true" else: attributes['is_array'] = "false" # Create N (number_of_vars) number of new subElement # under the root <name> for each referencing variable reference_var = ET.SubElement( parent_ref, "name", attributes ) parent_ref = reference_var self.derived_type_refs.append(parent_ref) self.derived_type_var_holder_list.clear() # Clean up the list for re-use
[docs] def reconstruct_format(self, grandparent, traverse): """This function is for reconstructing the <format> under the <statement> element. The OFP XML nests formats under: (1) statement (2) declaration (3) loop tags, which are wrong except one that is declared under the statement. Therefore, those formats declared under (2) and (3) will be extracted and reconstructed to be nested under (1) in this function. Args: grandparent (:obj: 'ET'): Grand parent element object. traverse (int): Current traverse number. Returns: None. """ root_scope = ET.SubElement(self.current_body_scope, "statement") for form in self.format_holder: cur_elem = ET.SubElement(root_scope, form.tag, form.attrib) self.parseXMLTree( form, cur_elem, root_scope, grandparent, traverse )
[docs] def reconstruct_derived_type_names(self, current): """This function reconstructs derived type reference syntax tree. However, this functions is actually a preprocessor for the real final reconstruction. Args: current (:obj: 'ET'): Current element object. Returns: None. """ # Update reconstruced derived type references assert ( self.is_derived_type_ref == True ), "'self.is_derived_type_ref' must be true" numPartRef = int(current.attrib['numPartRef']) for idx in range(1, len(self.derived_type_refs)): self.derived_type_refs[idx].attrib.update( {"numPartRef": str(numPartRef)} ) # Re-initialize to original values self.derived_type_refs.clear()
[docs] def reconstruct_name_element(self, cur_elem, current): """This function performs a final reconstruction of derived type name element that was preprocessed by 'reconstruct_derived_type_names' function. This function traverses the preprocessed name element (including sub-elements) and split & store <name> and <subscripts> into separate lists. Then, it comibines and reconstructs two lists appropriately. Args: cur_elem (:obj: 'ET'): Newly generated element for current element object. current (:obj: 'ET'): Current element object. Returns: None. """ name_elements = [cur_elem] # Remove the original <name> elements. current.remove(cur_elem) # Split & Store <name> element and <subscripts>. subscripts_holder = [] for child in cur_elem: if child.tag == "subscripts": subscripts_holder.append(child) else: name_elements.append(child) for third in child: name_elements.append(third) # Combine & Reconstruct <name> element. subscript_num = 0 cur_elem = ET.SubElement( current, name_elements[0].tag, name_elements[0].attrib ) cur_elem.attrib['is_derived_type_ref'] = "true" if cur_elem.attrib['hasSubscripts'] == "true": cur_elem.append(subscripts_holder[subscript_num]) subscript_num += 1 numPartRef = int(cur_elem.attrib['numPartRef']) - 1 name_element = ET.Element("") for idx in range(1, len(name_elements)): name_elements[idx].attrib['numPartRef'] = str(numPartRef) numPartRef -= 1 name_element = ET.SubElement( cur_elem, name_elements[idx].tag, name_elements[idx].attrib ) name_element.attrib['is_derived_type_ref'] = "true" # In order to handle the nested subelements of <name>, # update the cur_elem at each iteration. cur_elem = name_element if name_elements[idx].attrib['hasSubscripts'] == "true": name_element.append(subscripts_holder[subscript_num]) subscript_num += 1 # Clean out the lists for recyling. # This is not really needed as they are local lists, # but just in case. name_elements.clear() subscripts_holder.clear() self.need_reconstruct = False
[docs] def reconstruct_goto_after_label( self, parent, traverse, reconstruct_target ): """This function gets called when goto appears after the corresponding label and all necessary statements are collected for the reconstruction. Args: parent (:obj: 'ET'): A parent ET object that current element will be nested under. header (list): A header tht holds conditional header. traverse (int): A traverse counter. reconstruct_target (dict): A dictionary that holds statements for goto and label as well as the number of goto counter. Return: None. """ number_of_gotos = reconstruct_target['count-gotos'] stmts_follow_goto = reconstruct_target['stmts-follow-goto'] stmts_follow_label = reconstruct_target['stmts-follow-label'] header = [None] self.check_conditional_goto(header, stmts_follow_goto) # Corrent boundaries of gotos in case of a multiple # nested gotos. self.goto_boundary_corrector( reconstruct_target, stmts_follow_goto, stmts_follow_label ) # Check for the case where goto and label are # at different lexical levels self.handle_in_outward_movement(stmts_follow_goto, stmts_follow_label, parent) if not self.conditional_goto: declared_goto_flag_num = [] self.generate_declaration_element( parent, "goto_flag", number_of_gotos, declared_goto_flag_num, traverse ) # This variable is for storing goto that may appear # at the end of if because we want to extract one # scope out and place it right after # the constructed if-statement next_goto = [] reconstructed_goto_elem = [] for i in range(number_of_gotos): # Constructor for statements if and statements nested self.reconstruct_stmts_follow_goto_after_case( header, parent, stmts_follow_goto, next_goto, traverse, reconstructed_goto_elem, i ) # Constructor for statements with L_i:stmt_n self.reconstruct_stmts_follow_label_after_case( stmts_follow_label, next_goto, reconstructed_goto_elem, header, traverse, parent, i ) # When unconditional goto, it generates 'goto_flag_i = False' # statement at the end of reconstrcted goto statement. # Else, nothing gets printed, but set self.conditional_goto to False if not self.conditional_goto: statement = ET.SubElement(parent, "statement") self.generate_assignment_element(statement, \ f"goto_flag_{i+1}", None, "literal", "false", traverse) reconstructed_goto_elem.append(statement) parent.remove(statement) else: self.conditional_goto = False if len(reconstructed_goto_elem) > 1: stmts_follow_label = reconstructed_goto_elem[1] self.encapsulate_under_do_while = False # next_goto holds another goto after the current label_after # case label, which will encapsulate reconstrcted goto element if next_goto: self.reconstruct_next_goto(next_goto, reconstructed_goto_elem, parent) # Set all holders and checkers (markers) to default self.label_after = False self.goto_under_if = False self.reconstruct_after_case_now = False self.reconstruction_for_after_done = True self.goto_target_lbl_after.clear() self.label_lbl_for_after.clear() self.statements_to_reconstruct_after.clear()
[docs] def reconstruct_goto_before_label( self, parent, traverse, reconstruct_target ): """This function gets called when goto appears before the corresponding label and all necessary statements are collected for the reconstruction. Args: parent (:obj: 'ET'): A parent ET object that current element will be nested under. traverse (int): A traverse counter. reconstruct_target (dict): A dictionary that holds statements for goto and label as well as the number of goto counter. Return: None. """ stmts_follow_label = reconstruct_target['stmts-follow-label'] number_of_gotos = reconstruct_target['count-gotos'] # This removes the statement that's a child statement of # if body being seprately re-added to the list. self.remove_dup_stmt(stmts_follow_label) # Declare label flag for loop condition declared_label_flag_num = [] self.generate_declaration_element( parent, "label_flag", number_of_gotos, declared_label_flag_num, traverse ) # Find the boundary from label to goto. # Remove any statements that are not within the boundary. goto_index_holder = [] target_label_lbl = [None] statements_to_recover =\ self.boundary_identifier_for_backward_goto( stmts_follow_label, goto_index_holder, number_of_gotos, target_label_lbl ) # In case of multiple goto statements appears, # slice them into N number of list objects # The location of goto statement (inner to outer) # is represented by the increament of index # i.e. [0]: innermost, [N]: Outermost multiple_goto_stmts = [] self.multiple_goto_identifier( goto_index_holder, multiple_goto_stmts, stmts_follow_label ) # Check whether there is nested label_after # case goto statements. Handles one case # at a time. nested_gotos_exist =\ self.nested_forward_goto_identifier(multiple_goto_stmts) # Generate loop ast self.construct_goto_loop( parent, reconstruct_target, nested_gotos_exist, multiple_goto_stmts, number_of_gotos, declared_label_flag_num, traverse, target_label_lbl) # Recover rest of the statements self.statement_recovery(statements_to_recover, parent, traverse) # Set all holders and checkers (markers) to default self.label_before = False self.reconstruct_before_case_now = False self.reconstruct_for_before_done = True self.label_lbl_for_before.clear() self.statements_to_reconstruct_before['stmts-follow-label'] = [] self.statements_to_reconstruct_before['count-gotos'] = 0
[docs] def reconstruct_header( self, temp_elem_holder, parent ): """This function is for reconstructing the oddly generated header AST to have an uniform structure with other multiary type operation nested headers. Args: temp_elem_holder (list): A temporary holder that holds statements under header for swap. parent (:obj: 'ET'): A parent ET object that current Return: None. """ # This operation is basically for switching # the location of operator and 2nd operand, # so the output syntax can have a common structure # with other operation AST op = temp_elem_holder.pop() temp_elem_holder.insert(1, op) # First create <operation> element # Currently, only assume multiary reconstruction operation = ET.SubElement( parent, "operation", {"type":"multiary"} ) for elem in temp_elem_holder: if elem.tag == "name" or elem.tag == "literal": operand = ET.SubElement(operation, "operand") value = ET.SubElement(operand, elem.tag, elem.attrib) else: assert ( elem.tag == "equiv-operand__equiv-op" ), f"Tag must be 'equiv-operand__equiv-op'. Current: {elem.tag}." operator = ET.SubElement( operation, "operator", {"operator":elem.attrib['equivOp']} ) parent.remove(elem)
[docs] def goto_boundary_corrector(self, reconstruct_target, stmts_follow_goto, stmts_follow_label): """This function is for correcting the boundaries of goto statements in case of a multiple gotos are nested and crossing each other. Args: reconstruct_target (dict): A dictionary that holds statements for goto and label as well as the number of goto counter. stmts_follow_goto (list): A list that holds statements after goto statement. stmts_follow_label (list): A list that holds statements after label statements. Return: None. """ # If [0] <goto-stmt> is an inner scope statement of the [N-1] # <goto-stmt>in the stmts_follow_goto, then we need to correct # the boundary issue by moving the [N-1] element to # the end of stmts_follow_label last_stmt = reconstruct_target['stmts-follow-goto'][-1] if "goto-stmt" in last_stmt.attrib: first_goto = reconstruct_target['stmts-follow-goto'][0] if last_stmt.attrib['lbl'] == first_goto.attrib['parent-goto']: last_goto = reconstruct_target['stmts-follow-goto'].pop() last_goto.attrib['next-goto'] = "true" stmts_follow_label.append(last_goto) goto_and_label_stmts_after_goto = [] for stmt in stmts_follow_goto: if "label" in stmt.attrib: goto_and_label_stmts_after_goto.append(stmt.attrib['label']) elif "goto-stmt" in stmt.attrib: goto_and_label_stmts_after_goto.append(stmt.attrib['lbl']) num_of_goto_and_label_after_label = 0 index = 0 for stmt in stmts_follow_label: if ( "label" in stmt.attrib or "goto-stmt" in stmt.attrib ): num_of_goto_and_label_after_label += 1 # Since the first label-statement of # stmts_follow_label is always a match # for the first goto-statement in the # stmt_follow_goto in the label_after case, # remove the goto-move (label_before) case mark if ( index == 0 and "goto-move" in stmt.attrib ): del stmt.attrib['goto-move'] # -2 disregarding the first and last statements num_of_goto_and_label_after_label -= 2 for i in range(num_of_goto_and_label_after_label): stmt = stmts_follow_label.pop(-2) stmts_follow_goto.append(stmt)
[docs] def reconstruct_stmts_follow_goto_after_case( self, header, parent, stmts_follow_goto, next_goto, traverse, reconstructed_goto_elem, index ): """This function generates a new if statement to nests statements that follow goto-stmt based on condition or non-condition status to eliminate goto. Args: next_goto (list): A list to hold next goto-stmt that may exist within the boundary of current goto. reconstructed_goto_elem (list): A list that will hold reconstructed if statements. header (list): A header tht holds conditional header. parent (:obj: 'ET'): A parent ET object that current element will be nested under. stmts_follow_goto (list): A list that holds statements within the boundary of currently handling goto. traverse (int): A current traverse counter. index (int): An index of goto. Return: None. """ if self.conditional_goto: if not self.outward_move and not self.inward_move: self.need_op_negation = True if header[0] is not None: self.generate_if_element( header[0], parent, stmts_follow_goto, next_goto, True, None, None, None, None, traverse, reconstructed_goto_elem ) elif self.outward_move: for stmt in stmts_follow_goto: if "skip-collect" not in stmt.attrib: cur_elem = ET.SubElement (parent, stmt.tag, stmt.attrib) self.parseXMLTree(stmt, cur_elem, stmt, parent, traverse) else: assert ( False ), "Currently inward movement for goto is not being handled." else: self.generate_if_element( None, parent, stmts_follow_goto, next_goto, True, "unary", f"goto_flag_{index + 1}", None, ".not.", traverse, reconstructed_goto_elem ) if reconstructed_goto_elem: stmts_follow_goto = reconstructed_goto_elem[0]
[docs] def handle_in_outward_movement(self, stmts_follow_goto, stmts_follow_label, parent): """This function checks the lexical level of goto and label. Then, generate and add (remove) statements to the statement holders, so they can be handled appropriately. Args: stmts_follow_goto (list): It holds all the statements that appeared after the goto statement in the original code. stmts_follow_label (list): It holds all the statements that appeared after the label statement in the original code. parent (:obj: 'ET'): A parent ET object that current element will be nested under. Returns: None. """ body_levels = {} for goto_stmt in stmts_follow_goto: # If the statements are in different level, # we do not want to have them in the stmts_follow_goto, # so check such case and remove anything follow goto-stmt. if ( self.outward_move and ("generated-exit-stmt" not in goto_stmt.attrib and "goto-stmt" not in goto_stmt.attrib) ): stmts_follow_goto.remove(goto_stmt) if "goto-stmt" in goto_stmt.attrib: lbl = goto_stmt.attrib['lbl'] body_levels[lbl] = goto_stmt.attrib['body-level'] for label_stmt in stmts_follow_label: if 'target-label-statement' in label_stmt.attrib: label = label_stmt.attrib['label'] label_body_level = label_stmt.attrib['body-level'] # A goto-forward case where goto and label are # located in different levels if ( label in body_levels and body_levels[label] != label_body_level ): if self.body_level_rank[label_body_level]\ < self.body_level_rank[body_levels[label]]: self.outward_move = True # Since outward movement is simply adding exit (break) to # the goto-stmt place, we have to create <exit> statement, # then append it to the stmts_follo_goto statement = ET.SubElement(parent, "statement") statement.attrib['generated-exit-stmt'] = "true" exit = ET.SubElement(statement, "exit") stmts_follow_goto.append(statement) # We need to remove it from the parent as it was just # a place holder before append to the list parent.remove(statement) if label_body_level != "loop": self.goto_under_loop = False else: self.goto_under_loop = True
[docs] def reconstruct_next_goto(self, next_goto, reconstructed_goto_elem, parent): """This function reconstruct a goto statement that appears after the currently handling goto case. The default case is that the next goto is a backward goto case, which requires reconstruction by reconstruct_goto_before function. Thus, this function prepares the ingredient for it. Args: next_goto (list): Holds statement and goto-stmt elements. reconstructed_goto_elem (list): Holds reconstructed if statements that was generated after eliminating the goto. header (list): A header tht holds conditional header. Return: None. """ statement = ET.SubElement( parent, next_goto[0]['statement'].tag, next_goto[0]['statement'].attrib ) goto_stmt = ET.SubElement( statement, next_goto[0]['goto-stmt'].tag, next_goto[0]['goto-stmt'].attrib ) if ( reconstructed_goto_elem and reconstructed_goto_elem[0].attrib['label'] == goto_stmt.attrib['target_label'] ): for stmt in reconstructed_goto_elem: self.statements_to_reconstruct_before['stmts-follow-label'].append(stmt) self.statements_to_reconstruct_before['stmts-follow-label'].append(statement) if self.statements_to_reconstruct_before['count-gotos'] < 1: self.statements_to_reconstruct_before['count-gotos'] = 1 self.reconstruct_before_case_now = True self.reconstruction_for_before_done = False
[docs] def check_conditional_goto(self, header, stmts_follow_goto): """This function checks whether the goto is conditional or unconditional. If it's conditional, it extracts conditional operation (header). Args: header (list): A header tht holds conditional header. stmts_follow_goto (list): It holds all the statements that appeared after the goto statement in the original code. Returns: None. """ # Check for the status whether current <goto-stmt> is # conditional. If yes, only extract the header (condition) # and remove the if statement AST from the tree. uniq_code = None for stmt in stmts_follow_goto: if ( stmt.tag == "statement" and "goto-stmt" in stmt.attrib and "conditional-goto-stmt" in stmt.attrib ): uniq_code = stmt.attrib['code'] self.conditional_goto = True if uniq_code in self.conditional_op: header[0] = self.conditional_op[uniq_code]
[docs] def reconstruct_stmts_follow_label_after_case( self, stmts_follow_label, next_goto, reconstructed_goto_elem, header, traverse, parent, index ): """This function generates a new statements to nest statements that follow label based on condition or non-condition status to eliminate goto. Args: next_goto (list): A list to hold next goto-stmt that may exist within the boundary of current goto. reconstructed_goto_elem (list): A list that will hold reconstructed if statements. header (list): A header tht holds conditional header. parent (:obj: 'ET'): A parent ET object that current element will be nested under. stmts_follow_label (list): A list that holds statements follow label statement for currently handling goto. traverse (int): A current traverse counter. index (int): An index of goto. Return: None. """ for stmt in stmts_follow_label: if len(stmt) > 0: # A case where another goto-stmt appears after the current label if "goto-stmt" in stmt.attrib: goto_stmt = {} goto_stmt['statement'] = stmt for child in stmt: if child.attrib['target_label'] in self.goto_target_lbl_before: goto_stmt['statement'].attrib['goto-move'] = "true" if ( child.attrib['target_label'] not in self.goto_target_lbl_after and "goto-move" in goto_stmt['statement'] ): del goto_stmt['statement'].attrib['goto-move'] goto_stmt['goto-stmt'] = child next_goto.append(goto_stmt) else: # A case where both goto and label are under the same level if not self.outward_move and not self.inward_move: reconstructed_goto_elem.append(stmt) if not self.encapsulate_under_do_while: statement = ET.SubElement(parent, stmt.tag, stmt.attrib) for child in stmt: cur_elem = ET.SubElement(statement, child.tag, child.attrib) if len(child) > 0: self.parseXMLTree(child, cur_elem, statement, parent, traverse) # A case where outward movement goto handling is need elif self.outward_move: label_body_level = self.body_elem_holder[stmt.attrib['body-level']] # If goto is a conditional case, but under else then # there is no header operation. Thus, we simply declare new boolean # variable like a non-conditional goto, then use that variable to # construct new if statement and nest statement under label. if self.goto_under_else: number_of_gotos = int(self.statements_to_reconstruct_after['count-gotos']) declared_goto_flag_num = [] self.generate_declaration_element( label_body_level, "goto_flag", number_of_gotos, declared_goto_flag_num, traverse ) self.generate_if_element( None, label_body_level, stmts_follow_label, next_goto, False, None, f"goto_flag_{index + 1}", None, None, traverse, reconstructed_goto_elem ) else: self.generate_if_element( header[0], label_body_level, stmts_follow_label, next_goto, True, None, None, None, None, traverse, reconstructed_goto_elem ) # A case where inward movement goto handling is need else: pass
[docs] def restruct_declaration(self, elem_declaration, parent): """This function is to restructure declaration to have an uniform xml structure.""" declaration = ET.SubElement( parent, elem_declaration.tag, elem_declaration.attrib ) for child in elem_declaration: subelem = ET.SubElement( declaration, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.generate_element(child, subelem) if child.tag == "type": dimensions = ET.SubElement( declaration, self.dimensions_holder.tag, self.dimensions_holder.attrib ) self.handle_tag_dimensions(self.dimensions_holder, dimensions, parent, parent, 1)
[docs] def generate_element(self, current_elem, parent_elem): """This function is to traverse the existing xml and generate a new copy to the given parent element - This is a recursive function.""" for child in current_elem: if len(child) > 0 or child.text: elem = ET.SubElement( parent_elem, child.tag, child.attrib ) self.generate_element(child, elem) else: subelem = ET.SubElement( parent_elem, child.tag, child.attrib ) if subelem.tag == "variable": subelem.attrib['is_array'] = "true"
################################################################# # # # ELEMENT GENERATORS # # # #################################################################
[docs] def generate_declaration_element( self, parent, default_name, number_of_gotos, declared_flag_num, traverse ): """A flag declaration and assignment xml generation. This will generate N number of label_flag_i or goto_i, where N is the number of gotos in the Fortran code and i is the number assigned to the flag Args: parent (:obj: 'ET'): Parent element object. default_name (str): A default name given for new variable. number_of_gotos (int): A number of gotos. Amount of variables will be generated based on this number. declared_flag_num (list): A list to hold the number of delcared varaibles (flags). traverse (int): A current traverse counter. Return: None. """ # Declaration specification_attribs = { "declaration": "1", "implicit": "1", "imports": "0", "uses": "0" } specification_elem = ET.SubElement( parent, "specification", specification_attribs ) declaration_elem = ET.SubElement( specification_elem, "declaration", {"type": "variable"} ) type_attribs = { "hasKind": "false", "hasLength": "false", "is_derived_type": "False", "keyword2": "none", "name": "logical", } type_elem = ET.SubElement( declaration_elem, "type", type_attribs ) variables_elem = ET.SubElement( declaration_elem, "variables", {"count": str(number_of_gotos)} ) variable_attribs = { "hasArraySpec": "false", "hasCharLength": "false", "hasCoarraySpec": "false", "hasInitialValue": "false", "hasInitialization": "false", "is_array": "false", } for flag in range(number_of_gotos): flag_num = flag + 1 if default_name == "label_flag": if flag_num in self.declared_label_flags: flag_num = self.declared_label_flags[-1] + 1 if default_name == "goto_flag": if flag_num in self.declared_goto_flags: flag_num = self.declared_goto_flags[-1] + 1 self.declared_label_flags.append(flag_num) declared_flag_num.append(flag_num) variable_attribs['id'] = f"{default_name}_{flag_num}" variable_attribs['name'] = f"{default_name}_{flag_num}" variable_elem = ET.SubElement( variables_elem, "variable", variable_attribs ) # Assignment for flag in range(number_of_gotos): flag_num = declared_flag_num[flag] declared_flag_num.append(flag_num) statement_elem = ET.SubElement(parent, "statement") self.generate_assignment_element( statement_elem, f"{default_name}_{flag_num}", None, "literal", "true", traverse )
[docs] def generate_assignment_element( self, parent, name_id, condition, value_type, value, traverse ): """This is a function for generating new assignment element xml for goto reconstruction. Args: parent (:obj: 'ET'): Parent element object. name_id (str): Name of a target variable. value_type (str): Type of value that will be assigned. traverse (int): A current traverse counter. Returns: None. """ assignment_elem = ET.SubElement(parent, "assignment") target_elem = ET.SubElement(assignment_elem, "target") self.generate_name_element( target_elem, "false", name_id, "false", "1", "variable" ) value_elem = ET.SubElement(assignment_elem, "value") # Unconditional goto has default values of literal as below if value_type == "literal": assert ( condition is None ), "Literal type assignment must not hold condition element." literal_elem = ET.SubElement( value_elem, "literal", {"type": "bool", "value": value} ) # Conditional goto has dynamic values of operation else: assert ( condition is not None ), "Conditional <goto-stmt> assignment must be passed with operation." unique_code = parent.attrib['code'] for stmt in condition[unique_code]: if stmt.tag == "operation": condition_op = stmt operation_elem = ET.SubElement( value_elem, condition_op.tag, condition_op.attrib ) self.parseXMLTree( condition_op, operation_elem, value_elem, assignment_elem, traverse )
[docs] def generate_operation_element(self, parent, op_type, operator, name): """This is a function for generating new operation element and its nested subelements with the passes arguments. Currently, it generates only a unary operation syntax only. It may require update in the future. Args: parent (:obj: 'ET'): Parent element object. op_type (str): Operation type. operator (str): Operator. name (str): Name of a variable for new element. Returns: None. """ operation_elem = ET.SubElement(parent, "operation", {"type": op_type}) operator_elem = ET.SubElement(operation_elem, "operator", {"operator": operator}) operand_elem = ET.SubElement(operation_elem, "operand") self.generate_name_element(operand_elem, "false", name, "false", "1", "ambiguous")
[docs] def generate_name_element(self, parent, hasSubscripts, name_id, is_array, numPartRef, name_type): """This is a function for generating new name element based on the provided arguments. Args: parent (:obj: 'ET'): Parent element object. hasSubscripts (str): "true" or "false" status in string. name_id (str): Name of a variable. numPartRef (str): Number of references. type (str): Type of a variable. Returns: None. """ name_attribs = { "hasSubscripts": hasSubscripts, "id": name_id, "is_array": is_array, "numPartRef": numPartRef, "type": name_type, } name_elem = ET.SubElement(parent, "name", name_attribs)
[docs] def generate_if_element( self, header, parent, stored_stmts, next_goto, need_operation, op_type, lhs, rhs, operator, traverse, reconstructed_goto_elem ): """This is a function generating new if element. Since header can hold unary, multiary, or name, some arguments may be passed with None. Check them to generate an appropriate XML. Args: header (:obj: 'ET'): Header element from if. parent (:obj: 'ET'): Parent element object. stored_stmts (list): List of statements. next_goto (list): Another gotos appear while handling current goto stmt. need_operation (bool): Boolean to state whether new if needs operation header. op_type (str): Operation type. lhs (str): Left hand side variabel name. rhs (str): Right hand side variabel name. operator (str): Operator. traverse (int): Current traverse counter. reconstructed_goto_elem (list): A list to hold reconstructed AST after goto elimination. Returns: None. """ goto_nest_if_elem = ET.SubElement(parent, "if", {"parent":parent.attrib['parent']}) header_elem = ET.SubElement(goto_nest_if_elem, "header") if need_operation: if header is None: self.generate_operation_element(header_elem, op_type, operator, lhs) else: for stmt in header: operation_elem = ET.SubElement(header_elem, stmt.tag, stmt.attrib) self.parseXMLTree(stmt, operation_elem, header_elem, goto_nest_if_elem, traverse) else: self.generate_name_element(header_elem, "false", lhs, "false", "1", "variable") # Generate AST for statements that will be nested under if (!cond) or (cond) label = None statement_num = 0 label_before_within_scope = False body_elem = ET.SubElement(goto_nest_if_elem, "body") for stmt in stored_stmts: if len(stmt) > 0: if "skip-collect" in stmt.attrib: parent_scope = stmt.attrib['parent-goto'] if parent_scope in self.goto_label_with_case: if self.goto_label_with_case[parent_scope] == "before": goto_nest_if_elem.attrib['label'] = parent_scope self.encapsulate_under_do_while = True else: if ( "next-goto" not in stmt.attrib or ( "lbl" in stmt.attrib and stmt.attrib['lbl'] == self.current_label ) ): if "goto-move" in stmt.attrib and not label_before_within_scope: if "target-label-statement" in stmt.attrib: del stmt.attrib['goto-move'] del stmt.attrib['target-label-statement'] label_before_within_scope = True # If label for label-before case is the first statement, # we want to mark this entire if-statement because it # represents that it needs to be encapsulated with do-while if statement_num == 0: self.encapsulate_under_do_while = True # Reinitialize counter to 0 to count the number of gotos # only within the current scope self.statements_to_reconstruct_before['count-gotos'] = 0 self.statements_to_reconstruct_before['stmts-follow-label'] = [] self.current_label = stmt.attrib['label'] if label_before_within_scope: self.statements_to_reconstruct_before[ 'stmts-follow-label'].append(stmt) for child in stmt: if child.tag == "label": label = child.attrib['lbl'] if self.current_label == label: if self.encapsulate_under_do_while: goto_nest_if_elem.attrib[ 'label'] = label if child.tag == "goto-stmt": # If current goto-stmt label is equal to the scope label, # it means that end-of-scope is met and ready to reconstruct if self.current_label == child.attrib['target_label']: self.statements_to_reconstruct_before['count-gotos'] += 1 # Since we are going to handle the first label-before # case, remove the label lbl from the list del self.goto_target_lbl_before[0] label_before_within_scope = False self.current_label = None reconstruct_target = self.statements_to_reconstruct_before self.reconstruct_goto_before_label( body_elem, traverse, reconstruct_target) # Else, a new goto-stmt was found that is nested current label_before # case scope, so we need to update the parent for it else: stmt.attrib['parent-goto'] = self.current_label else: cur_elem = ET.SubElement(body_elem, stmt.tag, stmt.attrib) if "goto-remove" in cur_elem.attrib: del cur_elem.attrib['goto-remove'] for child in stmt: child_elem = ET.SubElement(cur_elem, child.tag, child.attrib) if len(child) > 0: self.parseXMLTree(child, child_elem, cur_elem, parent, traverse) else: if need_operation: goto_stmt = {} goto_stmt['statement'] = stmt for child in stmt: assert ( child.tag == "goto-stmt" ), f"Must only store <goto-stmt> in next_goto['goto-stmt']. Current: <{child.tag}>." if child.attrib[ 'target_label'] in self.goto_target_lbl_before: goto_stmt['statement'].attrib[ 'goto-move'] = "true" if ( child.attrib[ 'target_label'] not in self.goto_target_lbl_after and "goto-move" in goto_stmt['statement'] ): del goto_stmt['statement'].attrib['goto-move'] goto_stmt['goto-stmt'] = child next_goto.append(goto_stmt) statement_num += 1 if ( self.encapsulate_under_do_while and ( ( goto_nest_if_elem.attrib['parent'] != "program" and self.outward_move ) or ( goto_nest_if_elem.attrib['parent'] == "program" and not self.outward_move ) ) ): goto_nest_if_elem.attrib['goto-move'] = "true" reconstructed_goto_elem.append(goto_nest_if_elem) parent.remove(goto_nest_if_elem)
################################################################# # # # MISCELLANEOUS # # # #################################################################
[docs] def clean_derived_type_ref(self, current): """This function will clean up the derived type referencing syntax, which is stored in a form of "id='x'%y" in the id attribute. Once the id gets cleaned, it will call the reconstruc_derived_type_ref function to reconstruct and replace the messy version of id with the cleaned version. Args: current (:obj: 'ET'): Current element object. Returns: None. """ current_id = current.attrib[ "id" ] # 1. Get the original form of derived type id, which is in a form of, # for example, id="x"%y in the original XML. self.derived_type_var_holder_list.append( self.clean_id(current_id) ) # 2. Extract the first variable name, for example, x in this case. percent_sign = current_id.find( "%" ) # 3. Get the location of the '%' sign. self.derived_type_var_holder_list.append( current_id[percent_sign + 1: len(current_id)] ) # 4. Get the field variable. y in this example. self.reconstruct_derived_type_ref(current)
[docs] def clean_id(self, unrefined_id): """This function refines id (or value) with quotation marks included by removing them and returns only the variable name. For example, from "OUTPUT" to OUTPUT and "x" to x. Thus, the id name will be modified as below: Unrefined id - id = ""OUTPUT"" Refined id - id = "OUTPUT" Args: unrefined_id (str): Id of name element that holds unnecessary strings. Returns: None """ return re.findall(r"\"([^\']+)\"", unrefined_id)[0]
[docs] def clean_attrib(self, current): """The original XML elements holds 'eos' and 'rule' attributes that are not necessary and being used. Thus, this function will remove them in the rectified version of XML. Args: current (:obj: 'ET'): Current element object. Returns: None. """ if "eos" in current.attrib: current.attrib.pop("eos") if "rule" in current.attrib: current.attrib.pop("rule")
[docs] def boundary_identifier(self): """This function will be called to identify the boundary for each goto-and-label. The definition of scope here is that whether one goto-label is nested under another goto-label. For example: <label with lbl = 111> ____<goto-stmt with lbl = 222> ____<label with lbl = 222> <goto-stmt with lbl = 111> In this case, "goto-label with lbl = 222" is within the scope of "lbl = 111" Thus, the elements will be assigned with "parent-goto" attribute with 111. Args: None. Returns: None. """ boundary = {} lbl_counter = {} goto_label_in_order = [] goto_and_labels = self.encountered_goto_label for lbl in goto_and_labels: if lbl not in lbl_counter: lbl_counter[lbl] = 1 else: lbl_counter[lbl] += 1 # Identify each label's parent label (scope) if not goto_label_in_order: goto_label_in_order.append(lbl) else: if lbl not in goto_label_in_order: parent = goto_label_in_order[-1] boundary[lbl] = parent goto_label_in_order.append(lbl) # Since the relationship betwen label:goto-stmt is 1:M, # find the label that has multiple goto-stmts. # Because that extra <goto-stmt> creates extra scope to # encapsulate other 'label-goto' or 'goto-label'. for lbl in goto_label_in_order: if lbl not in boundary: for label, counter in lbl_counter.items(): if counter > 1 and counter % 2 > 0: boundary[lbl] = label # This will check for the handled goto cases. # If any unhandled case encountered, then it will # assert and give out an error. Else, return nothing self.case_availability (boundary) boundary_for_label = boundary.copy() self.parent_goto_assigner ( boundary, boundary_for_label, self.statements_to_reconstruct_before['stmts-follow-label'] ) self.parent_goto_assigner ( boundary, boundary_for_label, self.statements_to_reconstruct_after['stmts-follow-goto'] ) self.parent_goto_assigner ( boundary, boundary_for_label, self.statements_to_reconstruct_after['stmts-follow-label'] )
[docs] def update_function_arguments(self, current): """This function handles function definition's arguments with array status based on the information that was observed during the function call Args: current (:obj: 'ET'): Current node (either call or value) Returns: None. """ fname = current.attrib['fname'] if fname in self.arguments_list: callee_arguments = self.arguments_list[fname] for arg in callee_arguments: # self.caller_arr_arguments holds any element # only when arrays are being passed to functions # as arguments. Thus, we first need to check if # callee function name exists in the list if ( fname in self.caller_arr_arguments and arg.attrib['name'] in self.caller_arr_arguments[fname] ): arg.attrib['is_array'] = "true" else: arg.attrib['is_array'] = "false" # re-initialize back to initial values self.call_function = False
[docs] def update_call_argument_type(self, current, update, scope, arguments_info): """This function updates call statement function argument xml with variable type.""" if ( (current.tag == "name" and update) and (scope in self.variables_by_scope and current.attrib['id'] in self.variables_by_scope[scope]) ): current.attrib['type'] = self.variables_by_scope[scope][current.attrib['id']] arguments_info.append(current.attrib['type']) elif current.tag == "literal": if current.attrib['type'] in TYPE_MAP: type_info = TYPE_MAP[current.attrib['type']] else: type_info = current.attrib['type'] arguments_info.append(type_info) for child in current: if current.tag == "subscript": update = True self.update_call_argument_type(child, update, scope, arguments_info)
[docs] def replace_interface_function_to_target(self, current, arguments_info): """This function will check whether replacing function name is needed or not. That is if the Fortran source code has module with interface and does dynamic dispatching to functions.""" cur_function = current.attrib['fname'].lower() target_function = None for module in self.used_modules: if module in self.module_summary: interface_funcs = self.module_summary[module]['interface_functions'] if cur_function in interface_funcs: interface_func_list = interface_funcs[cur_function] for func in interface_func_list: function_args = interface_func_list[func] found_target_function = False if len(arguments_info) == len(function_args): i = 0 # a: argument, t: type for a, t in function_args.items(): if t == arguments_info[i].lower(): found_target_function = True else: found_target_function = False break i += 1 # If target function was found in the interface function list, # modify the current <call> element name and its child <name> # element id with the target function name from the interface name. if found_target_function: # The order of modifying is important. # MUST modify child element <name> first before modifying # current <call>. for elem in current: if ( elem.tag == "name" and elem.attrib['id'] == current.attrib['fname'] ): elem.attrib['id'] = func for subElem in elem: if subElem.tag == "subscripts": subElem.attrib['fname'] = func current.attrib['fname'] = func
################################################################# # # # GOTO ELIMINATION HELPER FUNCTIONS # # # #################################################################
[docs] def case_availability(self, boundary): """This function checks for the goto cases in the code based on the boundary. If any unhandled case encountered, then it will assert and halt the program. Args: boundary (dict): A dictonary of goto label and boundary label. Returns: None. """ # Case check for more than double nested goto case nested_gotos = {} root_boundary = None current_boundary = None for goto, boundary in boundary.items(): if current_boundary is None: current_boundary = goto root_boundary = goto nested_gotos[root_boundary] = 1 else: if boundary == current_boundary: nested_gotos[root_boundary] += 1 assert ( nested_gotos[root_boundary] <= 2 ), f"Do do not handle > 2 nested goto case at this moment." else: root_boundary = goto nested_gotos[root_boundary] = 1 current_boundary = goto # All cases are currently handled return
[docs] def parent_goto_assigner(self, boundary, boundary_for_label, statements_to_reconstruct ): """This function actually assigns boundary(s) to each goto and label statements. Args: boundary (list): A list of boundaries. boundary_for_label (dict): A dictionary of label as a key and its parent boundary label. statements_to_reconstruct (list): A list of statements that require reconstruction. Returns: None. """ for stmt in statements_to_reconstruct: if "goto-stmt" in stmt.attrib: target_lbl = stmt.attrib['lbl'] if target_lbl in boundary: stmt.attrib['parent-goto'] = boundary[target_lbl] del boundary[target_lbl] else: stmt.attrib['parent-goto'] = "none" if "target-label-statement" in stmt.attrib: label = stmt.attrib['label'] if label in boundary_for_label: stmt.attrib['parent-goto'] = boundary_for_label[label] del boundary_for_label[label] else: stmt.attrib['parent-goto'] = "none"
[docs] def remove_dup_stmt(self, stmts_follow_label): """This removes the statement that's a child statement of if body being seprately re-added to the list. Args: stmts_follow_label (:obj: 'ET'): A list that holds statements appeard under the label-statement for reconstruction. Returns: None. """ prev_stmt = None for stmt in stmts_follow_label: if prev_stmt is not None: # This statement always appears right before # the if-statement, so check this condition # and remove it from the list. if ( stmt.tag == "if" and (prev_stmt.tag == "statement" and prev_stmt.attrib['body-level'] == "if") ): stmts_follow_label.remove(prev_stmt) prev_stmt = stmt
[docs] def boundary_identifier_for_backward_goto( self, stmts_follow_label, goto_index_holder, number_of_gotos, target_label_lbl ): """This function identifies the boundary from label to goto. Remove any statements that are not within the boundary. Then, store those removed statements seprately for later restoration. Args: stmts_follow_label (list): A list holding the statements that appear after the label-statement for reconstruction. goto_index_holder (list): A list of index of goto in the stmts_follow_label. number_of_gotos (int): Number of gotos in the stmts_follow_label. target_label_lbl (list): A list that should only hold one value of label-stmt's label value. Returns: (list): A list of statements that requires restoration after loop generation. """ index = 0 goto_counter = 0 for stmt in stmts_follow_label: if ( index == 0 and "label" in stmt.attrib ): target_label_lbl[0] = stmt.attrib['label'] for child in stmt: if ( child.tag == "goto-stmt" and child.attrib['target_label'] == target_label_lbl[0] ): goto_counter += 1 goto_index_holder.append(index) if goto_counter == number_of_gotos: break index += 1 statements_to_recover = stmts_follow_label[index+1:len(stmts_follow_label)] for stmt in statements_to_recover: if ( stmt.tag == "if" and "conditional-goto-stmt-lbl" in stmt.attrib ): statements_to_recover.remove(stmt) del stmts_follow_label[index + 1:len(stmts_follow_label)] return statements_to_recover
[docs] def multiple_goto_identifier ( self, goto_index_holder, multiple_goto_stmts, stmts_follow_label ): """This function identifies any additional goto statements may appear within the boundary of currently handling backward goto case. Args: stmts_follow_label (list): A list holding the statements that appear after the label-statement for reconstruction. goto_index_holder (list): A list of index of goto in the stmts_follow_label. multiple_goto_stmts (list): A list that will hold additional gotos within the boundary of current goto. Returns: None. """ for i in range(len(goto_index_holder)): if i == 0: multiple_goto_stmts.append( stmts_follow_label[0:goto_index_holder[i] + 1] ) else: if i + 1 < len(goto_index_holder): multiple_goto_stmts.append( stmts_follow_label[ goto_index_holder[i - 1] + 1:goto_index_holder[ i + 1] + 1] ) else: multiple_goto_stmts.append( stmts_follow_label[ goto_index_holder[i - 1] + 1:goto_index_holder[-1] + 1] )
[docs] def nested_forward_goto_identifier(self, multiple_goto_stmts): """This function identifies any existing forward goto case nested under the backward goto case. Args: multiple_goto_stmts (list): A list that will hold additional gotos within the boundary of current goto. index_boundary (list): A list that will hold the indices of label of <label> and <goto-stmt>. Returns: (bool): A boolean status indicating whether the nested forward goto exists within the boundary. """ labels = [] index_boundary = [] nested_gotos_exist = False for goto in multiple_goto_stmts: index = 0 main_loop_lbl = goto[0].attrib['label'] label_after_lbl = None for stmt in goto: if "label" in stmt.attrib: labels.append(stmt.attrib["label"]) if stmt.attrib["label"] == label_after_lbl: index_boundary.append(index) if "goto-stmt" in stmt.attrib: if ( main_loop_lbl != stmt.attrib['lbl'] and stmt.attrib['lbl'] not in labels ): nested_gotos_exist = True label_after_lbl = stmt.attrib['lbl'] index_boundary.append(index) index += 1 return nested_gotos_exist
[docs] def construct_goto_loop( self, parent, reconstruct_target, nested_gotos_exist, multiple_goto_stmts, number_of_gotos, declared_label_flag_num, traverse, target_label_lbl ): """This function constructs loop syntax tree for goto backward case. Args: parent (:obj: 'ET'): Parent element of loop. reconstruct_target (dict): A dictionary that will hold nested goto statement. nested_gotos_exist (bool): Boolean to indicating whether nested goto exists or not. multiple_goto_stmts (list): A list of goto and other statements. number_of_gotos (int): Number of gotos to reconstruct. declared_label_flag_num (list): List of flag numbers. traverse (int): Current traverse counter. target_label_lbl (list): A single value list that holds the label value of <label>. Returns: None. """ cur_elem_parent = parent current_goto_num = 1 end_of_current_goto_loop = False for i in range(number_of_gotos): loop_elem = ET.SubElement(cur_elem_parent, "loop", {"type": "do-while"}) header_elem = ET.SubElement(loop_elem, "header") # The outermost flag == N and the innermost flag == 1 flag_num = declared_label_flag_num[i] name = f"label_flag_{str(flag_num)}" name_attrib = { "hasSubscripts": "false", "id": name, "type": "ambiguous", } name_elem = ET.SubElement(header_elem, "name", name_attrib) flag_name = name body_elem = ET.SubElement(loop_elem, "body") # Keep a track of the parent and grandparent elements grand_parent_elem = cur_elem_parent cur_elem_parent = body_elem # Since reconstruction of multiple goto is done from outermost # to the inner, we are not constructing any subelements until # all encapsulating loops are created first if current_goto_num == number_of_gotos: for statements in multiple_goto_stmts: index = 0 for stmt in statements: if len(stmt) > 0: if nested_gotos_exist: self.nested_goto_handler( reconstruct_target, statements, body_elem, traverse ) nested_gotos_exist = False else: elems = ET.SubElement( body_elem, stmt.tag, stmt.attrib ) for child in stmt: if ( child.tag == "goto-stmt" and target_label_lbl[0] == child.attrib['target_label'] ): # Conditional if "conditional-goto-stmt" in stmt.attrib: self.generate_assignment_element( elems, flag_name, self.conditional_op, None, None, traverse ) # Unconditional else: self.generate_assignment_element( elems, flag_name, None, "literal", "true", traverse ) end_of_current_goto_loop = True else: child_elem = ET.SubElement( elems, child.tag, child.attrib ) if len(child) > 0: self.parseXMLTree( child, child_elem, elems, parent, traverse ) # If end_of_current_goto_loop is True, # escape one loop out to continue # construct statements if end_of_current_goto_loop: body_elem = grand_parent_elem end_of_current_goto_loop = False flag_name = f"label_flag_" \ f"{str(number_of_gotos + i - 1)}" index += 1 else: current_goto_num += 1
[docs] def nested_goto_handler( self, reconstruct_target, statements, body_elem, traverse ): """This function collects forward goto case related statements under the backward goto boundary. Then, it calls goto_after function to reconstruct goto. Args: reconstruct_target (list): A list that holds statements for reconstruction. statements (:obj: 'ET'): Statements for reconstructions. body_elem (:obj: 'ET'): Body element of the loop. traverse (int): Current traverse counter. """ reconstruct_target['stmts-follow-goto'] \ = statements[index_scope[0]:index_scope[1]] reconstruct_target['stmts-follow-label'] \ = statements[index_scope[1]] reconstruct_target['count-gotos'] \ = 1 self.reconstruct_goto_after_label( body_elem, traverse, reconstruct_target ) self.statements_to_reconstruct_after[ 'stmts-follow-goto'] = []
[docs] def statement_recovery (self, statements_to_recover, parent, traverse): """This function is for recovering any existing statements that follow reconstructed loop. Args: statements_to_recover (list): A list of statements. parent (:obj: 'ET'): A prent element. traverse (int): Current traverse counter. """ for recover_stmt in statements_to_recover: statement = ET.SubElement( parent, recover_stmt.tag, recover_stmt.attrib ) for child in recover_stmt: child_elem = ET.SubElement( statement, child.tag, child.attrib ) if len(child) > 0: self.parseXMLTree( child, child_elem, statement, parent, traverse )
################################################################# # # # NON-CLASS FUNCTIONS # # # #################################################################
[docs]def is_empty(elem): """This function is just a helper function for check whether the passed elements (i.e. list) is empty or not Args: elem (:obj:): Any structured data object (i.e. list). Returns: bool: True if element is empty or false if not. """ if not elem: return True else: return False
[docs]def indent(elem, level=0): """This function indents each level of XML. Source: -in-xml-file-generated-via-xml-etree-elementstree-in-python Args: elem (:obj: 'ET'): An XML root. level (int): A root level in integer. Returns: None. """ i = "\n" + level * " " if len(elem): if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): elem.text = i + " " if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i for elem in elem: indent(elem, level + 1) if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i else: if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): elem.tail = i
[docs]def buildNewASTfromXMLString( xmlString: str, original_fortran_file: str, module_log_file_path: str ) -> Tuple[ET.Element, List]: """This function processes OFP generated XML and generates a rectified version by recursively calling the appropriate functions. Args: xmlString (str): XML as a string original_fortran_file (str): Path to the original Fortran file module_log_file_path (str): Path to the module_log_file Returns: ET object: A reconstructed element object. """ xml_generator = RectifiedXMLGenerator() # We need the absolute path of Fortran file to lookup in the modLogFile.json xml_generator.original_fortran_file_abs_path = \ os.path.abspath(original_fortran_file) xml_generator.module_log_file_path = module_log_file_path traverse = 1 ofpAST = ET.XML(xmlString) # A root of the new AST newRoot = ET.Element(ofpAST.tag, ofpAST.attrib) # First add the root to the new AST list for child in ofpAST: # Handle only non-empty elements if child.text: cur_elem = ET.SubElement(newRoot, child.tag, child.attrib) xml_generator.parseXMLTree(child, cur_elem, newRoot, newRoot, traverse) # Indent and structure the tree properly tree = ET.ElementTree(newRoot) indent(newRoot) # Checks if the rectified AST requires goto elimination, # if it does, it does a 2nd traversal to eliminate and # reconstruct the AST once more while (xml_generator.need_goto_elimination): oldRoot = newRoot traverse += 1 xml_generator.boundary_identifier() newRoot = ET.Element(oldRoot.tag, oldRoot.attrib) for child in oldRoot: if child.text: cur_elem = ET.SubElement(newRoot, child.tag, child.attrib) xml_generator.parseXMLTree(child, cur_elem, newRoot, newRoot, traverse) tree = ET.ElementTree(newRoot) indent(newRoot) if not xml_generator.continue_elimination: xml_generator.need_goto_elimination = False return newRoot, xml_generator.module_files_to_process
[docs]def parse_args(): """This function parse the arguments passed to the script. It returns a tuple of (input ofp xml, output xml) file names. Args: None. Returns: None. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-f", "--file", nargs="+", help="OFP generated XML file needs to be passed.", ) parser.add_argument( "-g", "--gen", nargs="+", help="A rectified version of XML.", ) args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if ( args.file is not None and args.gen is not None ): ofpFile = args.file[0] rectifiedFile = args.gen[0] else: assert ( False ), f"[[ Missing either input or output file.\ Input: {args.file}, Output: {args.gen} ]]" return (ofpFile, rectifiedFile)
[docs]def fileChecker(filename, mode): """This function checks for the validity (file existence and mode). If either the file does not exist or the mode is not valid, throws an IO exception and terminates the program Args: filename (str): A file name that reconstructed XMl will be written to. mode (str): Mode to open the file in. Returns: None. """ try: with open(filename, mode) as f: pass except IOError: assert ( False ), f"File {filename} does not exit or invalid mode {mode}."
if __name__ == "__main__": (ofpFile, rectifiedFile) = parse_args() # Since we pass the file name to the element # tree parser not opening it with open function, # we check for the validity before the file name # is actually passed to the parser fileChecker(ofpFile, "r") ofpXML = ET.parse(ofpFile) ofpXMLRoot = ofpXML.getroot() # Converts the XML tree into string ofpXMLStr = ET.tostring(ofpXMLRoot).decode() # Call buildNewASTfromXMLString to rectify the XML rectifiedXML = buildNewASTfromXMLString(ofpXMLStr) rectifiedTree = ET.ElementTree(rectifiedXML) # The write function is used with the generated # XML tree object not with the file object. Thus, # same as the ofpFile, we do a check for the validity # of a file before pass to the ET tree object's write # function fileChecker(rectifiedFile, "w") rectifiedTree.write(rectifiedFile)