Language support

If the language you wish to use does not already have a Tree-sitter parser, you can create it with a grammar for that language.

Building the Tree-sitter parser

Requirements: * A GitHub repository with a grammar file named grammar.js for the language you wish to support. * Tree-sitter also support writing your own grammar file from scratch with the steps shown here.

Steps: 1. In directory skema/program_analysis/tree_sitter_parsers/ do the following: 2. Add new entry to languages.yaml

  tree_sitter_name: tree-sitter-matlab
  supports_comment_extraction: True
  supports_fn_extraction: True
    - .m
  1. Run Adding an entry to languages.yaml will automatically create a new command line argument for
python --matlab

If successful, a build directory will have been created with a language object file

Using the tree-sitter parser

Requirements: * Tree-sitter language object file built using above steps

Steps: 1. Import the path to the tree-sitter library.

from skema.program_analysis.CAST.tree_sitter_parsers.build_parsers import INSTALLED_LANGUAGES_FILEPATH
  1. Create the Language object. This is used for parsing or running queries.
language_object = Language(INSTALLED_LANGUAGES_FILEPATH, "matlab")
  1. Parse the source code using the language object created above. Note that the source code needs to be a bytes object rather than a string.
parser = Parser()
tree = parser.parse(bytes(source, "utf8"))

Notes on walking tree-sitter Tree

  • Running parse will create a Tree of Node objects with the root node stored at tree.root_node.
  • Node objects only contain the fields type, children, start_point, end_point. To get the actual string identifier of a node, you need to infer it from the source code and the source reference information. The following is the implementation that the Fortran frontend uses.
def get_identifier(self, node: Node, source: str) -> str:
        """Given a node, return the identifier it represents. ie. The code between node.start_point and node.end_point"""
        line_num = 0
        column_num = 0
        in_identifier = False
        identifier = ""
        for i, char in enumerate(source):
            if line_num == node.start_point[0] and column_num == node.start_point[1]:
                in_identifier = True
            elif line_num == node.end_point[0] and column_num == node.end_point[1]:

            if char == "\n":
                line_num += 1
                column_num = 0
                column_num += 1

            if in_identifier:
                identifier += char

        return identifier