Source code for delphi.translators.for2py.pyTranslate

""" This module contains code to convert a Fortran AST representation into a
Python script having the same functionalities and performing the same
operations as the original Fortran file.  """

import sys
import pickle
import argparse
import re
from typing import Dict
from delphi.translators.for2py.format import list_data_type
from delphi.translators.for2py import For2PyError, syntax

#                                                                             #
#                          FORTRAN-TO-PYTHON MAPPINGS                         #
#                                                                             #

# TYPE_MAP gives the mapping from Fortran types to Python types
#    "character": "str",
    "double": "float",
    "float": "float",
    "int": "int",
    "integer": "int",
    "logical": "bool",
    "real": "float",
    "str": "str",
    "string": "str",

# OPERATOR_MAP gives the mapping from Fortran operators to Python operators
    "+": "+",
    "-": "-",
    "*": "*",
    "/": "/",
    "**": "**",
    "<": "<",
    ">": ">",
    "<=": "<=",
    ">=": ">=",
    "==": "==",
    "!=": "!=",
    ".ne.": "!=",
    ".not.": "not",
    ".gt.": ">",
    ".eq.": "==",
    ".lt.": "<",
    ".le.": "<=",
    ".ge.": ">=",
    ".and.": "and",
    ".or.": "or",
    ".eqv.": "==",
    "//": "+",

# INTRINSICS_MAP gives the mapping from Fortran intrinsics to Python operators
# and functions.  Each entry in this map is of the form
#      fortran_fn : python_tgt
# where fortran_fn is the Fortran function; and python_tgt is the corresponding
# Python target, specified as a tuple (py_fn, fn_type, py_mod), where:
#            -- py_fn is a Python function or operator;
#            -- fn_type is one of: 'FUNC', 'INFIXOP'; and
#            -- py_mod is the module the Python function should be imported
#            from, None if no explicit import is necessary.

    "abs": ("abs", "FUNC", None),
    "acos": ("acos", "FUNC", "math"),
    "acosh": ("acosh", "FUNC", "math"),
    "asin": ("asin", "FUNC", "math"),
    "asinh": ("asinh", "FUNC", "math"),
    "atan": ("atan", "FUNC", "math"),
    "atanh": ("atanh", "FUNC", "math"),
    "ceiling": ("ceil", "FUNC", "math"),
    "cos": ("cos", "FUNC", "math"),
    "cosh": ("cosh", "FUNC", "math"),
    "erf": ("erf", "FUNC", "math"),
    "erfc": ("erfc", "FUNC", "math"),
    "exp": ("exp", "FUNC", "math"),
    "floor": ("floor", "FUNC", "math"),
    "gamma": ("gamma", "FUNC", "math"),
    "hypot": ("hypot", "FUNC", "math"),
    "index": None,
    "int": ("int", "FUNC", None),
    "isnan": ("isnan", "FUNC", "math"),
    "lge": (">=", "INFIXOP", None),  # lexical string comparison
    "lgt": (">", "INFIXOP", None),  # lexical string comparison
    "lle": ("<=", "INFIXOP", None),  # lexical string comparison
    "llt": ("<", "INFIXOP", None),  # lexical string comparison
    "log": ("log", "FUNC", "math"),
    "log10": ("log10", "FUNC", "math"),
    "log_gamma": ("lgamma", "FUNC", "math"),
    "max": ("max", "FUNC", None),
    "min": ("min", "FUNC", None),
    "mod": ("%", "INFIXOP", None),
    "modulo": ("%", "INFIXOP", None),
    "sin": ("sin", "FUNC", "math"),
    "sinh": ("sinh", "FUNC", "math"),
    "sqrt": ("sqrt", "FUNC", "math"),
    "tan": ("tan", "FUNC", "math"),
    "tanh": ("tanh", "FUNC", "math"),
    "xor": ("^", "INFIXOP", None),
    "rand": ("random", "FUNC", None),
    "len": ("len", "FUNC", None),
    "adjustl": ("adjustl", "FUNC", None),
    "adjustr": ("adjustr", "FUNC", None),

#                                                                             #
#                                 TRANSLATION                                 #
#                                                                             #

[docs]class PrintState: def __init__( self, sep="\n", add=" ", printFirst=True, callSource=None, definedVars=[], globalVars=[], functionScope="", indexRef=True, ): self.sep = sep self.add = add self.printFirst = printFirst self.callSource = callSource self.definedVars = definedVars self.globalVars = globalVars self.functionScope = functionScope self.indexRef = indexRef
[docs] def copy( self, sep=None, add=None, printFirst=None, callSource=None, definedVars=None, globalVars=None, functionScope=None, indexRef=None, ): return PrintState( self.sep if sep is None else sep, self.add if add is None else add, self.printFirst if printFirst is None else printFirst, self.callSource if callSource is None else callSource, self.definedVars if definedVars is None else definedVars, self.globalVars if globalVars is None else globalVars, self.functionScope if functionScope is None else functionScope, self.indexRef if indexRef is None else indexRef, )
[docs]class PythonCodeGenerator(object): def __init__(self): # Variable to hold the program name self.programName = "" # Dictionary to hold the tag mapping to the # print function that needs to be invoked self.printFn = {} # Dictionary to hold the declared variable # and its declared type self.variableMap = {} # List to hold the imports in the program self.imports = [] # List to hold the private functions self.privFunctions = [] # Dictionary to hold declared symbols (variable, # function, and format, etc) as key and map to # the symbol name that will be used in the python IR output self.nameMapper = {} # List to hold the declared function names self.functions = [] # Dictionary to hold functions and its arguments self.funcArgs = {} # Pre-defined string format of system getframe self.getframe_expr = "sys._getframe({}).f_code.co_name" # List to hold the translated python string that # will be printed to the python IR output self.pyStrings = [] # Dictionary holding mapping of read/write # based on the file open state self.stateMap = {"UNKNOWN": "r", "REPLACE": "w"} # Dictionary to hold the mapping of {label:format-code} self.format_dict = {} # Lists to hold derived type class self.declaredDerivedTypes = [] # Lists to hold derived type variables self.declaredDerivedTVars = [] # Dictionary to hold save variables local to a subroutine or function self.saved_variables = {} # String to hold the current name of the subroutine or function under # analysis self.current_module = "" # Dictionary to map all the variables (under each function) to its # corresponding types self.var_type = {} # String to hold the current call being processed self.current_call = None # This flag is True when the SAVE statement is in context self.is_save = False # This variable holds the current variable being inspected in the # select-case statement self.current_select = None # This flag remains False until the first case statement is started # in every select block self.case_started = False # This dictionary holds the defined arrays along with their data types self.array_map = {} self.printFn = { "subroutine": self.printSubroutine, "program": self.printProgram, "call": self.printCall, "arg": self.printArg, "variable": self.printVariable, "do": self.printDo, "do-while": self.printDoWhile, "index": self.printIndex, "if": self.printIf, "op": self.printOp, "literal": self.printLiteral, "ref": self.printRef, "assignment": self.printAssignment, "exit": self.printExit, "return": self.printReturn, "function": self.printFunction, "ret": self.printFuncReturn, "stop": self.printExit, "read": self.printRead, "write": self.printWrite, "open": self.printOpen, "format": self.printFormat, "module": self.printModule, "use": self.printUse, "close": self.printClose, "private": self.printPrivate, "array": self.printArray, "derived-type": self.printDerivedType, "cycle": self.printContinue, "select": self.printSelect, "case": self.printCase, "interface": self.printInterface, } self.readFormat = [] ########################################################################### # # # TOP-LEVEL PROGRAM COMPONENTS # # # ###########################################################################
[docs] def printSubroutine(self, node: Dict[str, str], printState: PrintState): """prints Fortran subroutine in python function syntax""" # Handle the save statement first since the decorator needs to be # just above the function definition args = [] self.current_module = node["name"] self.printSave(node, printState.copy( sep=", ", add="", printFirst=False, definedVars=args, indexRef=False, ), ) self.pyStrings.append(f"\ndef {self.nameMapper[node['name']]}(") self.printAst( node["args"], printState.copy( sep=", ", add="", printFirst=False, definedVars=args, indexRef=False, ), ) self.pyStrings.append("):") if printState.sep != "\n": printState.sep = "\n" self.printAst( node["body"], printState.copy( sep=printState.sep + printState.add, printFirst=True, definedVars=args, indexRef=True, ), )
[docs] def printFunction(self, node, printState: PrintState): """prints Fortran function in python function syntax""" # Handle the save statement first since the decorator needs to be # just above the function definition args = [] self.current_module = node["name"] self.printSave(node, printState.copy( sep=", ", add="", printFirst=False, definedVars=args, indexRef=False, ), ) # self.functions.append(self.nameMapper[node['name']]) self.pyStrings.append(f"\ndef {self.nameMapper[node['name']]}(") self.funcArgs[self.nameMapper[node["name"]]] = [ self.nameMapper[x["name"]] for x in node["args"] ] self.printAst( node["args"], printState.copy( sep=", ", add="", printFirst=False, definedVars=args, indexRef=False, ), ) self.pyStrings.append("):") if printState.sep != "\n": printState.sep = "\n" self.printAst( node["body"], printState.copy( sep=printState.sep + printState.add, printFirst=True, definedVars=args, indexRef=True, functionScope=self.nameMapper[node["name"]], ), )
[docs] def printModule(self, node, printState: PrintState): """ prints the module syntax """ self.pyStrings.append("\n") self.current_module = node["name"] self.saved_variables[self.current_module] = [] args = [] self.printAst( node["body"], printState.copy( sep="", printFirst=True, definedVars=args, indexRef=True ), )
[docs] def printProgram(self, node, printState: PrintState): """prints Fortran program in Python function syntax by calling printSubroutine function""" self.printSubroutine(node, printState) self.programName = self.nameMapper[node["name"]]
########################################################################### # # # EXPRESSIONS # # # ###########################################################################
[docs] def proc_intrinsic(self, node): """Processes calls to intrinsic functions and returns a string that is the corresponding Python code.""" intrinsic = node["name"].lower() assert intrinsic in syntax.F_INTRINSICS try: py_fn, py_fn_type, py_mod = INTRINSICS_MAP[intrinsic] except KeyError: raise For2PyError(f"No handler for Fortran intrinsic {intrinsic}") arg_list = self.get_arg_list(node) arg_strs = [ self.proc_expr(arg_list[i], False) for i in range(len(arg_list)) ] if py_mod != None: handler = f"{py_mod}.{py_fn}" else: handler = py_fn if py_fn_type == "FUNC": arguments = ", ".join(arg_strs) if py_fn in ["adjustl", "adjustr"]: return f"{arguments}.{handler}()" else: return f"{handler}({arguments})" elif py_fn_type == "INFIXOP": assert len(arg_list) == 2, f"INFIXOP with {len(arg_list)} arguments" return f"({arg_strs[0]} {py_fn} {arg_strs[1]})" else: assert False, f"Unknown py_fn_type: {py_fn_type}"
[docs] def get_arg_list(self, node): """Get_arg_list() returns the list of arguments or subscripts at a node. If there are no arguments or subscripts, it returns the empty list.""" if "args" in node: return node["args"] if "subscripts" in node: return node["subscripts"] return []
[docs] def proc_call(self, node): """Processes function calls, including calls to intrinsics, and returns a string that is the corresponding Python code. This code assumes that proc_expr() has used type info to correctly identify array references, and that proc_call() is therefore correctly called only on function calls.""" if node["name"].lower() == "index": var = self.nameMapper[node["args"][0]["name"]] if self.variableMap[var]['type'].lower() == "character": to_find = node["args"][1]["value"] if len(node["args"]) == 3: opt_arg = node["args"][2]["name"] return f'{var}.f_index("{to_find}", ["{opt_arg}"])' else: return f'{var}.f_index("{to_find}")' else: to_find = node["args"][1]["value"] return f"{var}[0].find({to_find})" if node["name"].lower() in syntax.F_INTRINSICS: return self.proc_intrinsic(node) self.current_call = self.nameMapper[f"{node['name']}"] args = self.get_arg_list(node) arg_strs = [self.proc_expr(args[i], True) for i in range(len( args))] # Case where a call is a print method if self.current_call == "print": arguments = self.proc_print(arg_strs) else: arguments = ", ".join(arg_strs) exp_str = f"{self.current_call}({arguments})" return exp_str
[docs] def proc_print(self, arg_strs): arguments = "" for idx in range(0, len(arg_strs)): arguments += f"{arg_strs[idx]}" if idx < len(arg_strs) - 1: arguments += ", " return arguments
[docs] def proc_literal(self, node): """Processes a literal value and returns a string that is the corresponding Python code.""" if node["type"] == "bool": return node["value"].title() elif node["type"] == "char": if node['value'][0] in ["'", '"'] \ and node["value"][-1] in ["'", '"']: return_val = node["value"][1:-1] else: return_val = node["value"] return f'"{return_val}"' else: return node["value"]
[docs] def proc_ref(self, node, wrapper): """Processes a reference node and returns a string that is the corresponding Python code. The argument "wrapper" indicates whether or not the Python expression should refer to the list wrapper for (scalar) variables.""" ref_str = "" is_derived_type_ref = False if ( "is_derived_type_ref" in node and node["is_derived_type_ref"] == "true" ): ref_str = self.get_derived_type_ref( node, int(node["numPartRef"]), False ) is_derived_type_ref = True else: ref_str = self.nameMapper[node["name"]] # If the variable is a saved variable, prefix it by the function name # to access the saved value of the variable if self.current_module in self.saved_variables: if is_derived_type_ref: if ref_str.split('.')[0] in \ self.saved_variables[self.current_module]: ref_str = f"{self.current_module}.{ref_str}" else: if ref_str in self.saved_variables[self.current_module]: ref_str = f"{self.current_module}.{ref_str}" if "subscripts" in node: # array reference or function call or string indexing if "is_array" in node and node["is_array"] == "true": subs = node["subscripts"] subs_strs = [ self.proc_expr(subs[i], False) for i in range(len(subs)) ] subscripts = ", ".join(subs_strs) expr_str = f"{ref_str}.get_(({subscripts}))" elif self.variableMap.get(node['name']) and \ self.variableMap[node['name']]['type'].lower() == \ "character": subs = node["subscripts"][0] subs_strs = [ self.proc_expr(subs[i][0], False) for i in subs ] subscripts = ", ".join(subs_strs) expr_str = f"{ref_str}.get_substr({subscripts})" else: expr_str = self.proc_call(node) else: # scalar variable if wrapper: expr_str = ref_str elif ( ( "is_arg" in node and node["is_arg"] == "true" ) or is_derived_type_ref ): expr_str = ref_str is_derived_type_ref = False elif ref_str in self.declaredDerivedTVars: expr_str = ref_str elif self.variableMap.get(ref_str) and \ self.variableMap[ref_str]["type"].lower() == 'character': expr_str = ref_str else: expr_str = ref_str + "[0]" return expr_str
[docs] def proc_op(self, node): """Processes expressions involving operators and returns a string that is the corresponding Python code.""" try: op_str = OPERATOR_MAP[node["operator"].lower()] except KeyError: raise For2PyError(f"unhandled operator {node['operator']}") assert len(node["left"]) == 1 l_subexpr = self.proc_expr(node["left"][0], False) if "right" in node: # binary operator assert len(node["right"]) == 1 r_subexpr = self.proc_expr(node["right"][0], False) expr_str = f"({l_subexpr} {op_str} {r_subexpr})" else: # unary operator expr_str = f"{op_str}({l_subexpr})" return expr_str
[docs] def proc_expr(self, node, wrapper): """Processes an expression node and returns a string that is the corresponding Python code. The argument "wrapper" indicates whether or not the Python expression should refer to the list wrapper for (scalar) variables.""" if node["tag"] == "literal": literal = self.proc_literal(node) # If the literal is an argument to a function (when proc_expr has # been called from proc_call), the literal needs to be sent using # a list wrapper (e.g. f([1]) instead of f(1) if wrapper and self.current_call != "print": if node["type"] == "char": return f"String({len(literal[1:-1])}, {literal})" return f"[{literal}]" else: return literal if node["tag"] == "ref": # variable or array reference return self.proc_ref(node, wrapper) if node["tag"] == "call": # function call return self.proc_call(node) expr_str = None if node["tag"] == "op": # operator assert not wrapper expr_str = self.proc_op(node) assert expr_str != None, f">>> [proc_expr] NULL value: {node}" return expr_str
[docs] def printCall(self, node: Dict[str, str], printState: PrintState): call_str = self.proc_call(node) self.pyStrings.append(call_str) return
[docs] def printAst(self, root, printState: PrintState): for node in root: if node.get("tag"): if node["tag"] == "format": self.printFn["format"](node, printState) elif node["tag"] == "if": for item in node["header"]: if item["tag"] == "format": self.printFn["format"](item, printState) for node in root: if node.get("tag"): if node["tag"] == "read": self.initializeFileVars(node, printState) for node in root: if printState.printFirst: self.pyStrings.append(printState.sep) else: printState.printFirst = True if node.get("tag") and node.get("tag") != "format": self.printFn[node["tag"]](node, printState)
[docs] def printPrivate(self, node, prinState): self.privFunctions.append(node["name"]) self.nameMapper[node["name"]] = "_" + node["name"]
[docs] def printArg(self, node, printState: PrintState): try: if node["type"].lower() in TYPE_MAP: var_type = TYPE_MAP[node["type"].lower()] elif node["type"].lower() == "character": var_type = "String" elif node["is_derived_type"] == "true": var_type = node["type"].lower() except KeyError: raise For2PyError(f"unrecognized type {node['type']}") arg_name = self.nameMapper[node["name"]] self.variableMap[arg_name] = { "type": node["type"], "parameter": False, } self.var_type.setdefault(self.current_module, []).append({ "name": arg_name, "type": var_type }) if "is_array" in node and node["is_array"] == "true": self.pyStrings.append(f"{arg_name}: Array") elif var_type == "String": self.pyStrings.append(f"{arg_name}: String") else: if node["type"].lower() == "real": var_type = "Real" self.pyStrings.append(f"{arg_name}: List[{var_type}]") printState.definedVars += [arg_name]
########################################################################### # # # STATEMENTS # # # ###########################################################################
[docs] def printDo(self, node, printState: PrintState): self.pyStrings.append("for ") self.printAst( node["header"], printState.copy(sep="", add="", printFirst=True, indexRef=True), ) self.pyStrings.append(":") self.printAst( node["body"], printState.copy( sep=printState.sep + printState.add, printFirst=True, indexRef=True, ), )
[docs] def printDoWhile(self, node, printState: PrintState): self.pyStrings.append("while ") self.printAst( node["header"], printState.copy(sep="", add="", printFirst=True, indexRef=True), ) self.pyStrings.append(":") self.printAst( node["body"], printState.copy( sep=printState.sep + printState.add, printFirst=True, indexRef=True, ), )
[docs] def printIndex(self, node, printState: PrintState): # If the target variable is a saved variable add the # subroutine/function name to it's prefix. name = self.nameMapper[node['name']] if name in self.saved_variables[self.current_module]: name = f"{self.current_module}.{name}" self.pyStrings.append(f"{name}[0] in range(") self.printAst( node["low"], printState.copy(sep="", add="", printFirst=True, indexRef=True), ) self.pyStrings.append(", ") self.printAst( node["high"], printState.copy(sep="", add="", printFirst=True, indexRef=True), ) if node.get("step"): self.pyStrings.append("+1, ") self.printAst( node["step"], printState.copy( sep="", add="", printFirst=True, indexRef=True ), ) self.pyStrings.append(")") else: self.pyStrings.append("+1)")
[docs] def printIf(self, node, printState: PrintState): self.pyStrings.append("if ") newHeaders = [] for item in node["header"]: if item["tag"] != "format": newHeaders.append(item) self.printAst( newHeaders, printState.copy(sep="", add="", printFirst=True, indexRef=True), ) self.pyStrings.append(":") self.printAst( node["body"], printState.copy( sep=printState.sep + printState.add, printFirst=True, indexRef=True, ), ) if "else" in node: self.pyStrings.append(printState.sep + "else:") self.printAst( node["else"], printState.copy( sep=printState.sep + printState.add, printFirst=True, indexRef=True, ), )
[docs] def printOp(self, node, printState: PrintState): expr_str = self.proc_expr(node, False) self.pyStrings.append(expr_str)
[docs] def printLiteral(self, node, printState: PrintState): expr_str = self.proc_literal(node) self.pyStrings.append(expr_str)
[docs] def printRef(self, node, printState: PrintState): ref_str = self.proc_ref(node, False) self.pyStrings.append(ref_str)
[docs] def printAssignment(self, node, printState: PrintState): assert len(node["target"]) == 1 and len(node["value"]) == 1 lhs, rhs = node["target"][0], node["value"][0] rhs_str = self.proc_expr(node["value"][0], False) if lhs["is_derived_type_ref"] == "true": assg_str = self.get_derived_type_ref( lhs, int(lhs["numPartRef"]), True ) elif lhs["hasSubscripts"] == "true": assert ( "subscripts" in lhs ), "lhs 'hasSubscripts' and actual 'subscripts' existence does " \ "not match.\ Fix 'hasSubscripts' in" # target is an array element if "is_array" in lhs and lhs["is_array"] == "true": subs = lhs["subscripts"] subs_strs = [ self.proc_expr(subs[i], False) for i in range(len(subs)) ] subscripts = ", ".join(subs_strs) assg_str = f"{lhs['name']}.set_(({subscripts}), " elif self.variableMap[lhs['name']]['type'].lower() == "character": subs = lhs["subscripts"][0] subs_strs = [ self.proc_expr(subs[i][0], False) for i in subs ] subscripts = ", ".join(subs_strs) assg_str = f"{lhs['name']}.set_substr({subscripts}, " else: assert False elif self.variableMap[lhs['name']]['type'].lower() == "character": assg_str = f'{lhs["name"]}.set_(' else: # target is a scalar variable assg_str = f"{lhs['name']}[0]" # Check if this is a parameter assignment if lhs["is_parameter"] == "true": parameter_comment = f" # PARAMETER: {assg_str[:-3].upper()}" self.variableMap[assg_str[:-3]]["parameter"] = True is_parameter = True else: is_parameter = False # Check if the rhs string contains a multiplication or division # operation and if so check if the target variable is an integer. In # this case, cast the rhs string with int() if '/' in rhs_str or '*' in rhs_str: for item in self.var_type[self.current_module]: if (lhs["is_derived_type_ref"] and item["name"] == assg_str) \ or (item["name"] == self.nameMapper[lhs["name"]]) and \ item["type"] == "int": rhs_str = f"int({rhs_str})" # If the target variable is a saved variable add the # subroutine/function name to it's prefix. if lhs['name'] in self.saved_variables[self.current_module]: assg_str = f"{self.current_module}.{assg_str}" # Check if the lhs is a real and convert the variable to a numpy float # object if it is if (self.variableMap.get(lhs["name"]) == "REAL" and rhs["tag"] == "literal"): rhs_str = f"Float32({rhs_str})" if "set_" in assg_str: # If the assignment is to an array and the value is a string, # a String object has to be created if "is_array" in lhs and lhs["is_array"] == "true": check_further = False if self.array_map and self.array_map.get(lhs['name']): check_further = True if check_further and \ "String" in self.array_map.get(lhs['name']): length = self.array_map[lhs['name']][7:-1] assg_str += f"String({length}, {rhs_str}))" else: assg_str += f"{rhs_str})" else: assg_str += f"{rhs_str})" else: assg_str += f" = {rhs_str}" if is_parameter: assg_str += parameter_comment self.pyStrings.append(assg_str) return
[docs] def printUse(self, node, printState: PrintState): if node.get("include"): self.imports.append( f"from delphi.translators.for2py.tmp.m_{node['arg'].lower()} " f"import {', '.join(node['include'])}\n" ) else: self.imports.append( f"from delphi.translators.for2py.tmp.m_" f"{node['arg'].lower()} import *\n" )
[docs] def printFuncReturn(self, node, printState: PrintState): if printState.indexRef: if node.get("args"): self.pyStrings.append(f"return ") self.printCall(node, printState) return if node.get("name") is not None: val = self.nameMapper[node["name"]] + "[0]" else: # TODO: Need to handle not just "op" but call to expressions # as well. Also, current implementation does not go deep # enough. This can be arbitrarily deep. if "value" in node: val = node["value"] else: assert ( "left" in node and "operator" in node and "right" in node ), f"Something is missing. Detail of node content: {node}" if node["left"][0]["tag"] == "ref": left = self.proc_ref(node["left"][0], False) elif node["left"][0]["tag"] == "call": left = self.proc_call(node["left"][0]) elif node["left"][0]["tag"] == "op": left = self.proc_op(node["left"][0]) else: left = node["left"][0]["value"] operator = node["operator"] if node["right"][0]["tag"] == "ref": right = self.proc_ref(node["right"][0], False) elif node["right"][0]["tag"] == "call": right = self.proc_call(node["right"][0]) elif node["right"][0]["tag"] == "op": right = self.proc_op(node["right"][0]) else: right = node["right"][0]["value"] val = f"{left} {operator} {right}" else: if node.get("name") is not None: val = self.nameMapper[node["name"]] else: if node.get("value") is not None: val = node["value"] else: val = "None" self.pyStrings.append(f"return {val}")
[docs] def printExit(self, node, printState: PrintState): if node.get("value"): self.pyStrings.append(f"print({node['value']})") self.pyStrings.append(printState.sep) if node['tag'] == "exit": self.pyStrings.append("break") elif node['tag'] == "stop": self.pyStrings.append("return") else: assert False, f"tag: {node['tag']} not being handled yet."
[docs] def printReturn(self, node, printState: PrintState): self.pyStrings.append("")
[docs] def printOpen(self, node, printState: PrintState): if node["args"][0].get("arg_name") == "unit": file_handle = "file_" + str(node["args"][1]["value"]) elif node["args"][0].get("tag") == "ref": file_handle = "file_" + str( self.nameMapper[node["args"][0]["name"]] ) else: file_handle = "file_" + str(node["args"][0]["value"]) # We are making all file handles static i.e. SAVEing them which means # the file handles have to be prefixed with their subroutine/function # names if file_handle in self.saved_variables[self.current_module]: file_handle = f"{self.current_module}.{file_handle}" self.pyStrings.append(f"{file_handle} = ") for index, item in enumerate(node["args"]): if item.get("arg_name"): if item["arg_name"].lower() == "file": file_name = node["args"][index + 1]["value"] open_state = "r" elif item["arg_name"].lower() == "status": open_state = node["args"][index + 1]["value"] open_state = self.stateMap[open_state] # If the file_name has quotes at the beginning and end, remove them if (file_name[0] == "'" and file_name[-1] == "'") or \ (file_name[0] == '"' and file_name[-1] == '"'): file_name = file_name[1:-1] self.pyStrings.append(f'open("{file_name}", "{open_state}")')
[docs] def printRead(self, node, printState: PrintState): file_number = str(node["args"][0]["value"]) if node["args"][0]["type"] == "int": file_handle = "file_" + file_number if node["args"][1]["type"] == "int": format_label = node["args"][1]["value"] # We are making all file handles static i.e. SAVEing them which means # the file handles have to be prefixed with their subroutine/function # names if file_handle in self.saved_variables[self.current_module]: file_handle = f"{self.current_module}.{file_handle}" isArray = False tempInd = 0 if "subscripts" in node["args"][2]: array_len = len(node["args"]) - 2 self.pyStrings.append(f"tempVar = [0] * {array_len}") self.pyStrings.append(printState.sep) ind = 0 self.pyStrings.append("(") for item in node["args"]: if item["tag"] == "ref": var = self.nameMapper[item["name"]] if "subscripts" in item: isArray = True self.pyStrings.append(f"tempVar[{tempInd}]") tempInd = tempInd + 1 else: self.pyStrings.append(f"{var}[0]") if ind < len(node["args"]) - 1: self.pyStrings.append(", ") ind = ind + 1 self.pyStrings.append( f",) = format_{format_label}_obj." f"read_line({file_handle}.readline())" ) self.pyStrings.append(printState.sep) if isArray: tempInd = 0 # Re-initialize to zero for array index for item in node["args"]: if item["tag"] == "ref": var = self.nameMapper[item["name"]] if "subscripts" in item: self.pyStrings.append(f"{var}.set_((") self.printAst( item["subscripts"], printState.copy( sep=", ", add="", printFirst=False, indexRef=True, ), ) self.pyStrings.append(f"), tempVar[{tempInd}])") tempInd = tempInd + 1 self.pyStrings.append(printState.sep) ind = ind + 1
[docs] def printWrite(self, node, printState: PrintState): write_string = "" # Check whether write to file or output stream if node["args"][0]["value"] == "*": write_target = "outStream" else: write_target = "file" if node["args"][0]["value"]: file_id = str(node["args"][0]["value"]) elif str(node["args"][0].get("tag")) == "ref": file_id = str(self.nameMapper[node["args"][0].get("name")]) file_handle = "file_" + file_id # We are making all file handles static i.e. SAVEing them which # means the file handles have to be prefixed with their # subroutine/function names if file_handle in self.saved_variables[self.current_module]: file_handle = f"{self.current_module}.{file_handle}" # Check whether format has been specified if str(node["args"][1]["value"]) == "*": format_type = "runtime" else: format_type = "specifier" if node["args"][1]["type"] == "int": format_label = node["args"][1]["value"] if write_target == "file": self.pyStrings.append(f"write_list_{file_id} = ") elif write_target == "outStream": self.pyStrings.append(f"write_list_stream = ") # Collect the expressions to be written out. The first two arguments to # a WRITE statement are the output stream and the format, so these are # skipped. args = node["args"][2:] args_str = [] for i in range(len(args)): if ( "is_derived_type_ref" in args[i] and args[i]["is_derived_type_ref"] == "true" ): args_str.append( self.get_derived_type_ref( args[i], int(args[i]["numPartRef"]), False ) ) else: args_str.append(self.proc_expr(args[i], False)) write_string = ", ".join(args_str) self.pyStrings.append(f"[{write_string}]") self.pyStrings.append(printState.sep) # If format specified and output in a file, execute write_line on file # handler if write_target == "file": if format_type == "specifier": self.pyStrings.append( f"write_line = format_{format_label}_obj." f"write_line(write_list_{file_id})" ) self.pyStrings.append(printState.sep) self.pyStrings.append(f"{file_handle}.write(write_line)") elif format_type == "runtime": self.pyStrings.append("output_fmt = list_output_formats([") for var in write_string.split(","): varMatch = re.match( r"^(.*?)\[\d+\]|^(.*?)[^\[]", var.strip() ) if varMatch: var = self.pyStrings.append( f'"{self.variableMap[var.strip()]}",' ) self.pyStrings.append("])" + printState.sep) self.pyStrings.append( "write_stream_obj = Format(output_fmt)" + printState.sep ) self.pyStrings.append( "write_line = write_stream_obj." f"write_line(write_list_{file_id})" ) self.pyStrings.append(printState.sep) self.pyStrings.append(f"{file_handle}.write(write_line)") # If printing on stdout, handle accordingly elif write_target == "outStream": if format_type == "runtime": self.pyStrings.append("output_fmt = list_output_formats([") for var in write_string.split(","): # self.pyStrings.append(f"{var},") varMatch = re.match( r"^(.*?)\[\d+\]|^(.*?)[^\[]", var.strip() ) if varMatch: var = self.pyStrings.append( f'"{self.variableMap[var.strip()]}",' ) self.pyStrings.append("])" + printState.sep) self.pyStrings.append( "write_stream_obj = Format(output_fmt)" + printState.sep ) self.pyStrings.append( "write_line = write_stream_obj." + "write_line(write_list_stream)" + printState.sep ) self.pyStrings.append("sys.stdout.write(write_line)") elif format_type == "specifier": self.pyStrings.append( f"write_line = format_{format_label}_obj." "write_line(write_list_stream)" ) self.pyStrings.append(printState.sep) self.pyStrings.append(f"sys.stdout.write(write_line)")
[docs] def printFormat(self, node, printState: PrintState): type_list = [] temp_list = [] _re_int = re.compile(r"^\d+$") format_list = [token["value"] for token in node["args"]] for token in format_list: if not _re_int.match(token): temp_list.append(token) else: type_list.append(f"{token}({','.join(temp_list)})") temp_list = [] if len(type_list) == 0: type_list = temp_list self.pyStrings.append(printState.sep) self.nameMapper[f"format_{node['label']}"] = f"format_{node['label']}" self.printVariable( {"name": "format_" + node["label"], "type": "STRING"}, printState ) self.format_dict[node["label"]] = type_list self.pyStrings.extend( [ printState.sep, f"format_{node['label']} = {type_list}", printState.sep, f"format_{node['label']}_obj = Format(format_{node['label']})", printState.sep, ] )
[docs] def printClose(self, node, printState: PrintState): file_id = ( node["args"][0]["value"] if node["args"][0].get("value") else self.nameMapper[node["args"][0]["name"]] ) self.pyStrings.append(f"file_{file_id}.close()")
########################################################################### # # # DECLARATIONS # # # ###########################################################################
[docs] def printVariable(self, node, printState: PrintState): var_name = self.nameMapper[node["name"]] if ( var_name not in printState.definedVars + printState.globalVars and var_name not in self.functions and var_name not in self.saved_variables.get(self.current_module) ): printState.definedVars += [var_name] if node.get("value"): if node["value"][0]["tag"] == "literal": # initVal = node["value"][0]["value"] initVal = self.proc_literal(node["value"][0]) elif node["value"][0]["tag"] == "op": initVal = self.proc_op(node["value"][0]) else: assert ( False ), f"Tag {node['value'][0]['tag']} " \ f"currently not handled yet." else: initVal = None varType = self.get_type(node) if node.get("value") and node["value"][0]["tag"] == "op" and \ ("/" in initVal or "*" in initVal) and varType == "int": initVal = f"int({initVal})" if "is_derived_type" in node and node["is_derived_type"] == "true": self.pyStrings.append( f"{self.nameMapper[node['name']]} = {varType}()" ) self.declaredDerivedTVars.append(node["name"]) else: if printState.functionScope: if not var_name in self.funcArgs.get( printState.functionScope ): self.pyStrings.append( f"{var_name}: List[{varType}]" f" = [{initVal}]" ) else: self.pyStrings.append(f"{var_name}: List[{varType}]") elif node.get('is_string') and node["is_string"] == "true": if not initVal: self.pyStrings.append(f"{var_name} = " f"String({node['length']})") else: self.pyStrings.append(f'{var_name} = ' f'String({node["length"]}, ' f'{initVal})') else: self.pyStrings.append( f"{var_name}: List[{varType}] = " f"[{initVal}]" ) # The code below might cause issues on unexpected places. # If weird variable declarations appear, check code below if not printState.sep: printState.sep = "\n" self.variableMap[self.nameMapper[node["name"]]] = { "type": node["type"].upper(), "parameter": False, } else: # If the variable is a saved variable, add its type mapping to # self.var_type if var_name in self.saved_variables[self.current_module]: varType = self.get_type(node) self.variableMap[self.nameMapper[node["name"]]] = { "type": node["type"], "parameter": False, } printState.printFirst = False
[docs] def printArray(self, node, printState: PrintState): """ Prints out the array declaration in a format of Array class object declaration. 'arrayName = Array(Type, [bounds])' """ if ( self.nameMapper[node["name"]] not in printState.definedVars and self.nameMapper[node["name"]] not in printState.globalVars ): printState.definedVars += [self.nameMapper[node["name"]]] var_type = self.get_type(node) # If the array has string elements, then we need the length # information as well if var_type == "character": var_type = f"String({node['length']})" self.array_map[self.nameMapper[node["name"]]] = var_type array_range = self.get_array_dimension(node) # If the printArray function is being called from printSave, # is_save will be True and the argument to the decorator is # returned. if self.is_save: save_argument = f'{{"name": "{node["name"]}", "call": Array' \ f'({var_type}, [{array_range}]), "type": ' \ f'"{TYPE_MAP[node["type"].lower()]}"}}' return save_argument else: # If the array variable is not SAVEd, print the # initialization of the array if node["name"] not in self.saved_variables[ self.current_module]: self.pyStrings.append( f"{node['name']} = Array({var_type}, [{array_range}])" ) else: # If it is SAVEd, don't print the initialization code and # instead delete the remnant empty line. del self.pyStrings[-1]
[docs] def printDerivedType(self, node, printState: PrintState): derived_type_class_info = node[0] derived_type_variables = derived_type_class_info["derived-types"] num_of_variables = len(derived_type_variables) self.pyStrings.append(printState.sep) self.pyStrings.append(f"class {derived_type_class_info['type']}:\n") # For a record, store the declared derived type names self.declaredDerivedTypes.append(derived_type_class_info["type"]) self.pyStrings.append(" def __init__(self):\n") for var in range(num_of_variables): name = derived_type_variables[var]["name"] # Retrieve the type of member variables and check its type var_type = self.get_type(derived_type_variables[var]) self.var_type.setdefault(derived_type_class_info["type"], []).append({ "name": derived_type_variables[var]["name"], "type": var_type }) is_derived_type_declaration = False # If the type is not one of the default types, but it's # a declared derived type, set the is_derived_type_declaration # to True as the declaration of variable with such type has # different declaration syntax from the default type variables. if ( var_type not in TYPE_MAP and var_type in self.declaredDerivedTypes ): is_derived_type_declaration = True if derived_type_variables[var]["is_array"] == "false": if not is_derived_type_declaration: if var_type == "String": str_length = derived_type_variables[var]["length"] self.pyStrings.append( f" self.{name} = {var_type}({str_length}" ) if "value" in derived_type_variables[var]: value = self.proc_literal( derived_type_variables[var]["value"][0] ) self.pyStrings.append(f", \"{value}\"") self.pyStrings.append(")") else: self.pyStrings.append(f" self.{name} : {var_type}") if "value" in derived_type_variables[var]: value = self.proc_literal( derived_type_variables[var]["value"][0] ) self.pyStrings.append(f" = {value}") else: self.pyStrings.append( f" self.{name} = {var_type}()" ) else: array_range = self.get_array_dimension( derived_type_variables[var] ) if var_type == "character": var_type = f"String(" \ f"{derived_type_variables[var]['length']})" self.pyStrings.append( f" self.{name} = Array({var_type}, [{array_range}])" ) self.pyStrings.append(printState.sep)
def printSave(self, node, printState: PrintState): """ This function adds the Python string to handle Fortran SAVE statements. It adds a decorator above a function definition and makes a call to static_save function with the list of saved variables as its argument. """ self.is_save = True parent = node["name"] self.saved_variables[parent] = [] for item in node["body"]: if item.get("tag") == "save": to_delete = item self.pyStrings.append("\n@static_vars([") variables = '' for var in item["var_list"]: if var["tag"] == "open": variable_type = "file_handle" else: variable_type = TYPE_MAP[var["type"].lower()] if var.get("name"): self.saved_variables[parent].append(var["name"]) if var["tag"] == "array": # Call printArray to get the initialization code for # Array declaration. This will be on the argument to # the decorator. save_argument = self.printArray(var, printState) variables += f"{save_argument}, " elif var["tag"] == "variable": if var["is_derived_type"] == "true": save_argument = f"{{'name': '{var['name']}', " \ f"'call': {var['type']}(), 'type': " \ f"'{variable_type}'}}" else: self.pyStrings.append( f" self.{name} = {var_type}()" ) else: array_range = self.get_array_dimension( derived_type_variables[var] ) self.pyStrings.append( f" self.{name} = Array({var_type}, [{array_range}])" ) self.pyStrings.append(printState.sep)
[docs] def printSave(self, node, printState: PrintState): """ This function adds the Python string to handle Fortran SAVE statements. It adds a decorator above a function definition and makes a call to static_save function with the list of saved variables as its argument. """ self.is_save = True parent = node["name"] self.saved_variables[parent] = [] for item in node["body"]: if item.get("tag") == "save": to_delete = item self.pyStrings.append("\n@static_vars([") variables = '' for var in item["var_list"]: if var["tag"] == "open": variable_type = "file_handle" else: variable_type = TYPE_MAP[var["type"].lower()] if var.get("name"): self.saved_variables[parent].append(var["name"]) if var["tag"] == "array": # Call printArray to get the initialization code for # Array declaration. This will be on the argument to # the decorator. save_argument = self.printArray(var, printState) variables += f"{save_argument}, " elif var["tag"] == "variable": if var["is_derived_type"] == "true": save_argument = f"{{'name': '{var['name']}', " \ f"'call': {var['type']}(), 'type': " \ f"'{variable_type}'}}" else: save_argument = {"name": var["name"], "call": [None], "type": variable_type} variables += f"{save_argument}, " elif var["tag"] == "open": name = f"file_{var['args'][0]['value']}" self.saved_variables[parent].append(name) save_argument = f"{{'name': '{name}', 'call': None, " \ f"'type': 'file_handle'}}" variables += f"{save_argument}, " self.pyStrings.append(f"{variables[:-2]}])") node["body"].remove(to_delete) self.is_save = False
[docs] def printContinue(self, node, printState: PrintState): """ This function simply adds python statement "continue" that is equivalent to "cycle" in Fortran. """ assert ( node['tag'] == "cycle" ), f"Tag must be <cycle> for <continue> statement.\ current: {node['tag']}" self.pyStrings.append("continue")
[docs] def printSelect(self, node, printState: PrintState): """ This function converts the select-case statement in Fortran into an if-else statement block in Python """ for arg in node["args"]: if arg['tag'] == "ref": self.current_select = self.proc_ref(arg, False) self.case_started = False self.printAst(node["body"], printState)
[docs] def printCase(self, node, printState: PrintState): """ This function handles each CASE statement block. This relates to one if-block in Python """ if node.get('args'): if not self.case_started: # self.pyStrings.append("if ") self.case_started = True else: self.pyStrings.append("else:"+printState.sep+printState.add) printState.sep += printState.add self.pyStrings.append("if ") for index, arg in enumerate(node["args"]): if index == 0: self.pyStrings.append("(") else: self.pyStrings.append(" or (") if arg.get("tag") == "case_range": arguments = arg['args'] select_string = re.sub(r'\[.*\]', '', self.current_select) if self.variableMap[select_string]['type'].lower() \ == "character": check_variable = f"{self.current_select}.__str__()" else: check_variable = self.current_select if len(arguments) == 1: self.pyStrings.append(f"{check_variable} == ") self.printAst( arg['args'], printState.copy( sep="", ) ) elif len(arguments) == 2: left_arg = arguments[0] right_arg = arguments[1] if left_arg.get("tag") == "literal" and \ left_arg.get("value") == "'-Inf'": self.pyStrings.append(f"{check_variable} <= ") self.printAst( [right_arg], printState.copy( sep="", ) ) elif right_arg.get("tag") == "literal" and \ right_arg.get("value") == "'Inf'": self.pyStrings.append(f"{check_variable} >= ") self.printAst( [left_arg], printState.copy( sep="", ) ) else: self.pyStrings.append(f"{check_variable} >= ") self.printAst( [left_arg], printState.copy( sep="", ) ) self.pyStrings.append(f" and " f"{check_variable} <= ") self.printAst( [right_arg], printState.copy( sep="", ) ) else: assert False, f"Invalid length of case arguments " \ f"{len(arguments)}" self.pyStrings.append(")") else: assert False, f"Unhandled case argument {arg.get('tag')}" self.pyStrings.append(":") else: self.pyStrings.append("else:") self.printAst( node["body"], printState.copy( sep=printState.sep + printState.add, printFirst=True, indexRef=True, ), )
[docs] def printInterface(self, node, printState: PrintState): """This function definition is simply a place holder for INTERFACE just in case of any possible usage in the future. For now, it does nothing and pass. Since also passes interface, this should not be encountered in any case.""" assert False, "In printInterface function, which should not be in any case."
########################################################################### # # # MISCELLANEOUS # # # ###########################################################################
[docs] def initializeFileVars(self, node, printState: PrintState): label = node["args"][1]["value"] data_type = list_data_type(self.format_dict[label]) index = 0 for item in node["args"]: if item["tag"] == "ref": self.printVariable( { "name": self.nameMapper[item["name"]], "type": data_type[index], }, printState, ) self.pyStrings.append(printState.sep) index += 1
[docs] def nameMapping(self, ast): for item in ast: if isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, dict): if item.get("name"): self.nameMapper[item["name"]] = item["name"] for inner in item: if isinstance(item[inner], list): self.nameMapping(item[inner])
[docs] def get_python_source(self): imports = "".join(self.imports) if len(imports) != 0: self.pyStrings.insert(1, imports) if self.programName != "": self.pyStrings.append(f"\n\n{self.programName}()\n") return "".join(self.pyStrings)
[docs] def get_range(self, node): """This function will construct the range string in 'loBound, Upbound' format and return to the called function""" # [0]: lower bound # [1]: upper bound bounds = [0, 0] retrieved_bounds = [node["low"], node["high"]] self.get_bound(bounds, retrieved_bounds) return f"{bounds[0]}, {bounds[1]}"
[docs] def get_bound(self, bounds, retrieved_bounds): """This function will fill the bounds list with appropriately retrieved bounds from the node.""" index = 0 for bound in retrieved_bounds: if bound[0]["tag"] == "literal": bounds[index] = self.proc_literal(bound[0]) elif bound[0]["tag"] == "op": bounds[index] = self.proc_op(bound[0]) elif bound[0]["tag"] == "ref": bounds[index] = self.proc_ref(bound[0], False) else: assert False, f"Unrecognized tag in retrieved_bound: " \ f"{bound[0]['tag']}" index += 1
[docs] def get_derived_type_ref(self, node, numPartRef, is_assignment): """This function forms a derived type reference and return to the caller""" ref = "" if node["hasSubscripts"] == "true": subscript = node["subscripts"][0] if subscript["tag"] == "ref": index = f"{subscript['name']}[0]" else: index = subscript["value"] if numPartRef > 1 or not is_assignment: ref += f"{node['name']}.get_({index})" else: ref += f"{node['name']}.set_({index}, " else: ref += node["name"] numPartRef -= 1 if "ref" in node: derived_type_ref = self.get_derived_type_ref( node['ref'][0], numPartRef, is_assignment) ref += f".{derived_type_ref}" return ref
[docs] def get_type(self, node): """ This function checks the type of a variable and returns the appropriate Python syntax type name. """ variable_type = node["type"].lower() var_name = self.nameMapper[node["name"]] if variable_type in TYPE_MAP: mapped_type = TYPE_MAP[variable_type] if node.get("is_derived_type") == "false": self.set_default_var_type(var_name, mapped_type) return mapped_type else: if node["is_derived_type"] == "true": if variable_type == "character": variable_type = "String" self.set_default_var_type(var_name, variable_type) # Add each element of the derived type into self.var_type as # well if variable_type in self.var_type: for var in self.var_type[variable_type]: self.var_type[self.current_module].append({ "name": f"{var_name}.{var['name']}", "type": var['type'] }) elif ( node["is_derived_type"] == "false" and variable_type == "character" ): variable_type == "str" self.set_default_var_type(var_name, variable_type) else: assert False, f"Unrecognized variable type: {variable_type}" return variable_type
[docs] def set_default_var_type(self, var_name, var_type): """ This function sets the default variable type of the declared variable.""" self.var_type.setdefault(self.current_module, []).append({ "name": var_name, "type": var_type })
[docs] def get_array_dimension(self, node): """ This function is for extracting the dimensions' range information from the AST. This function is needed for handling a multi-dimensional array(s). """ count = 1 array_range = "" for dimension in node["dimensions"]: if ( "literal" in dimension ): # A case where no explicit low bound set upBound = self.proc_literal(dimension["literal"][0]) array_range += f"(0, {upBound})" elif ( "range" in dimension ): # A case where explicit low and up bounds are set array_range += f"({self.get_range(dimension['range'][0])})" elif ( "name" in dimension ): # A case where variable name given as a size with no explicit lower bound. array_range += f"(0, {dimension['name']})" else: assert ( False ), f"Array range case not handled. Reference node content: {node}" if count < int(node["count"]): array_range += ", " count += 1 return array_range
[docs]def index_modules(root) -> Dict: """ Counts the number of modules in the Fortran file including the program file. Each module is written out into a separate Python file. """ module_index_dict = { node["name"]: (node.get("tag"), index) for index, node in enumerate(root) if node.get("tag") in ("module", "program", "subroutine", "function") } return module_index_dict
[docs]def get_python_sources_and_variable_map(outputDict: Dict): module_index_dict = index_modules(outputDict["ast"]) py_sourcelist = [] main_ast = [] import_lines = [ "import sys", "from typing import List", "import math", "from delphi.translators.for2py.format import *", "from delphi.translators.for2py.arrays import *", "from delphi.translators.for2py.static_save import *", "from delphi.translators.for2py.strings import *", "from dataclasses import dataclass", "from delphi.translators.for2py.types_ext import Float32", "import delphi.translators.for2py.math_ext as math", "from numbers import Real", "from random import random\n", ] for module in module_index_dict: code_generator = PythonCodeGenerator() code_generator.pyStrings.append("\n".join(import_lines)) if "module" in module_index_dict[module]: ast = [outputDict["ast"][module_index_dict[module][1]]] # Copy the derived type ast from the main_ast into the separate list, # so it can be printed outside (above) the main method derived_type_ast = [] for index in list(ast[0]["body"]): if "is_derived_type" in index and index["is_derived_type"] == "true": if "tag" not in index: derived_type_ast.append(index) ast[0]["body"].remove(index) # Print derived type declaration(s) if derived_type_ast: for i in range(len(derived_type_ast)): code_generator.pyStrings.append("\n@dataclass") assert ( derived_type_ast[i]["is_derived_type"] == "true" ), "[derived_type_ast] holds non-derived type ast" code_generator.nameMapping([derived_type_ast[i]]) code_generator.printDerivedType( [derived_type_ast[i]], PrintState() ) else: main_ast.append(outputDict["ast"][module_index_dict[module][1]]) continue # Fill the name mapper dictionary code_generator.nameMapping(ast) code_generator.printAst(ast, PrintState()) py_sourcelist.append( ( code_generator.get_python_source(), module, module_index_dict[module][0], ) ) # Writing the main program section code_generator = PythonCodeGenerator() code_generator.functions = outputDict["functionList"] code_generator.pyStrings.append("\n".join(import_lines)) # Some Fortran files do not hold any PROGRAM function, such as files created # for module holder purpose. if main_ast: # Copy the derived type ast from the main_ast into the separate list, # so it can be printed outside (above) the main method derived_type_ast = [] for index in list(main_ast[0]["body"]): if "is_derived_type" in index and index["is_derived_type"] == "true": if "tag" not in index: derived_type_ast.append(index) main_ast[0]["body"].remove(index) # Print derived type declaration(s) if derived_type_ast: code_generator.pyStrings.append("@dataclass\n") for i in range(len(derived_type_ast)): assert ( derived_type_ast[i]["is_derived_type"] == "true" ), "[derived_type_ast] holds non-derived type ast" code_generator.nameMapping([derived_type_ast[i]]) code_generator.printDerivedType( [derived_type_ast[i]], PrintState() ) code_generator.nameMapping(main_ast) code_generator.printAst(main_ast, PrintState()) py_sourcelist.append( (code_generator.get_python_source(), main_ast, "program") ) return (py_sourcelist, code_generator.variableMap)
[docs]def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-g", "--gen", nargs="*", help="Routines for which dependency graphs should be generated", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--files", nargs="+", required=True, help=( "Pickled version of the asts together with non-source code" "information" ), ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--target", nargs="+", required=True, help=( "Target directory to store the output files in" ), ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--out", nargs="+", help="Text file containing the list of output python files being " "generated", ) args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) pickleFile = args.files[0] pyFile = args.gen[0] outFile = args.out[0] targetDir =[0] return (pickleFile, pyFile, targetDir, outFile)
if __name__ == "__main__": (pickleFile, pyFile, targetDir, outFile) = parse_args() try: with open(pickleFile, "rb") as f: outputDict = pickle.load(f) except IOError: raise For2PyError(f"Unable to read file {pickleFile}.") (python_source_list, variable_map) = create_python_source_list(outputDict) outputList = [] for item in python_source_list: if item[2] == "module": modFile = f"{targetDir}m_{item[1].lower()}.py" try: with open(modFile, "w") as f: outputList.append(modFile) f.write(item[0]) except IOError: raise For2PyError(f"Unable to write to {modFile}") else: try: with open(pyFile, "w") as f: outputList.append(pyFile) f.write(item[0]) except IOError: raise For2PyError(f"Unable to write to {pyFile}.") variable_map_file = f"{pyFile[:-3]}_variables_pickle" try: with open(variable_map_file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(variable_map, f) except IOError: raise For2PyError(f"Unable to write to {variable_map_file}.") try: with open(outFile, "w") as f: for fileName in outputList: f.write(fileName + " ") except IOError: raise For2PyError(f"Unable to write to {outFile}.")