Source code for delphi.GrFN.visualization

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns


[docs]class SensitivityVisualizer(object): """ This class is responsible for generating plots of the first and second order sensitivity indices as well as the runtime of each computation as a function of the logarithm of the sample sizes. Attributes: S (list) : List of python dictionaries with the following keys - 'N', 'S1', 'S2', 'sampling time', 'execution time', 'analysis time'. N -- sample size (log 10 scale) S1 -- numpy array of First Order Sensitivity Indices S2 -- pandas dataframe of Second Order Sensitivity Indices sampling time -- time taken to complete the sampling process after invoking a method from the SALib library execution time -- time taken for executing the GrFN analysis time -- time taken for the computation of Sensitivity Indices """ def __init__(self, S: list): self.N = [] self.S1_indices = [] self.S2_dataframe = [] self.sample_time = [] self.execution_time = [] self.analysis_time = [] for item in S: self.N.append(float(np.log10(item["sample size"]))) self.S1_indices.append(item["S1"]) self.S2_dataframe.append(item["S2"]) self.sample_time.append(float(item["sampling time"])) self.execution_time.append(float(item["execution time"])) self.analysis_time.append(float(item["analysis time"]))
[docs] def create_S1_plot(self, filename = "s1_plot.pdf"): """ Creates a plot of S1 versus log (base 10) of sample sizes. Args: filename: Filename to save plot to. """ S1_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(self.S1_indices) S1_dataframe.index = self.N cols = list(S1_dataframe.columns) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8)) for col in cols: S1_dataframe.reset_index().plot( kind="scatter", x="index", y=col, ax=ax, c="r", s=50 ) S1_dataframe.reset_index().plot( kind="line", x="index", y=col, ax=ax ) plt.legend(loc="right", fontsize=20) plt.xlim(min(self.N) - 1, max(self.N) + 1) plt.xlabel("$log_{10}N$", fontsize=30) plt.ylabel("$S_i$", fontsize=30) plt.title(r"$S_i$ vs $log_{10}N$", fontsize=30) plt.xticks(fontsize=20) plt.yticks(fontsize=20) plt.ylim(-0.2, 1.0) plt.savefig(filename)
[docs] def create_S2_plot(self, filename = "s2_plot.pdf"): """ Creates gridplot with second order Sobol index matrices for largest sample size on log (base 10) scale. Args: filename: Filename to save plot to. """ elem = len(self.N) - 1 S2_mat = self.S2_dataframe[elem].to_dict() df = pd.DataFrame(S2_mat) max_val = max(df.max(axis=0).values) var_names = sorted(df.columns) if len(df.columns) < 10: plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) else: plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) cmap = sns.diverging_palette(240, 10, n=9) g = sns.heatmap( df, cmap=cmap, annot=True, xticklabels=var_names, yticklabels=var_names, annot_kws={"fontsize": 10}, vmax=max_val, vmin=-max_val, ) plt.title( "$S_{ij}$ ( $log_{10}N$ = " + str(self.N[elem]) + " )", fontsize=30 ) plt.xticks(fontsize=15, rotation=30) plt.yticks(fontsize=15, rotation=0) plt.savefig(filename)
[docs] def create_clocktime_plot(self, filename = "clocktime_plot.pdf"): """ Creates plot of runtime (Sample Time, Execution Time, and Analysis Time) versus log (base 10) of sample sizes """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 8)) ax.scatter(self.N, self.sample_time, color="r", s=50) ax.plot(self.N, self.sample_time, color="black", label="Sample Time") ax.scatter(self.N, self.execution_time, color="r", s=50) ax.plot(self.N, self.execution_time, color="b", label="Execution Time") ax.scatter(self.N, self.analysis_time, color="r", s=50) ax.plot(self.N, self.analysis_time, color="g", label="Analysis Time") plt.legend() plt.xlabel("$log_{10}N$", fontsize=30) plt.ylabel("Runtime (in seconds)", fontsize=30) plt.title( "Sampling, Execution, and Analysis Times vs $log_{10}N$", fontsize=30, ) plt.xticks(fontsize=20) plt.yticks(fontsize=20) plt.savefig(filename)