Coverage for skema/program_analysis/CAST2FN/model/cast/ 100%
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5 SKEMA Common Abstract Syntax Tree (CAST)
7 This document outlines the structure of the CAST that will be used as a generic representation of the semantics of a program written in any language. This will be used when creating functions networks from programs using the SKEMA Program Analysis pipeline. __Generating Class Structure__ To automatically generate Python or Java models corresponding to this document, you can use [swagger-codegen]( We can use this to generate client code based off of this spec that will also generate the class structure. 1. Install via the method described for your operating system [here]( Make sure to install a version after 3.0 that will support openapi 3. 2. Run swagger-codegen with the options in the example below. The URL references where the yaml for this documentation is stored on github. Make sure to replace CURRENT_VERSION with the correct version. To generate Java classes rather, change the `-l python` to `-l java`. Change the value to the `-o` option to the desired output location. ``` swagger-codegen generate -l python -o ./client -i{CURRENT_VERSION}.yaml ``` 3. Once it executes, the client code will be generated at your specified location. For python, the classes will be located in `$OUTPUT_PATH/swagger_client/models/`. For java, they will be located in `$OUTPUT_PATH/src/main/java/io/swagger/client/model/` # noqa: E501
9 OpenAPI spec version: 1.2.6
11 Generated by:
14from __future__ import absolute_import
16# import models into model package
17from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.assignment import Assignment
18from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.ast_node import AstNode
19from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.attribute import Attribute
20from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.cast_literal_value import CASTLiteralValue
21from import Call
22from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.function_def import FunctionDef
23from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.goto import Goto
24from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.label import Label
25from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.loop import Loop
26from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.model_break import ModelBreak
27from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.model_continue import ModelContinue
28from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.model_if import ModelIf
29from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.model_import import ModelImport
30from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.model_return import ModelReturn
31from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.module import Module
32from import Name
33from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.operator import Operator
34from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.record_def import RecordDef
35from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.scalar_type import ScalarType
36from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.source_code_data_type import SourceCodeDataType
37from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.source_ref import SourceRef
38from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.structure_type import StructureType
39from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.value_constructor import ValueConstructor
40from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.var import Var
41from skema.program_analysis.CAST2FN.model.cast.var_type import VarType