Source code for delphi.GrFN.utils

import time
import functools
from typing import Iterable

[docs]def timeit(func): """Record the runtime of the decorated function.""" @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper_timer(*args, **kwargs): start_time = time.perf_counter() value = func(*args, **kwargs) end_time = time.perf_counter() return (value, end_time - start_time) return wrapper_timer
[docs]class ScopeNode(object): def __init__(self, container_dict, occ, parent=None): (_, namespace, scope, name) = container_dict["name"].split("::") = f"{namespace}::{scope}::{name}::{occ}" self.body = container_dict["body"] self.repeat = container_dict["repeat"] self.arguments = container_dict["arguments"] self.updated = container_dict["updated"] self.returns = container_dict["return_value"] self.parent = parent self.variables = dict() # NOTE: store base name as key and update index during wiring def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): vars_str = "\n".join([f"\t{k} -> {v}" for k, v in self.variables.items()]) return f"{}\nInputs: {self.inputs}\nVariables:\n{vars_str}"
[docs]def results_to_csv( filepath: str, inputMat: Iterable, outputMat: Iterable ) -> None: # TODO khan: implement this such that each row of a csv file has a set of # inputs followed by a set of outputs return NotImplemented
[docs]def results_to_json( filepath: str, inputMat: Iterable, outputMat: Iterable ) -> None: # TODO khan: implement this such that each row of a json file as an object # with the keys (input_data, output_data). Store the corresponding arrays as # lists at those outputs return NotImplemented
[docs]def bounds_from_csv(filepath: str) -> dict: # TODO khan: Implement bound loading from a CSV file here return NotImplemented
[docs]def bounds_from_json(filepath: str) -> dict: # TODO khan: Implement bound loading from a JSON file here return NotImplemented