Source code for delphi.translators.for2py.loop_handle

#!/usr/bin/env python3


Purpose: Read the Fortran AST (obtained from and refactor it
         to remove the breaks, returns and continues from within loop

Called from:
Calls: None

Author: Pratik Bhandari
import sys
import argparse
import json
import copy
from typing import Dict
from delphi.translators.for2py import For2PyError, syntax

[docs]class ContinueState(object): def __init__(self): self.cycle_index = None self.is_cycle = None self.cycle_dict = {} self.continue_here = False self.else_present = False
[docs]class BreakState(object): def __init__(self): self.break_index = None self.is_break = False self.break_dict = {} self.break_depth = -1 self.break_here = False self.else_present = False
[docs]class RefactorConstructs(object): """This class defines the refactor state of the intermediate AST while removing the breaks and returns inside while loops """ def __init__(self): self.return_found = False self.potential_if = dict() self.shifted_body = list() self.new_while_body = list() self.after_return = list() self.new_outer = list() self.tag_level = 0 self.shifted_items = {} self.shifted_level = 0 # A list of all the three constructs present in the program self.loop_constructs = []
[docs] def refactor(self, ast: Dict, loop_constructs) -> Dict: self.loop_constructs = loop_constructs body = ast["ast"][0]["body"] # Parse the loop_construct dictionary for each loop backwards. We # will process each construct bottom-up # loop_index = 1 # For every loop in the body # TODO: Currently only for un-nested loops without returns. Does not # work for nested loops with/without returns as well for item in body: if item["tag"] in ["do", "do-while"]: for construct in self.loop_constructs[f"loop"][ ::-1]: if 'return' in construct: self.search_while(body) elif 'break' in construct: break_worker = BreakState() break_worker.break_index = construct self.search_breaks(item["body"], break_worker) elif 'cycle' in construct: cycle_worker = ContinueState() cycle_worker.cycle_index = construct self.search_cycles(item["body"], cycle_worker) return ast
##################################################################### # # # CONTINUE # # # #####################################################################
[docs] def search_cycles(self, body, cycle_state): # TODO Continues handling does not currently work for nested `continues` # Need to handle this self.tag_cycle(body, cycle_state) self.append_cycle(body, cycle_state)
[docs] def tag_cycle(self, body, state): for item in body: if state.is_cycle: state.cycle_dict.setdefault(state.cycle_index, []).append(item) body.remove(item) continue if item["tag"] == "if": # Count to check if the `if` body contains only one element # or more body_count = len(item["body"]) self.tag_cycle(item["body"], state) if state.continue_here: item["tag"] = "if_with_continue" if body_count == 1: item["header"][0]["operator"] = \ syntax.NEGATED_OP[item['header'][0]['operator']] if item.get("else"): state.else_present = True state.continue_here = False continue if item.get("else"): self.tag_cycle(item["else"], state) if state.continue_here: item["tag"] = "else_with_continue" state.continue_here = False elif item["tag"] == "cycle": if state.cycle_index == f"cycle_{item['index']}": state.is_cycle = True state.continue_here = True body.remove(item)
[docs] @staticmethod def append_cycle(body, state): for item in body: # Find the `if` block which had the continue statement if item["tag"] == "if_with_continue": # Start checking which of the 4 cases you had item["tag"] = "if" if len(item["body"]) == 0: if state.else_present is True: item["body"] += item.pop("else") item["body"] += state.cycle_dict[state.cycle_index] else: if state.else_present is False: item["else"] = [] item["else"] += state.cycle_dict[state.cycle_index] elif item["tag"] == "else_with_continue": item["tag"] = "if" # Check for the 2 cases you had item["body"] += state.cycle_dict[state.cycle_index] if len(item["else"]) == 0: del item["else"]
######################################################################### # # # BREAKS # # # #########################################################################
[docs] def search_breaks(self, body, break_state): body_tmp = copy.deepcopy(body) self.tag_break(body, 0, break_state) if len(break_state.break_dict) == 0: body[:] = body_tmp[:] else: self.append_break(body, 0, break_state)
[docs] def tag_break(self, body, if_depth, state): for item in body[:]: if state.is_break: state.break_dict.setdefault(if_depth, []).append( { "item": item, "index": state.break_index } ) body.remove(item) continue if item["tag"] == "if": self.tag_break(item["body"], if_depth+1, state) if state.break_here: item["tag"] = "if_with_break" item["header"][0]["operator"] = \ syntax.NEGATED_OP[item['header'][0]['operator']] if item.get("else"): state.else_present = True state.break_here = False continue if item.get("else"): self.tag_break(item["else"], if_depth+1, state) if state.break_here: item["tag"] = "else_with_break" state.break_here = False elif item["tag"] == "exit": if state.break_index == f"break_{item['index']}": state.is_break = True state.break_here = True state.break_depth = if_depth body.remove(item)
[docs] def append_break(self, body, if_depth, state): for item in body: if item["tag"] == "if": if not( len(item["body"]) and \ item["body"][0]["tag"] in ["cycle", "exit", "return"]): inc = if_depth + 1 else: inc = if_depth for key in state.break_dict: if inc > key: for elmt in state.break_dict[key]: item["body"] += [elmt["item"]] self.append_break(item["body"], if_depth+1, state) if item.get("else"): if len(item["else"]) == 1 and \ item["else"][0]["tag"] in ["if", "if_with_break", "else_with_break"]: self.append_break(item["else"], if_depth+1, state) else: for key in state.break_dict: if if_depth + 1 > key: for elmt in state.break_dict[key]: item["else"] += [elmt["item"]] self.append_break(item["else"], if_depth+1, state) elif item["tag"] == "if_with_break": item["tag"] = "if" if len(item["body"]) == 0 and state.else_present is False: for key in state.break_dict: if if_depth+1 > key: for elmt in state.break_dict[key]: item["body"] += [elmt["item"]] item["else"] = [{"tag": "exit"}] elif len(item["body"]) == 0 and state.else_present is True: item["body"] += item["else"] for key in state.break_dict: if if_depth + 1 > key: for elmt in state.break_dict[key]: item["body"] += [elmt["item"]] item["else"] = [{"tag": "exit"}] elif len(item["body"]) > 0 and state.else_present is False: item["else"] = item["body"] item["else"] += [{"tag": "exit"}] for key in state.break_dict: if if_depth + 1 > key: for elmt in state.break_dict[key]: item["body"] += [elmt["item"]] elif len(item["body"]) > 0 and state.else_present is True: else_tmp = item["else"] item["else"] = item["body"] item["else"] += [{"tag": "exit"}] item["body"] = else_tmp for key in state.break_dict: if if_depth + 1 > key: for elmt in state.break_dict[key]: item["body"] += [elmt["item"]] elif item["tag"] == "else_with_break": item["tag"] = "if" item["else"] += [{"tag": "exit"}] for key in state.break_dict: if if_depth + 1 > key: for elmt in state.break_dict[key]: item["body"] += [elmt["item"]]
##################################################################### # # # RETURNS # # # #####################################################################
[docs] def search_while(self, body): for item in body[:]: # Currently, breaks and returns are only inside the bodies of # `while` functions # TODO They can be anywhere if self.return_found: if item.get('tag') != "format": self.new_outer.append(item) body.remove(item) if item.get("tag") == 'do-while': self.search_tags(item) if self.return_found: self.start_while(item) continue elif item.get("body"): self.search_while(item["body"]) elif item.get("body"): self.search_while(item["body"]) if self.new_outer: self.modify_shifted() self.shifted_body[0]["body"] = self.new_outer body += self.shifted_body self.new_outer = []
[docs] def modify_shifted(self): var_list = [] op_list = [] right_header = copy.deepcopy(self.shifted_body[0]['header']) for item in right_header: for ref in item['left']: if ref.get('tag') == 'ref': op_list.append( [{ "tag": "op", "operator": ".not.", "left": [ref] }] ) var_list.append(ref) for ref in item['right']: if ref.get('tag') == 'ref': op_list.append( [{ "tag": "op", "operator": ".not.", "left": [ref] }] ) var_list.append(ref) left_header = { "tag": "op", "left": op_list[0], "right": op_list[1], "operator": ".and." } self.shifted_body[0]["header"][0]["left"] = [left_header] self.shifted_body[0]["header"][0]["right"] = right_header self.shifted_body[0]["header"][0]["operator"] = ".or."
[docs] def search_tags(self, item): for items in item["body"]: if items["tag"] == 'if': for if_body in items["body"]: if if_body["tag"] == 'stop': self.return_found = True break if self.return_found: break return self.return_found
[docs] def start_while(self, while_body): end_point = False # Start going through the body of the while loop for body in while_body["body"]: # The breaks and returns we are looking for are only inside the `if` # statements if body["tag"] == 'if': self.potential_if = copy.deepcopy(body) for if_body in body["body"]: if if_body["tag"] == 'stop': body['header'][0]['operator'] = \ syntax.NEGATED_OP[body['header'][0]['operator']] body["else"] = [ {"tag": "exit"} ] end_point = True self.new_while_body.append(body) self.shifted_body.append(copy.deepcopy(body)) if end_point: continue if not end_point: self.new_while_body.append(body) else: self.after_return.append(body) while_body["body"] = self.new_while_body for body in while_body["body"]: if body["tag"] == 'if': for if_body in body["body"]: if if_body["tag"] == "stop": body["body"] = self.after_return
[docs]def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-f", "--file", nargs="*", required=True, help="AST dictionary which is to be refactored" ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", nargs="+", help="Target output file to store refactored AST" ) parser.add_argument( "-w", "--write", nargs="+", help="Flag whether to write the refactored AST or not" ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--print", nargs="+", help="Flag whether to print the refactored AST or not" ) args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) input_f = args.file[0] target = args.output[0] is_write = args.write[0] is_print = args.print[0] return input_f, target, is_write, is_print
if __name__ == "__main__": # Read in the arguments to the file (input_file, target_file, write_flag, print_flag) = parse_args() # Read the input AST try: with open(input_file, 'r') as infile: input_ast = except IOError: raise For2PyError(f"Unable to read from {input_file}.") # Refactor the AST refactor_ast = RefactorConstructs() refactored_ast = refactor_ast.refactor(json.loads(input_ast)) if write_flag == "True": # Write the refactored AST try: with open(target_file, 'w') as op_file: json.dumps(refactored_ast) except IOError: raise For2PyError(f"Unable to write to {target_file}.") # If the print flag is set, print the AST to console if print_flag == "True": print(refactored_ast)