Coverage for skema/program_analysis/CAST/fortran/ 65%

457 statements  

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1import json 

2import os.path 

3import time 

4from pathlib import Path 

5from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union 


7from tree_sitter import Language, Parser, Node 


9from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.cast import CAST 

10from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast import ( 

11 Module, 

12 SourceRef, 

13 ModelBreak, 

14 Assignment, 

15 CASTLiteralValue, 

16 Var, 

17 VarType, 

18 Name, 

19 Operator, 

20 AstNode, 

21 SourceCodeDataType, 

22 ModelImport, 

23 FunctionDef, 

24 Loop, 

25 Call, 

26 ModelReturn, 

27 ModelIf, 

28 RecordDef, 

29 Attribute, 

30 Label, 

31 Goto, 



34from skema.program_analysis.CAST.fortran.variable_context import VariableContext 

35from skema.program_analysis.CAST.fortran.node_helper import ( 

36 NodeHelper, 

37 remove_comments, 

38 get_children_by_types, 

39 get_children_except_types, 

40 get_first_child_by_type, 

41 get_control_children, 

42 get_non_control_children, 

43 get_first_child_index, 

44 get_last_child_index, 


46from skema.program_analysis.CAST.fortran.util import generate_dummy_source_refs 


48from skema.program_analysis.CAST.fortran.preprocessor.preprocess import preprocess 

49from skema.program_analysis.tree_sitter_parsers.build_parsers import ( 




53builtin_statements = set( 

54 [ 

55 "read_statement", 

56 "write_statement", 

57 "rewind_statement", 

58 "open_statement", 

59 "print_statement", 

60 ] 




64class TS2CAST(object): 

65 def __init__(self, source_file_path: str): 

66 # Prepare source with preprocessor 

67 self.path = Path(source_file_path) 

68 self.source_file_name = 

69 self.source = preprocess(self.path) 


71 # Run tree-sitter on preprocessor output to generate parse tree 

72 parser = Parser() 

73 parser.set_language(Language(INSTALLED_LANGUAGES_FILEPATH, "fortran")) 

74 self.tree = parser.parse(bytes(self.source, "utf8")) 

75 self.root_node = remove_comments(self.tree.root_node) 


77 # Walking data 

78 self.variable_context = VariableContext() 

79 self.node_helper = NodeHelper(self.source, self.source_file_name) 


81 # Start visiting 

82 self.out_cast = self.generate_cast() 

83 #print(self.out_cast[0].to_json_str()) 


85 def generate_cast(self) -> List[CAST]: 

86 """Interface for generating CAST.""" 

87 modules = 

88 return [ 

89 CAST([generate_dummy_source_refs(module)], "Fortran") for module in modules 

90 ] 


92 def run(self, root) -> List[Module]: 

93 """Top level visitor function. Will return between 1-3 Module objects.""" 

94 # A program can have between 1-3 modules 

95 # 1. A module body 

96 # 2. A program body 

97 # 3. Everything else (defined functions) 

98 modules = [] 

99 contexts = get_children_by_types(root, ["module", "program"]) 

100 for context in contexts: 

101 modules.append(self.visit(context)) 


103 # Currently, we are supporting functions and subroutines defined outside of programs and modules 

104 # Other than comments, it is unclear if anything else is allowed. 

105 # TODO: Research the above 

106 outer_body_nodes = get_children_by_types(root, ["function", "subroutine"]) 

107 if len(outer_body_nodes) > 0: 

108 body = self.generate_cast_body(outer_body_nodes) 

109 modules.append( 

110 Module( 

111 name=None, 

112 body=body, 

113 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(root)], 

114 ) 

115 ) 


117 return modules 


119 def visit(self, node: Node): 

120 if node.type in ["program", "module"]: 

121 return self.visit_module(node) 

122 elif node.type == "internal_procedures": 

123 return self.visit_internal_procedures(node) 

124 elif node.type in ["subroutine", "function"]: 

125 return self.visit_function_def(node) 

126 elif node.type in ["subroutine_call", "call_expression"]: 

127 return self.visit_function_call(node) 

128 elif node.type == "use_statement": 

129 return self.visit_use_statement(node) 

130 elif node.type == "variable_declaration": 

131 return self.visit_variable_declaration(node) 

132 elif node.type == "assignment_statement": 

133 return self.visit_assignment_statement(node) 

134 elif node.type == "identifier": 

135 return self.visit_identifier(node) 

136 elif node.type == "name": 

137 return self.visit_name(node) 

138 elif node.type in [ 

139 "unary_expression", 

140 "math_expression", 

141 "relational_expression", 

142 ]: 

143 return self.visit_math_expression(node) 

144 elif node.type in [ 

145 "number_literal", 

146 "array_literal", 

147 "string_literal", 

148 "boolean_literal", 

149 ]: 

150 return self.visit_literal(node) 

151 elif node.type == "keyword_statement": 

152 return self.visit_keyword_statement(node) 

153 elif node.type == "statement_label": 

154 return self.visit_statement_label(node) 

155 elif node.type in builtin_statements: 

156 return self.visit_fortran_builtin_statement(node) 

157 elif node.type == "extent_specifier": 

158 return self.visit_extent_specifier(node) 

159 elif node.type in ["do_loop_statement"]: 

160 return self.visit_do_loop_statement(node) 

161 elif node.type in ["if_statement", "else_if_clause", "else_clause"]: 

162 return self.visit_if_statement(node) 

163 elif node.type == "logical_expression": 

164 return self.visit_logical_expression(node) 

165 elif node.type == "derived_type_definition": 

166 return self.visit_derived_type(node) 

167 elif node.type == "derived_type_member_expression": 

168 return self.visit_derived_type_member_expression(node) 

169 else: 

170 return self._visit_passthrough(node) 


172 def visit_module(self, node: Node) -> Module: 

173 """Visitor for program and module statement. Returns a Module object""" 

174 self.variable_context.push_context() 


176 program_body = self.generate_cast_body(node.children[1:-1]) 


178 self.variable_context.pop_context() 


180 return Module( 

181 name=None, # TODO: Fill out name field 

182 body=program_body, 

183 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

184 ) 


186 def visit_internal_procedures(self, node: Node) -> List[FunctionDef]: 

187 """Visitor for internal procedures. Returns list of FunctionDef""" 

188 internal_procedures = get_children_by_types(node, ["function", "subroutine"]) 

189 return [self.visit(procedure) for procedure in internal_procedures] 


191 def visit_name(self, node): 

192 # Node structure 

193 # (name) 


195 # First, we will check if this name is already defined, and if it is return the name node generated previously 

196 identifier = self.node_helper.get_identifier(node) 

197 if self.variable_context.is_variable(identifier): 

198 return self.variable_context.get_node(identifier) 


200 return self.variable_context.add_variable( 

201 identifier, "Unknown", [self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)] 

202 ) 


204 def visit_function_def(self, node): 

205 # TODO: Refactor function def code to use new helper functions 

206 # Node structure 

207 # (subroutine) 

208 # (subroutine_statement) 

209 # (subroutine) 

210 # (name) 

211 # (parameters) - Optional 

212 # (body_node) ... 

213 # (function) 

214 # (function_statement) 

215 # (function) 

216 # (intrinsic_type) - Optional 

217 # (name) 

218 # (parameters) - Optional 

219 # (function_result) - Optional 

220 # (identifier) 

221 # (body_node) ... 


223 # Create a new variable context 

224 self.variable_context.push_context() 


226 # Top level statement node 


228 statement_node = get_children_by_types( 

229 node, ["subroutine_statement", "function_statement"] 

230 )[0] 


232 name_node = get_first_child_by_type(statement_node, "name") 

233 name = self.visit( 

234 name_node 

235 ) # Visit the name node to add it to the variable context 


237 # If this is a function, check for return type and return value 

238 if node.type == "function": 

239 intrinsic_type = None 

240 return_value = None 

241 signature_qualifiers = get_children_by_types( 

242 statement_node, ["intrinsic_type", "function_result"] 

243 ) 

244 for qualifier in signature_qualifiers: 

245 if qualifier.type == "intrinsic_type": 

246 intrinsic_type = self.node_helper.get_identifier(qualifier) 

247 self.variable_context.add_variable( 

248 self.node_helper.get_identifier(name_node), intrinsic_type, None 

249 ) 

250 elif qualifier.type == "function_result": 

251 return_value = self.visit( 

252 get_first_child_by_type(qualifier, "identifier") 

253 ).val 

254 self.variable_context.add_return_value( 


256 # NOTE: In the case of a function specifically, if there is no explicit return value, the return value will be the name of the function 

257 # TODO: Should this be a node instead 

258 if not return_value: 

259 self.variable_context.add_return_value( 

260 self.node_helper.get_identifier(name_node) 

261 ) 

262 return_value = self.visit(name_node) 


264 # If funciton has both an explicit intrinsic type, then we also need to update the type of the return value in the variable context 

265 if intrinsic_type: 

266 self.variable_context.update_type(, intrinsic_type) 


268 # Generating the function arguments by walking the parameters node 

269 func_args = [] 

270 if parameters_node := get_first_child_by_type(statement_node, "parameters"): 

271 for parameter in get_non_control_children(parameters_node): 

272 # For both subroutine and functions, all arguments are assumes intent(inout) by default unless otherwise specified with intent(in) 

273 # The variable declaration visitor will check for this and remove any arguments that are input only from the return values 

274 self.variable_context.add_return_value( 

275 self.node_helper.get_identifier(parameter) 

276 ) 

277 func_args.append(self.visit(parameter)) 


279 # The first child of function will be the function statement, the rest will be body nodes 

280 body = self.generate_cast_body(node.children[1:-1]) 


282 # After creating the body, we can go back and update the var nodes we created for the arguments 

283 # We do this by looking for intent,in nodes 

284 for i, arg in enumerate(func_args): 

285 func_args[i].type = self.variable_context.get_type( 


287 # TODO: 

288 # This logic can be made cleaner 

289 # Fortran doesn't require a return statement, so we need to check if there is a top-level return statement 

290 # If there is not, then we will create a dummy one 

291 return_found = False 

292 for child in body: 

293 if isinstance(child, ModelReturn): 

294 return_found = True 

295 if not return_found: 

296 body.append(self.visit_keyword_statement(node)) 


298 # Pop variable context off of stack before leaving this scope 

299 self.variable_context.pop_context() 



302 # If this is a class function, we need to associate the function def with the class 

303 # We should also return None here so we don't duplicate the function def 

304 if self.variable_context.is_class_function( 

305 self.variable_context.copy_class_function(, 

306 FunctionDef( 

307 name=name, 

308 func_args=func_args, 

309 body=body, 

310 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

311 )) 

312 return None 


314 return FunctionDef( 

315 name=name, 

316 func_args=func_args, 

317 body=body, 

318 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

319 ) 


321 def visit_function_call(self, node): 

322 # Pull relevent nodes 

323 # A subroutine and function won't neccessarily have an arguments node. 

324 # So we should be careful about trying to access it. 


326 function_node = get_children_by_types( 

327 node, 

328 [ 

329 "unary_expression", 

330 "subroutine", 

331 "identifier", 

332 "derived_type_member_expression", 

333 ], 

334 )[0] 

335 if function_node.type == "derived_type_member_expression": 

336 return self.visit_derived_type_member_expression(function_node) 


338 arguments_node = get_first_child_by_type(node, "argument_list") 


340 # If this is a unary expression (+foo()) the identifier will be nested. 

341 # TODO: If this is a non '+' unary expression, how do we add it to the CAST? 

342 if function_node.type == "unary_expression": 

343 function_node = get_first_child_by_type(node, "identifier", recurse=True) 


345 function_identifier = self.node_helper.get_identifier(function_node) 


347 # Tree-Sitter incorrectly parses mutlidimensional array accesses as function calls 

348 # We will need to check if this is truly a function call or a subscript 

349 if self.variable_context.is_variable(function_identifier): 

350 if self.variable_context.get_type(function_identifier) == "List": 

351 return self._visit_get( 

352 node 

353 ) # This overrides the visitor and forces us to visit another 


355 # TODO: What should get a name node? Instrincit functions? Imported functions? 

356 # Judging from the Gromet generation pipeline, it appears that all functions need Name nodes. 

357 if self.variable_context.is_variable(function_identifier): 

358 func = self.variable_context.get_node(function_identifier) 

359 else: 

360 func = Name(function_identifier, -1) # TODO: REFACTOR 


362 # Add arguments to arguments list 

363 arguments = [] 

364 if arguments_node: 

365 for argument in arguments_node.children: 

366 child_cast = self.visit(argument) 

367 if child_cast: 

368 arguments.append(child_cast) 


370 return Call( 

371 func=func, 

372 source_language="Fortran", 

373 source_language_version="2008", 

374 arguments=arguments, 

375 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

376 ) 


378 """ 

379 (keyword_statement [6, 6] - [6, 61] 

380 (statement_label_reference [6, 13] - [6, 16]) 

381 (statement_label_reference [6, 18] - [6, 21]) 

382 (statement_label_reference [6, 23] - [6, 26]) 

383 (statement_label_reference [6, 28] - [6, 31]) 

384 (math_expression [6, 34] - [6, 61] 

385 left: (call_expression [6, 34] - [6, 57] 

386 (identifier [6, 34] - [6, 37]) 

387 (argument_list [6, 37] - [6, 57] 

388 (math_expression [6, 38] - [6, 53] 

389 left: (math_expression [6, 38] - [6, 49] 

390 left: (parenthesized_expression [6, 38] - [6, 45] 

391 (math_expression [6, 39] - [6, 44] 

392 left: (identifier [6, 39] - [6, 40]) 

393 right: (identifier [6, 43] - [6, 44]))) 

394 right: (identifier [6, 48] - [6, 49])) 

395 right: (number_literal [6, 52] - [6, 53])) 

396 (number_literal [6, 55] - [6, 56]))) 

397 right: (number_literal [6, 60] - [6, 61]))) 

398 """ 


400 def visit_keyword_statement(self, node): 

401 # NOTE: RETURN is not the only Fortran keyword. GO TO and CONTINUE are also considered keywords 

402 identifier = self.node_helper.get_identifier(node).lower() 

403 if node.type == "keyword_statement": 

404 if "go to" in identifier: 

405 statement_labels = [ 

406 self.node_helper.get_identifier(child) 

407 for child in get_children_by_types( 

408 node, ["statement_label_reference"] 

409 ) 

410 ] 

411 # If there are multiple statement labels, then this is a COMPUTED GO TO 

412 # Those are handled as a "_get" access into a List of statement labels with the index determined by the expression 

413 if len(statement_labels) > 1: 

414 expr = Call( 

415 func=self.get_gromet_function_node("_get"), 

416 arguments=[ 

417 CASTLiteralValue(value_type="List", value=[CASTLiteralValue(value=label, value_type="List") for label in statement_labels]), 

418 self.visit(node.children[-1]), 

419 ], 

420 ) 

421 return Goto(label=None, expr=expr) 

422 return Goto( 

423 label=statement_labels[0], 

424 expr=None, 

425 ) 

426 if "continue" in identifier: 

427 return self._visit_no_op(node) 

428 if "exit" in identifier: 

429 return ModelBreak(source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)]) 


431 # In Fortran the return statement doesn't return a value (there is the obsolete "alternative return") 

432 # We keep track of values that need to be returned in the variable context 

433 return_values = self.variable_context.context_return_values[ 

434 -1 

435 ] # TODO: Make function for this 


437 if len(return_values) == 1: 

438 value = self.variable_context.get_node(list(return_values)[0]) 

439 elif len(return_values) > 1: 

440 value = CASTLiteralValue( 

441 value_type="Tuple", 

442 value=[self.variable_context.get_node(ret) for ret in return_values], 

443 source_code_data_type=None, 

444 source_refs=None, 

445 ) 

446 else: 

447 value = CASTLiteralValue(value=None, value_type=None, source_refs=None) 


449 return ModelReturn( 

450 value=value, source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)] 

451 ) 


453 def visit_statement_label(self, node): 

454 """Visitor for fortran statement labels""" 

455 return Label(label=self.node_helper.get_identifier(node)) 


457 def visit_fortran_builtin_statement(self, node): 

458 """Visitor for Fortran keywords that are not classified as keyword_statement by tree-sitter""" 

459 # All of the node types that fall into this category end with _statment. 

460 # So the function name will be the node type with _statement removed (write, read, open, ...) 

461 func = self.get_gromet_function_node(node.type.replace("_statement", "")) 


463 arguments = [] 


465 return Call( 

466 func=func, 

467 arguments=arguments, 

468 source_language="Fortran", 

469 source_language_version=None, 

470 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

471 ) 


473 def visit_print_statement(self, node): 

474 func = self.get_gromet_function_node("print") 


476 arguments = [] 


478 return Call( 

479 func=func, 

480 arguments=arguments, 

481 source_language=None, 

482 source_language_version=None, 

483 ) 


485 def visit_use_statement(self, node): 

486 # (use) 

487 # (use) 

488 # (module_name) 


490 ## Pull relevent child nodes 

491 module_name_node = get_first_child_by_type(node, "module_name") 

492 module_name = self.node_helper.get_identifier(module_name_node) 

493 included_items_node = get_first_child_by_type(node, "included_items") 


495 import_all = included_items_node is None 

496 import_alias = None # TODO: Look into local-name and use-name fields 


498 # We need to check if this import is a full import of a module, i.e. use module 

499 # Or a partial import i.e. use module,only: sub1, sub2 

500 if import_all: 

501 return ModelImport( 

502 name=module_name, 

503 alias=import_alias, 

504 all=import_all, 

505 symbol=None, 

506 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

507 ) 

508 else: 

509 imports = [] 

510 for symbol in get_non_control_children(included_items_node): 

511 symbol_identifier = self.node_helper.get_identifier(symbol) 

512 symbol_source_refs = [self.node_helper.get_source_ref(symbol)] 

513 imports.append( 

514 ModelImport( 

515 name=module_name, 

516 alias=import_alias, 

517 all=import_all, 

518 symbol=symbol_identifier, 

519 source_refs=symbol_source_refs, 

520 ) 

521 ) 

522 return imports 


524 def visit_do_loop_statement(self, node) -> Loop: 

525 """Visitor for Loops. Do to complexity, this visitor logic only handles the range-based do loop. 

526 The do while loop will be passed off to a seperate visitor. Returns a Loop object. 

527 """ 

528 """ 

529 Node structure 

530 Do loop 

531 (do_loop_statement) 

532 (loop_control_expression) 

533 (...) ... 

534 (body) ... 


536 Do while 

537 (do_loop_statement) 

538 (while_statement) 

539 (parenthesized_expression) 

540 (...) ... 

541 (body) ... 

542 """ 


544 loop_control_node = get_first_child_by_type(node, "loop_control_expression") 

545 if not loop_control_node: 

546 return self._visit_while(node) 


548 # If there is a loop control expression, the first body node will be the node after the loop_control_expression 

549 # It is valid Fortran to have a single itteration do loop as well. 

550 # NOTE: This code is for the creation of the main body. The do loop will still add some additional nodes at the end of this body. 

551 body_start_index = 1 + get_first_child_index(node, "loop_control_expression") 

552 body = self.generate_cast_body(node.children[body_start_index:]) 


554 # For the init and expression fields, we first need to determine if we are in a regular "do" or a "do while" loop 

555 # PRE: 

556 # _next(_iter(range(start, stop, step))) 

557 loop_control_node = get_first_child_by_type(node, "loop_control_expression") 

558 loop_control_children = get_non_control_children(loop_control_node) 

559 if len(loop_control_children) == 3: 

560 itterator, start, stop = [ 

561 self.visit(child) for child in loop_control_children 

562 ] 

563 step = CASTLiteralValue("Integer", "1") 

564 elif len(loop_control_children) == 4: 

565 itterator, start, stop, step = [ 

566 self.visit(child) for child in loop_control_children 

567 ] 

568 else: 

569 itterator = None 

570 start = None 

571 stop = None 

572 step = None 


574 range_name_node = self.get_gromet_function_node("range") 

575 iter_name_node = self.get_gromet_function_node("iter") 

576 next_name_node = self.get_gromet_function_node("next") 

577 generated_iter_name_node = self.variable_context.generate_iterator() 

578 stop_condition_name_node = self.variable_context.generate_stop_condition() 


580 # generated_iter_0 = iter(range(start, stop, step)) 

581 pre = [] 

582 pre.append( 

583 Assignment( 

584 left=Var(generated_iter_name_node, "Iterator"), 

585 right=Call( 

586 iter_name_node, 

587 arguments=[Call(range_name_node, arguments=[start, stop, step])], 

588 ), 

589 ) 

590 ) 


592 # (i, generated_iter_0, sc_0) = next(generated_iter_0) 

593 pre.append( 

594 Assignment( 

595 left=CASTLiteralValue( 

596 "Tuple", 

597 [ 

598 itterator, 

599 Var(generated_iter_name_node, "Iterator"), 

600 Var(stop_condition_name_node, "Boolean"), 

601 ], 

602 ), 

603 right=Call( 

604 next_name_node, 

605 arguments=[Var(generated_iter_name_node, "Iterator")], 

606 ), 

607 ) 

608 ) 


610 # EXPR 

611 expr = [] 

612 expr = Operator( 

613 op="!=", # TODO: Should this be == or != 

614 operands=[ 

615 stop_condition_name_node, 

616 CASTLiteralValue("Boolean", True), 

617 ], 

618 ) 


620 # BODY 

621 # At this point, the body nodes have already been visited 

622 # We just need to append the iterator next call 

623 body.append( 

624 Assignment( 

625 left=CASTLiteralValue( 

626 "Tuple", 

627 [ 

628 itterator, 

629 Var(generated_iter_name_node, "Iterator"), 

630 Var(stop_condition_name_node, "Boolean"), 

631 ], 

632 ), 

633 right=Call( 

634 next_name_node, 

635 arguments=[Var(generated_iter_name_node, "Iterator")], 

636 ), 

637 ) 

638 ) 


640 # POST 

641 post = [] 

642 post.append( 

643 Assignment( 

644 left=itterator, 

645 right=Operator(op="+", operands=[itterator, step]), 

646 ) 

647 ) 


649 return Loop( 

650 pre=pre, 

651 expr=expr, 

652 body=body, 

653 post=post, 

654 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

655 ) 


657 def visit_if_statement(self, node): 

658 # (if_statement) 

659 # (if) 

660 # (parenthesised_expression) 

661 # (then) 

662 # (body_nodes) ... 

663 # (elseif_clauses) .. 

664 # (else_clause) 

665 # (end_if_statement) 


667 # TODO: Can you have a parenthesized expression as a body node 

668 body_nodes = get_children_except_types( 

669 node, 

670 [ 

671 "if", 

672 "elseif", 

673 "else", 

674 "then", 

675 "parenthesized_expression", 

676 "elseif_clause", 

677 "else_clause", 

678 "end_if_statement", 

679 ], 

680 ) 

681 body = self.generate_cast_body(body_nodes) 


683 expr_node = get_first_child_by_type(node, "parenthesized_expression") 

684 expr = None 

685 if expr_node: 

686 expr = self.visit(expr_node) 


688 elseif_nodes = get_children_by_types(node, ["elseif_clause"]) 

689 elseif_cast = [self.visit(elseif_clause) for elseif_clause in elseif_nodes] 

690 for i in range(len(elseif_cast) - 1): 

691 elseif_cast[i].orelse = [elseif_cast[i + 1]] 


693 else_node = get_first_child_by_type(node, "else_clause") 

694 else_cast = None 

695 if else_node: 

696 else_cast = self.visit(else_node) 


698 orelse = [] 

699 if len(elseif_cast) > 0: 

700 orelse = [elseif_cast[0]] 

701 elif else_cast: 

702 orelse = else_cast.body 


704 return ModelIf(expr=expr, body=body, orelse=orelse) 


706 def visit_logical_expression(self, node): 

707 """Visitior for logical expression (i.e. true and false) which is used in compound conditional""" 

708 # If this is a .not. operator, we need to pass it on to the math_expression visitor 

709 if len(node.children) < 3: 

710 return self.visit_math_expression(node) 


712 literal_value_false = CASTLiteralValue("Boolean", False) 

713 literal_value_true = CASTLiteralValue("Boolean", True) 


715 # AND: Right side goes in body if, left side in condition 

716 # OR: Right side goes in body else, left side in condition 

717 left, operator, right = node.children 


719 # First we need to check if this is logical and or a logical or 

720 # The tehcnical types for these are \.or\. and \.and\. so to simplify things we can use the in keyword 

721 is_or = "or" in operator.type 


723 top_if = ModelIf() 

724 top_if_expr = self.visit(left) 

725 top_if.expr = top_if_expr 


727 bottom_if_expr = self.visit(right) 

728 if is_or: 

729 top_if.orelse = [bottom_if_expr] 

730 top_if.body = [literal_value_true] 

731 else: 

732 top_if.orelse = [literal_value_false] 

733 top_if.body = [bottom_if_expr] 


735 return top_if 


737 def visit_assignment_statement(self, node): 

738 left, _, right = node.children 


740 # We need to check if the left side is a multidimensional array, 

741 # Since tree-sitter incorrectly shows this assignment as a call_expression 

742 if left.type == "call_expression": 

743 return self._visit_set(node) 


745 return Assignment( 

746 left=self.visit(left), 

747 right=self.visit(right), 

748 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

749 ) 


751 def visit_literal(self, node) -> CASTLiteralValue: 

752 """Visitor for literals. Returns a CASTLiteralValue""" 

753 literal_type = node.type 

754 literal_value = self.node_helper.get_identifier(node) 

755 literal_source_ref = self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node) 


757 if literal_type == "number_literal": 

758 # Check if this is a real value, or an Integer 

759 if "e" in literal_value.lower() or "." in literal_value: 

760 return CASTLiteralValue( 

761 value_type="AbstractFloat", 

762 value=literal_value, 

763 source_code_data_type=["Fortran", "Fortran95", "real"], 

764 source_refs=[literal_source_ref], 

765 ) 

766 else: 

767 return CASTLiteralValue( 

768 value_type="Integer", 

769 value=literal_value, 

770 source_code_data_type=["Fortran", "Fortran95", "integer"], 

771 source_refs=[literal_source_ref], 

772 ) 


774 elif literal_type == "string_literal": 

775 return CASTLiteralValue( 

776 value_type="Character", 

777 value=literal_value, 

778 source_code_data_type=["Fortran", "Fortran95", "character"], 

779 source_refs=[literal_source_ref], 

780 ) 


782 elif literal_type == "boolean_literal": 

783 return CASTLiteralValue( 

784 value_type="Boolean", 

785 value=literal_value, 

786 source_code_data_type=["Fortran", "Fortran95", "logical"], 

787 source_refs=[literal_source_ref], 

788 ) 


790 elif literal_type == "array_literal": 

791 # There are a multiple ways to create an array literal. This visitor is for the traditional explicit creation (/ 1,2,3 /) 

792 # For the do loop based version, we pass it off to another visitor 

793 implied_do_loop_expression_node = get_first_child_by_type( 

794 node, "implied_do_loop_expression" 

795 ) 

796 if implied_do_loop_expression_node: 

797 return self._visit_implied_do_loop(implied_do_loop_expression_node) 


799 return CASTLiteralValue( 

800 value_type="List", 

801 value=[ 

802 self.visit(element) for element in get_non_control_children(node) 

803 ], 

804 source_code_data_type=["Fortran", "Fortran95", "dimension"], 

805 source_refs=[literal_source_ref], 

806 ) 


808 def visit_identifier(self, node): 

809 # By default, this is unknown, but can be updated by other visitors 

810 identifier = self.node_helper.get_identifier(node) 

811 if self.variable_context.is_variable(identifier): 

812 var_type = self.variable_context.get_type(identifier) 

813 else: 

814 var_type = "Unknown" 


816 # Default value comes from Pytohn keyword arguments i.e. def foo(a, b=10) 

817 # Fortran does have optional arguments introduced in F90, but these do not specify a default 

818 default_value = None 


820 # This is another case where we need to override the visitor to explicitly visit another node 

821 value = self.visit_name(node) 


823 return Var( 

824 val=value, 

825 type=var_type, 

826 default_value=default_value, 

827 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

828 ) 


830 def visit_math_expression(self, node): 

831 op = self.node_helper.get_identifier( 

832 get_control_children(node)[0] 

833 ) # The operator will be the first control character 

834 operands = [] 

835 for operand in get_non_control_children(node): 

836 operands.append(self.visit(operand)) 


838 # For operators, we will only need the name node since we are not allocating space 

839 if operand.type == "identifier": 

840 operands[-1] = operands[-1].val 


842 return Operator( 

843 source_language="Fortran", 

844 interpreter=None, 

845 version=None, 

846 op=op, 

847 operands=operands, 

848 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

849 ) 


851 def visit_variable_declaration(self, node) -> List: 

852 """Visitor for variable declaration. Will return a List of Var and Assignment nodes.""" 

853 """ 

854 # Node structure 

855 (variable_declaration) 

856 (intrinsic_type) 

857 (type_qualifier) 

858 (qualifier) 

859 (value) 

860 (identifier) ... 

861 (assignment_statement) ... 


863 (variable_declaration) 

864 (derived_type) 

865 (type_name) 

866 """ 

867 # A variable can be declared with an intrinsic_type if its built-in, or a derived_type if it is user defined. 

868 intrinsic_type_node = get_first_child_by_type(node, "intrinsic_type") 

869 derived_type_node = get_first_child_by_type(node, "derived_type") 


871 variable_type = "" 

872 variable_intent = "" 


874 if intrinsic_type_node: 

875 type_map = { 

876 "integer": "Integer", 

877 "real": "AbstractFloat", 

878 "double precision": "AbstractFloat", 

879 "complex": "Tuple", # Complex is a Tuple (rational,irrational), 

880 "logical": "Boolean", 

881 "character": "String", 

882 } 

883 # NOTE: Identifiers are case sensitive, so we always need to make sure we are comparing to the lower() version 

884 variable_type = type_map[ 

885 self.node_helper.get_identifier(intrinsic_type_node).lower() 

886 ] 

887 elif derived_type_node: 

888 variable_type = self.node_helper.get_identifier( 

889 get_first_child_by_type(derived_type_node, "type_name", recurse=True), 

890 ) 


892 # There are multiple type qualifiers that change the way we generate a variable 

893 # For example, we need to determine if we are creating an array (dimension) or a single variable 

894 type_qualifiers = get_children_by_types(node, ["type_qualifier"]) 

895 for qualifier in type_qualifiers: 

896 field = self.node_helper.get_identifier(qualifier.children[0]) 


898 if field == "dimension": 

899 variable_type = "List" 

900 elif field == "intent": 

901 variable_intent = self.node_helper.get_identifier(qualifier.children[1]) 


903 # You can declare multiple variables of the same type in a single statement, so we need to create a Var or Assignment node for each instance 

904 definied_variables = get_children_by_types( 

905 node, 

906 [ 

907 "identifier", # Variable declaration 

908 "assignment_statement", # Variable assignment 

909 "call_expression", # Dimension without intent 

910 ], 

911 ) 

912 vars = [] 

913 for variable in definied_variables: 

914 if variable.type == "assignment_statement": 

915 if variable.children[0].type == "call_expression": 

916 vars.append( 

917 Assignment( 

918 left=self.visit( 

919 get_first_child_by_type( 

920 variable.children[0], "identifier" 

921 ) 

922 ), 

923 right=self.visit(variable.children[2]), 

924 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(variable)], 

925 ) 

926 ) 

927 vars[-1].left.type = "List" 

928 self.variable_context.update_type(vars[-1], "List") 

929 else: 

930 # If its a regular assignment, we can update the type normally 

931 vars.append(self.visit(variable)) 

932 vars[-1].left.type = variable_type 

933 self.variable_context.update_type( 

934 vars[-1], variable_type 

935 ) 


937 elif variable.type == "identifier": 

938 # A basic variable declaration, we visit the identifier and then update the type 

939 vars.append(self.visit(variable)) 

940 vars[-1].type = variable_type 

941 self.variable_context.update_type(vars[-1], variable_type) 

942 elif variable.type == "call_expression": 

943 # Declaring a dimension variable using the x(1:5) format. It will look like a call expression in tree-sitter. 

944 # We treat it like an identifier by visiting its identifier node. Then the type gets overridden by "dimension" 

945 vars.append(self.visit(get_first_child_by_type(variable, "identifier"))) 

946 vars[-1].type = "List" 

947 self.variable_context.update_type(vars[-1], "List") 


949 # By default, all variables are added to a function's list of return values 

950 # If the intent is actually in, then we need to remove them from the list 

951 if variable_intent == "in": 

952 for var in vars: 

953 self.variable_context.remove_return_value( 


955 return vars 


957 def visit_extent_specifier(self, node): 

958 # Node structure 

959 # (extent_specifier) 

960 # (identifier) 

961 # (identifier) 


963 # The extent specifier is the same as a slice, it can have a start, stop, and step 

964 # We can determine these by looking at the number of control characters in this node. 

965 # Fortran uses the character ':' to differentiate these values 

966 argument_pointer = 0 

967 arguments = [ 

968 CASTLiteralValue("None", "None"), 

969 CASTLiteralValue("None", "None"), 

970 CASTLiteralValue("None", "None"), 

971 ] 

972 for child in node.children: 

973 if child.type == ":": 

974 argument_pointer += 1 

975 else: 

976 arguments[argument_pointer] = self.visit(child) 


978 return Call( 

979 func=self.get_gromet_function_node("slice"), 

980 source_language="Fortran", 

981 source_language_version="Fortran95", 

982 arguments=arguments, 

983 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

984 ) 


986 def visit_derived_type(self, node: Node) -> RecordDef: 

987 """Visitor function for derived type definition. Will return a RecordDef""" 

988 """Node Structure: 

989 (derived_type_definition) 

990 (derived_type_statement) 

991 (base) 

992 (base_type_specifier) 

993 (identifier) 

994 (type_name) 


996 ... 

997 """ 


999 record_name = self.node_helper.get_identifier( 

1000 get_first_child_by_type(node, "type_name", recurse=True) 

1001 ) 


1003 # There is no multiple inheritance in Fortran, so a type may only extend 1 other type 

1004 bases = [] 

1005 derived_type_statement_node = get_first_child_by_type( 

1006 node, "derived_type_statement" 

1007 ) 

1008 base_node = get_first_child_by_type( 

1009 derived_type_statement_node, "identifier", recurse=True 

1010 ) 

1011 if base_node: 

1012 bases.append([self.node_helper.get_identifier(base_node)]) 


1014 # A derived type can contain symbols with the same name as those already in the main program body. 

1015 # If we tell the variable context we are in a record definition, it will append the type name as a prefix to all defined variables. 

1016 self.variable_context.enter_record_definition(record_name) 


1018 # Note: In derived type declarations, functions are only declared. The actual definition will be in the outer module. 

1019 funcs = [] 

1020 if derived_type_procedures_node := get_first_child_by_type( 

1021 node, "derived_type_procedures" 

1022 ): 

1023 for procedure_node in get_children_by_types( 

1024 derived_type_procedures_node, ["procedure_statement"] 

1025 ): 

1026 function_name = self.node_helper.get_identifier(get_first_child_by_type(procedure_node, "method_name", recurse=True)) 

1027 funcs.append(self.variable_context.register_module_function(function_name)) 



1030 # A derived type can only have variable declarations in its body. 

1031 fields = [] 

1032 variable_declarations = [ 

1033 self.visit(variable_declaration) 

1034 for variable_declaration in get_children_by_types( 

1035 node, ["variable_declaration"] 

1036 ) 

1037 ] 

1038 for declaration in variable_declarations: 

1039 # Variable declarations always returns a list of Var or Assignment, even when only one var is being created 

1040 for var in declaration: 

1041 if isinstance(var, Var): 

1042 fields.append(var) 

1043 elif isinstance(var, Assignment): 

1044 # Since this is a record definition, an assignment is actually equivalent to setting the default value 

1045 var.left.default_value = var.right 

1046 fields.append(var.left) 

1047 # TODO: Handle dimension type (Call type) 

1048 elif isinstance(var, Call): 

1049 pass 

1050 # Leaving the record definition sets the prefix back to an empty string 

1051 self.variable_context.exit_record_definition() 


1053 return RecordDef( 

1054 name=record_name, 

1055 bases=bases, 

1056 funcs=funcs, 

1057 fields=fields, 

1058 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

1059 ) 


1061 def visit_derived_type_member_expression(self, node) -> Attribute: 

1062 """Visitor function for derived type access. Returns an Attribute object""" 

1063 """ Node Structure 

1064 Scalar Access 

1065 (derived_type_member_expression) 

1066 (identifier) 

1067 (type_member) 


1069 Dimensional Access 

1070 (derived_type_member_expression) 

1071 (call_expression) 

1072 (identifier) 

1073 (argument_list) 

1074 (type_member) 

1075 """ 


1077 # If we are accessing an attribute of a scalar type, we can simply pull the name node from the variable context. 

1078 # However, if this is a dimensional type, we must convert it to a call to _get. 

1079 call_expression_node = get_first_child_by_type(node, "call_expression") 

1080 if call_expression_node: 

1081 value = self._visit_get(call_expression_node) 

1082 else: 

1083 # We shouldn't be accessing get_node directly, since it may not exist in the case of an import. 

1084 # Instead, we should visit the identifier node which will add it to the variable context automatically if it doesn't exist. 

1085 value = self.visit( 

1086 get_first_child_by_type(node, "identifier", recurse=True) 

1087 ) 


1089 # NOTE: Attribue should be a Name node, NOT a string or Var node 

1090 # attr = self.node_helper.get_identifier( 

1091 # get_first_child_by_type(node, "type_member", recurse=True) 

1092 # ) 

1093 #print(self.node_helper.get_identifier(get_first_child_by_type(node, "type_member", recurse=True))) 

1094 attr = self.visit_name(get_first_child_by_type(node, "type_member")) 


1096 return Attribute( 

1097 value=value, 

1098 attr=attr, 

1099 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

1100 ) 


1102 # NOTE: This function starts with _ because it will never be dispatched to directly. There is not a get node in the tree-sitter parse tree. 

1103 # From context, we will determine when we are accessing an element of a List, and call this function, 

1104 def _visit_get(self, node): 

1105 # Node structure 

1106 # (call_expression) 

1107 # (identifier) 

1108 # (argument_list) 


1110 identifier_node = node.children[0] 

1111 argument_nodes = get_non_control_children(node.children[1]) 


1113 # First argument to get is the List itself. We can get this by passing the identifier to the identifier visitor 

1114 arguments = [] 

1115 arguments.append(self.visit(identifier_node)) 


1117 # If there are more than one arguments, then this is a multi dimensional array and we need to use an extended slice 

1118 if len(argument_nodes) > 1: 

1119 dimension_list = CASTLiteralValue() 

1120 dimension_list.value_type = "List" 

1121 dimension_list.value = [] 

1122 for argument in argument_nodes: 

1123 dimension_list.value.append(self.visit(argument)) 


1125 extslice_call = Call() 

1126 extslice_call.func = self.get_gromet_function_node("ext_slice") 

1127 extslice_call.arguments = [] 

1128 extslice_call.arguments.append(dimension_list) 


1130 arguments.append(extslice_call) 

1131 else: 

1132 arguments.append(self.visit(argument_nodes[0])) 


1134 return Call( 

1135 func=self.get_gromet_function_node("get"), 

1136 source_language="Fortran", 

1137 source_language_version="Fortran95", 

1138 arguments=arguments, 

1139 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

1140 ) 


1142 def _visit_set(self, node): 

1143 # Node structure 

1144 # (assignment_statement) 

1145 # (call_expression) 

1146 # (right side) 


1148 left, _, right = node.children 


1150 # The left side is equivilent to a call gromet "get", so we will first pass the left side to the get visitor 

1151 # Then we can easily convert this to a "set" call by modifying the fields and then appending the right side to the function arguments 

1152 cast_call = self._visit_get(left) 

1153 cast_call.func = self.get_gromet_function_node("set") 

1154 cast_call.arguments.append(self.visit(right)) 


1156 return cast_call 


1158 def _visit_while(self, node) -> Loop: 

1159 """Custom visitor for while loop. Returns a Loop object""" 

1160 """ 

1161 Node structure 

1162 Do while 

1163 (do_loop_statement) 

1164 (while_statement) 

1165 (parenthesized_expression) 

1166 (...) ... 

1167 (body) ... 

1168 """ 

1169 while_statement_node = get_first_child_by_type(node, "while_statement") 


1171 # Fortran has certain while(True) constructs that won't contain a while_statement node 

1172 if not while_statement_node: 

1173 body_start_index = 0 

1174 expr = CASTLiteralValue( 

1175 value_type="Boolean", 

1176 value="True", 

1177 ) 

1178 else: 

1179 body_start_index = 1 + get_first_child_index(node, "while_statement") 

1180 # We don't have explicit handling for parenthesized_expression, but the passthrough handler will make sure that we visit the expression correctly. 

1181 expr = self.visit( 

1182 get_first_child_by_type( 

1183 while_statement_node, "parenthesized_expression" 

1184 ) 

1185 ) 


1187 # The first body node will be the node after the while_statement 

1188 body = self.generate_cast_body(node.children[body_start_index:]) 


1190 return Loop( 

1191 pre=[], 

1192 expr=expr, 

1193 body=body, 

1194 post=[], 

1195 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

1196 ) 


1198 def _visit_implied_do_loop(self, node) -> Call: 

1199 """Custom visitor for implied_do_loop array literal. This form gets converted to a call to range""" 

1200 # TODO: This loop_control is the same as the do loop. Can we turn this into one visitor? 

1201 loop_control_node = get_first_child_by_type( 

1202 node, "loop_control_expression", recurse=True 

1203 ) 

1204 loop_control_children = get_non_control_children(loop_control_node) 

1205 if len(loop_control_children) == 3: 

1206 itterator, start, stop = [ 

1207 self.visit(child) for child in loop_control_children 

1208 ] 

1209 step = CASTLiteralValue("Integer", "1") 

1210 elif len(loop_control_children) == 4: 

1211 itterator, start, stop, step = [ 

1212 self.visit(child) for child in loop_control_children 

1213 ] 

1214 else: 

1215 itterator = None 

1216 start = None 

1217 stop = None 

1218 step = None 


1220 return Call( 

1221 func=self.get_gromet_function_node("range"), 

1222 source_language=None, 

1223 source_language_version=None, 

1224 arguments=[start, stop, step], 

1225 source_refs=[self.node_helper.get_source_ref(node)], 

1226 ) 


1228 def _visit_passthrough(self, node): 

1229 if len(node.children) == 0: 

1230 return None 


1232 for child in node.children: 

1233 child_cast = self.visit(child) 

1234 if child_cast: 

1235 return child_cast 


1237 def _visit_no_op(self, node): 

1238 """For unsupported idioms, we can generate a no op instruction so that the body is not empty""" 

1239 return Call( 

1240 func=self.get_gromet_function_node("no_op"), 

1241 source_language=None, 

1242 source_language_version=None, 

1243 arguments=[], 

1244 ) 


1246 def get_gromet_function_node(self, func_name: str) -> Name: 

1247 # Idealy, we would be able to create a dummy node and just call the name visitor. 

1248 # However, tree-sitter does not allow you to create or modify nodes, so we have to recreate the logic here. 

1249 if self.variable_context.is_variable(func_name): 

1250 return self.variable_context.get_node(func_name) 


1252 return self.variable_context.add_variable(func_name, "function", None) 


1254 def generate_cast_body(self, body_nodes: List): 

1255 body = [] 


1257 for node in body_nodes: 

1258 cast = self.visit(node) 


1260 if isinstance(cast, AstNode): 

1261 body.append(cast) 

1262 elif isinstance(cast, List): 

1263 body.extend([element for element in cast if element is not None]) 


1265 # Gromet doesn't support empty bodies, so we should create a no_op instead 

1266 if len(body) == 0: 

1267 body.append(self._visit_no_op(None)) 


1269 # TODO: How to add more support for source references 

1270 return body