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1# coding: utf-8 


3# flake8: noqa 


5 Grounded Model Exchange (GroMEt) schema for Function Networks 


7 This document defines the GroMEt Function Network data model. Note that Metadata is defined in separate spec. __Using Swagger to Generate Class Structure__ To automatically generate Python or Java models corresponding to this document, you can use [swagger-codegen]( This can be used to generate the client code based off of this spec, and in the process this will generate the data model class structure. 1. Install via the method described for your operating system [here]( Make sure to install a version after 3.0 that will support openapi 3. 2. Run swagger-codegen with the options in the example below. The URL references where the yaml for this documentation is stored on github. Make sure to replace CURRENT_VERSION with the correct version. (The current version is `0.1.7`.) To generate Java classes rather, change the `-l python` to `-l java`. Change the value to the `-o` option to the desired output location. ``` swagger-codegen generate -l python -o ./client -i{CURRENT_VERSION}.yaml ``` 3. Once it executes, the client code will be generated at your specified location. For python, the classes will be located in `$OUTPUT_PATH/skema.gromet.fn.`. For java, they will be located in `$OUTPUT_PATH/src/main/java/io/swagger/client/model/` If generating GroMEt schema data model classes in SKEMA (AutoMATES), then after generating the above, follow the instructions here: ``` <automates>/automates/model_assembly/gromet/model/ ``` # noqa: E501 


9 OpenAPI spec version: 0.1.10 

10 Contact: 

11 Generated by: 



14from __future__ import absolute_import 


16# import models into model package 

17from skema.gromet.fn.function_type import FunctionType 

18from skema.gromet.fn.gromet_box import GrometBox 

19from skema.gromet.fn.gromet_box_conditional import GrometBoxConditional 

20from skema.gromet.fn.gromet_box_function import GrometBoxFunction 

21from skema.gromet.fn.gromet_box_loop import GrometBoxLoop 

22from skema.gromet.fn.gromet_fn import GrometFN 

23from skema.gromet.fn.gromet_fn_module import GrometFNModule 

24from skema.gromet.fn.gromet_fn_module_collection import GrometFNModuleCollection 

25from skema.gromet.fn.gromet_fn_module_dependency_reference import GrometFNModuleDependencyReference 

26from skema.gromet.fn.gromet_object import GrometObject 

27from skema.gromet.fn.gromet_port import GrometPort 

28from skema.gromet.fn.gromet_wire import GrometWire 

29from skema.gromet.fn.import_source_type import ImportSourceType 

30from skema.gromet.fn.import_type import ImportType 

31from skema.gromet.fn.literal_value import LiteralValue 

32from skema.gromet.fn.metadata import Metadata 

33from skema.gromet.fn.typed_value import TypedValue