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1import argparse
2from pathlib import Path
3from datetime import datetime
4import os
6from skema.program_analysis.single_file_ingester import process_file
7from skema.utils.fold import del_nulls, dictionary_to_gromet_json
9SUPPORTED_FILE_EXTENSIONS = set([".py", ".f", ".f95"])
11def regenerate_examples_google_drive(root_dir: str, gromet_version: str, overwrite=False):
12 '''Script to regenerate Gromet FN JSON for Python/Fortran source examples following the Google Drive structure.'''
13 '''
14 The directory structure looks like:
15 root_dir
16 example_1
17 gromet
18 v0.1.6
19 example1.json
20 v0.1.5
21 example1.json
23 '''
24 root_dir = Path(root_dir)
25 if not root_dir.is_dir():
26 print("ERROR: root_dir argument must point to a directory")
27 exit(1)
29 for path in root_dir.iterdir():
30 if path.is_dir():
31 output_dir = Path(path, gromet_version)
32 gromet_file = Path(output_dir, f"{path.stem}--Gromet-FN-auto.json")
34 if not overwrite and gromet_file.exists():
35 print(f"WARNING: {str(gromet_file)} already exists and overwrite set to False")
36 continue
38 for file in path.iterdir():
39 if file.suffix in SUPPORTED_FILE_EXTENSIONS:
40 gromet_collection = process_file(str(file))
41 gromet_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
42 gromet_file.write_text(dictionary_to_gromet_json(del_nulls(gromet_collection.to_dict())))
44def regenerate_examples_simple(root_dir: str, output_dir=None, overwrite=False) -> None:
45 '''Script to regenerate Gromet FN JSON for Python/Fortran source examples where are source files are in a single directory.'''
46 '''
47 The directory structure should look like:
48 root_dir
51 '''
52 root_dir = Path(root_dir)
53 if not root_dir.is_dir():
54 print("ERROR: root_dir argument must point to a directory")
55 exit(1)
57 if output_dir:
58 output_dir = Path(output_dir)
59 if not output_dir.exists():
60 Path.mkdir(output_dir)
63 for path in root_dir.iterdir():
64 if path.suffix.lower() in SUPPORTED_FILE_EXTENSIONS:
66 if output_dir:
67 gromet_file = Path(output_dir, f"{path.stem}--Gromet-FN-auto.json")
68 else:
69 gromet_file = Path(root_dir, f"{path.stem}--Gromet-FN-auto.json")
71 if not overwrite and gromet_file.exists():
72 print(f"WARNING: {str(gromet_file)} already exists and overwrite set to False")
73 continue
75 gromet_collection = process_file(str(path))
76 gromet_file.write_text(dictionary_to_gromet_json(del_nulls(gromet_collection.to_dict())))
77 else:
78 print(f"WARNING: The file type of {str(path)} is not supported by CODE2FN")
81if __name__ == "__main__":
82 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
83 subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="mode", dest="mode", help="Select mode")
85 # Subparser for regenerate_examples_google_drive
86 parser_google_drive = subparsers.add_parser("google_drive", help="Regenerate examples following Google Drive structure")
87 parser_google_drive.add_argument("root_dir", type=str, help="Path to the root directory")
88 parser_google_drive.add_argument("gromet_version", type=str, help="Gromet version number")
89 parser_google_drive.add_argument("--overwrite", action="store_true", help="Overwrite existing Gromet files")
91 # Subparser for regenerate_examples_simple
92 parser_simple = subparsers.add_parser("simple", help="Regenerate examples in a single directory")
93 parser_simple.add_argument("root_dir", type=str, help="Path to the root directory")
94 parser_simple.add_argument("--output_dir", type=str, help="Path to the output directory")
95 parser_simple.add_argument("--overwrite", action="store_true", help="Overwrite existing Gromet files")
97 args = parser.parse_args()
99 if args.mode == "google_drive":
100 regenerate_examples_google_drive(args.root_dir, args.gromet_version, args.overwrite)
101 elif args.mode == "simple":
102 regenerate_examples_simple(args.root_dir, args.output_dir, args.overwrite)
103 else:
104 parser.print_help()