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1import ast
2import dill
3import os.path
4import json
6from skema.gromet.fn import (
7 GrometFNModuleCollection,
10from skema.utils.fold import dictionary_to_gromet_json, del_nulls
11from skema.program_analysis.CAST.pythonAST import py_ast_to_cast
12from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN import cast
13from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast import SourceRef
14from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.cast import CAST
15from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.visitors.cast_to_agraph_visitor import (
16 CASTToAGraphVisitor,
18from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.ann_cast.cast_to_annotated_cast import (
19 CastToAnnotatedCastVisitor,
21from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.ann_cast.id_collapse_pass import (
22 IdCollapsePass,
24from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.ann_cast.container_scope_pass import (
25 ContainerScopePass,
27from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.ann_cast.variable_version_pass import (
28 VariableVersionPass,
30from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.ann_cast.grfn_var_creation_pass import (
31 GrfnVarCreationPass,
33from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.ann_cast.grfn_assignment_pass import (
34 GrfnAssignmentPass,
36from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.ann_cast.lambda_expression_pass import (
37 LambdaExpressionPass,
39from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.ann_cast.to_grfn_pass import ToGrfnPass
40from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.ann_cast.to_gromet_pass import (
41 ToGrometPass,
45def process_file_system(system_name, path, files, write_to_file=False):
46 root_dir = path.strip()
47 file_list = open(files, "r").readlines()
49 module_collection = GrometFNModuleCollection(
50 schema_version="0.1.6",
51 name=system_name,
52 modules=[],
53 module_index=[],
54 executables=[],
55 )
57 for f in file_list:
58 full_file = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(root_dir), f.rstrip("\n"))
60 # Open the file
61 # TODO: Do we want to open the CAST or the Python source?
62 # If we open the Python source then we need to generate its CAST and then generate its GroMEt after
63 # I'm thinking for now we open the CAST, and generate GroMEt
64 # As a next-step we can incorporate the Python -> CAST step
65 print(full_file.rstrip())
67 try:
68 cast = python_to_cast(full_file, cast_obj=True)
69 generated_gromet = ann_cast_pipeline(
70 cast, gromet=True, to_file=False, from_obj=True
71 )
73 # Then, after we generate the GroMEt we store it in the 'modules' field
74 # and store its path in the 'module_index' field
75 module_collection.modules.append(generated_gromet)
77 # DONE: Change this so that it's the dotted path from the root
78 # i.e. like model.view.sir" like it shows up in Python
79 source_directory = os.path.basename(
80 os.path.normpath(root_dir)
81 ) # We just need the last directory of the path, not the complete path
82 os_module_path = os.path.join(source_directory, f)
83 python_module_path = os_module_path.replace("/", ".").replace(
84 ".py", ""
85 )
86 module_collection.module_index.append(python_module_path)
88 # Done: Determine how we know a gromet goes in the 'executable' field
89 # We do this by finding all user_defined top level functions in the Gromet
90 # and check if the name 'main' is among them
91 function_networks = [
92 fn.value
93 for fn in generated_gromet.attributes
94 if fn.type == "FN"
95 ]
96 defined_functions = [
97 fn.b[0].name
98 for fn in function_networks
99 if fn.b[0].function_type == "FUNCTION"
100 ]
101 if "main" in defined_functions:
102 module_collection.executables.append(python_module_path)
104 except ImportError:
105 print("FAILURE")
107 # After we go through the whole system, we can then write out the module_collection
108 if write_to_file:
109 with open(f"{system_name}--Gromet-FN-auto.json", "w") as f:
110 gromet_collection_dict = module_collection.to_dict()
111 f.write(
112 dictionary_to_gromet_json(del_nulls(gromet_collection_dict))
113 )
115 return module_collection
118def python_to_cast(
119 pyfile_path,
120 agraph=False,
121 astprint=False,
122 std_out=False,
123 rawjson=False,
124 legacy=False,
125 cast_obj=False,
127 # Open Python file as a giant string
128 file_handle = open(pyfile_path)
129 file_contents =
130 file_handle.close()
131 file_name = pyfile_path.split("/")[-1]
133 # Count the number of lines in the file
134 file_handle = open(pyfile_path)
135 file_list = file_handle.readlines()
136 line_count = 0
137 for l in file_list:
138 line_count += 1
139 file_handle.close()
141 # Create a PyASTToCAST Object
142 if legacy:
143 convert = py_ast_to_cast.PyASTToCAST(file_name, legacy=True)
144 else:
145 convert = py_ast_to_cast.PyASTToCAST(file_name)
147 # 'Root' the current working directory so that it's where the
148 # Source file we're generating CAST for is (for Import statements)
149 old_path = os.getcwd()
150 try:
151 idx = pyfile_path.rfind("/")
153 if idx > -1:
154 curr_path = pyfile_path[0:idx]
155 os.chdir(curr_path)
156 else:
157 curr_path = "./" + pyfile_path
159 # os.chdir(curr_path)
161 # Parse the python program's AST and create the CAST
162 contents = ast.parse(file_contents)
163 C = convert.visit(contents, {}, {})
164 C.source_refs = [SourceRef(file_name, None, None, 1, line_count)]
165 finally:
166 os.chdir(old_path)
168 out_cast = cast.CAST([C], "python")
170 if agraph:
171 V = CASTToAGraphVisitor(out_cast)
172 last_slash_idx = file_name.rfind("/")
173 file_ending_idx = file_name.rfind(".")
174 pdf_file_name = (
175 f"{file_name[last_slash_idx + 1 : file_ending_idx]}.pdf"
176 )
177 V.to_pdf(pdf_file_name)
179 # Then, print CAST as JSON
180 if cast_obj:
181 return out_cast
182 else:
183 if rawjson:
184 print(
185 json.dumps(
186 out_cast.to_json_object(), sort_keys=True, indent=None
187 )
188 )
189 else:
190 if std_out:
191 print(out_cast.to_json_str())
192 else:
193 out_name = file_name.split(".")[0]
194 print("Writing CAST to " + out_name + "--CAST.json")
195 out_handle = open(out_name + "--CAST.json", "w")
196 out_handle.write(out_cast.to_json_str())
199def ann_cast_pipeline(
200 cast_instance,
201 to_file=True,
202 gromet=False,
203 grfn_2_2=False,
204 a_graph=False,
205 from_obj=False,
206 indent_level=0,
208 """
210 This function reads a JSON file that contains the CAST representation
211 of a program, and transforms it to annotated CAST. It then calls a
212 series of passes that each augment the information in the annotatd CAST nodes
213 in preparation for the GrFN generation.
215 One command-line argument is expected, namely the name of the JSON file that
216 contains the CAST data.
217 TODO: Update this docstring as the program has been tweaked so that this is a function instead of
218 the program
219 """
221 if from_obj:
222 f_name = ""
223 cast = cast_instance
224 else:
225 f_name = cast_instance
226 f_name = f_name.split("/")[-1]
227 file_contents = open(f_name, "r").read()
229 cast_json = CAST([], "python")
230 cast = cast_json.from_json_str(file_contents)
232 visitor = CastToAnnotatedCastVisitor(cast)
233 # The Annotated Cast is an attribute of the PipelineState object
234 pipeline_state = visitor.generate_annotated_cast(grfn_2_2)
236 # TODO: make filename creation more resilient
238 print("Calling IdCollapsePass------------------------")
239 IdCollapsePass(pipeline_state)
241 print("\nCalling ContainerScopePass-------------------")
242 ContainerScopePass(pipeline_state)
244 print("\nCalling VariableVersionPass-------------------")
245 VariableVersionPass(pipeline_state)
247 # NOTE: CASTToAGraphVisitor uses misc.uuid, so placing it here means
248 # that the generated GrFN uuids will not be consistent with GrFN uuids
249 # created during test runtime. So, do not use these GrFN jsons as expected
250 # json for testing
251 f_name = f_name.replace("--CAST.json", "")
252 if a_graph:
253 agraph = CASTToAGraphVisitor(pipeline_state)
254 pdf_file_name = f"{f_name}-AnnCast.pdf"
255 agraph.to_pdf(pdf_file_name)
258 print("\nCalling GrfnVarCreationPass-------------------")
259 GrfnVarCreationPass(pipeline_state)
261 print("\nCalling GrfnAssignmentPass-------------------")
262 GrfnAssignmentPass(pipeline_state)
264 print("\nCalling LambdaExpressionPass-------------------")
265 LambdaExpressionPass(pipeline_state)
267 if gromet:
268 print("\nCalling ToGrometPass-----------------------")
269 ToGrometPass(pipeline_state)
271 if to_file:
272 with open(f"{f_name}--Gromet-FN-auto.json", "w") as f:
273 gromet_collection_dict = (
274 pipeline_state.gromet_collection.to_dict()
275 )
276 f.write(
277 dictionary_to_gromet_json(
278 del_nulls(gromet_collection_dict), level=indent_level
279 )
280 )
281 else:
282 return pipeline_state.gromet_collection
283 else:
284 print("\nCalling ToGrfnPass-------------------")
285 ToGrfnPass(pipeline_state)
286 grfn = pipeline_state.get_grfn()
287 grfn.to_json_file(f"{f_name}--AC-GrFN.json")
289 grfn_agraph = grfn.to_AGraph()
290 grfn_agraph.draw(f"{f_name}--AC-GrFN.pdf", prog="dot")
292 print("\nGenerating pickled AnnCast nodes-----------------")
293 pickled_file_name = f"{f_name}--AnnCast.pickled"
294 with open(pickled_file_name, "wb") as pkfile:
295 dill.dump(pipeline_state, pkfile)