Source code for delphi.translators.for2py.get_comments

#!/usr/bin/env python
    Read the Fortran source file specified and return subprogram
    names together with the associated subprogram-level comments.

    Saumya Debray

    Command-line invocation:::

        ./ <src_file_name>

    Programmatic invocation:::

        comments = get_comments(src_file_name)

    The returned value is a dictionary that maps each subprogram name to a
    comment dictionary; the comment dictionary maps each of the following
    categories to a list of comment strings:

    -- 'head' : whole-line comments just before the subprogram start;
    -- 'neck' : whole-line comments just after the subprogram start;
    -- 'foot' : whole-line comments just after the subprogram ends; and
    -- 'internal' : comments internal to the function (curently marked
    by "marker statements" of the form i_g_n_o_r_e__m_e___NNN = .True.
    where NNN is the line number of the comment.  Internal comments
    are maintained as a dictionary that maps the variables
    i_g_n_o_r_e__m_e___NNN to lists of comment strings.

    If a subprogram does not have comments for any of these categories, the
    corresponding entry in the comment dictionary is [].

    In addition to the subprogram-level comments mentioned above, the returned
    dictionary also has entries for two "file-level" comments:

        -- any comment at the beginning of the file (before the first function)
        can be accessed using the key "$file_head" (this comment is also
        the head-comment for the first subprogram in the file); and
        -- any comment at the end of the file (after the last function)
        can be accessed using the key "$file_foot" (this comment is also
        the foot-comment for the last subprogram in the file).

    If either the file-head or the file-foot comment is missing, the
    corresponding entries in the comment dictionary are [].

import os
import sys
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from delphi.translators.for2py.syntax import (
import json

INTERNAL_COMMENT_MARKER = r"\s*(i_g_n_o_r_e__m_e___\d+)\s*=\s*\.True\."

#                                                                              #
#                              COMMENT EXTRACTION                              #
#                                                                              #

[docs]def get_comments(src_file_name: str): curr_comment = [] curr_fn, prev_fn, curr_marker = None, None, None in_neck = False comments = OrderedDict() lineno = 1 comments["$file_head"] = None comments["$file_foot"] = None _, f_ext = os.path.splitext(src_file_name) with open(src_file_name, "r", encoding="latin-1") as f: for line in f: if line_is_comment(line) or line.strip() == "": curr_comment.append(line) else: if comments["$file_head"] is None: comments["$file_head"] = curr_comment f_start, f_name_maybe = line_starts_subpgm(line) if f_start: f_name = f_name_maybe prev_fn = curr_fn curr_fn = f_name if prev_fn is not None: comments[prev_fn]["foot"] = curr_comment comments[curr_fn] = init_comment_map( curr_comment, [], [], OrderedDict() ) curr_comment = [] in_neck = True elif line_ends_subpgm(line): curr_comment = [] elif line_is_continuation(line, f_ext): lineno += 1 continue else: if in_neck: comments[curr_fn]["neck"] = curr_comment in_neck = False curr_comment = [] else: match = re.match(RE_INTERNAL_COMMENT_MARKER, line) if match != None: curr_marker = curr_comment = [] elif curr_marker != None: comments[curr_fn]["internal"][ curr_marker ] = curr_comment curr_marker = None curr_comment = [] lineno += 1 # if there's a comment at the very end of the file, make it the foot # comment of curr_fn if curr_comment != [] and comments.get(curr_fn): comments[curr_fn]["foot"] = curr_comment comments["$file_foot"] = curr_comment if comments["$file_head"] is None: comments["$file_head"] = [] if comments["$file_foot"] is None: comments["$file_foot"] = [] return comments
[docs]def init_comment_map(head_cmt, neck_cmt, foot_cmt, internal_cmt): return { "head": head_cmt, "neck": neck_cmt, "foot": foot_cmt, "internal": internal_cmt, }
if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.stderr.write(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} filename\n") sys.exit(1) filename = sys.argv[1] comments = get_comments(filename) print_comments(comments) clean_filename = filename[filename.rfind("/") + 1 : filename.rfind(".")] with open( "{}_extracted_comments.json".format(clean_filename.lower()), "w" ) as outfile: json.dump(comments, outfile)