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1from copy import deepcopy 


3from networkx.algorithms.simple_paths import all_simple_paths 

4from skema.model_assembly.networks import ( 

5 GrFNLoopSubgraph, 

6 GrFNSubgraph, 

7 GroundedFunctionNetwork, 

8 HyperEdge, 

9 LambdaNode, 


11from skema.model_assembly.structures import LambdaType 



14def remove_node_and_hyper_edges(grfn: GroundedFunctionNetwork, node): 

15 for grfn_node in grfn.nodes: 

16 if node.uid == grfn_node.uid: 

17 grfn.remove_node(grfn_node) 

18 break 


20 def remove_from_subgraphs(g): 

21 if node in g.nodes: 

22 g.nodes = [n for n in g.nodes if n != node] 

23 for sub in grfn.subgraphs.successors(g): 

24 remove_from_subgraphs(sub) 


26 remove_from_subgraphs(grfn.root_subgraph) 


28 edges_to_remove = set() 

29 for hyper_edge in grfn.hyper_edges: 

30 if node in hyper_edge.inputs: 

31 hyper_edge.inputs.remove(node) 

32 if len(hyper_edge.inputs) == 0: 

33 edges_to_remove.add(hyper_edge) 

34 elif node in hyper_edge.outputs: 

35 hyper_edge.outputs.remove(node) 

36 if len(hyper_edge.outputs) == 0: 

37 edges_to_remove.add(hyper_edge) 

38 elif node == hyper_edge.lambda_fn: 

39 edges_to_remove.add(hyper_edge) 


41 grfn.hyper_edges = [ 

42 h for h in grfn.hyper_edges if h not in edges_to_remove 

43 ] 

44 for edge in edges_to_remove: 

45 grfn.lambdas = [l for l in grfn.lambdas if edge.lambda_fn.uid != l.uid] 



48def get_input_interface_node( 

49 grfn: GroundedFunctionNetwork, subgraph: GrFNSubgraph 


51 return [ 

52 node 

53 for node in subgraph.nodes 

54 if isinstance(node, LambdaNode) 

55 and node.func_type == LambdaType.INTERFACE 

56 and all( 

57 [ 

58 node_succ in subgraph.nodes 

59 for node_succ in grfn.successors(node) 

60 ] 

61 ) 

62 ][0] 



65def get_output_interface_node( 

66 grfn: GroundedFunctionNetwork, subgraph: GrFNSubgraph 


68 return [ 

69 node 

70 for node in subgraph.nodes 

71 if isinstance(node, LambdaNode) 

72 and node.func_type == LambdaType.INTERFACE 

73 and all( 

74 [ 

75 node_succ in subgraph.nodes 

76 for node_succ in grfn.predecessors(node) 

77 ] 

78 ) 

79 ][0] 



82def get_decision_nodes(subgraph: GrFNSubgraph): 

83 return [ 

84 node 

85 for node in subgraph.nodes 

86 if isinstance(node, LambdaNode) 

87 and node.func_type == LambdaType.DECISION 

88 ] 



91def extract_dynamics_from_loop( 

92 grfn: GroundedFunctionNetwork, loop: GrFNLoopSubgraph 


94 # Create a copy of the current grfn to trim nodes out of to create the 

95 # model dynamics grfn 

96 dynamics_grfn = deepcopy(grfn) 

97 dynamics_grfn_subgraphs_graph = dynamics_grfn.subgraphs 

98 loop_copy = [s for s in dynamics_grfn.subgraphs if s == loop][0] 

99 to_remove = set() 


101 # Delete all other loop subgraphs besides the loop we are operating on from 

102 # the root subgraph. TODO test if this works 

103 loop_subgraphs_to_remove = [] 

104 for subgraph in dynamics_grfn_subgraphs_graph.successors( 

105 dynamics_grfn.root_subgraph 

106 ): 

107 if subgraph != loop and isinstance(subgraph, GrFNLoopSubgraph): 

108 loop_subgraphs_to_remove.append(subgraph) 

109 for subgraph in loop_subgraphs_to_remove: 

110 dynamics_grfn_subgraphs_graph.remove_node(subgraph) 


112 # Generatate the input/output var pairs for the loop interface 

113 loop_successors = dynamics_grfn_subgraphs_graph.successors(loop) 

114 loop_interface = get_input_interface_node(dynamics_grfn, loop) 

115 loop_output_interface = get_output_interface_node(dynamics_grfn, loop) 

116 loop_decisions = get_decision_nodes(loop) 


118 loop_interface_hyper_edge = [ 

119 h for h in grfn.hyper_edges if h.lambda_fn == loop_interface 

120 ][0] 

121 loop_interfaces_input_output_var_pairs = [] 

122 for (input, output) in zip( 

123 loop_interface_hyper_edge.inputs, loop_interface_hyper_edge.outputs 

124 ): 

125 loop_interfaces_input_output_var_pairs.append((input, output)) 


127 # For each variable going through the loop interface in main, if it then 

128 # goes through the loop decision node, create an edge from the original 

129 # output var of the interface to where the decision variable goes. 

130 for input_var, output_var in loop_interfaces_input_output_var_pairs: 

131 output_succs = list(dynamics_grfn.successors(output_var)) 

132 for output_var_succ in output_succs: 

133 if output_var_succ.func_type == LambdaType.DECISION: 

134 var_after_decision = [ 

135 v 

136 for v in dynamics_grfn.successors(output_var_succ) 

137 if v.identifier.var_name == output_var.identifier.var_name 

138 ][0] 

139 for new_output_var_succ in dynamics_grfn.successors( 

140 var_after_decision 

141 ): 

142 dynamics_grfn.add_edge(output_var, new_output_var_succ) 

143 remove_node_and_hyper_edges(dynamics_grfn, var_after_decision) 


145 output_decision_node = [ 

146 node 

147 for node in loop_decisions 

148 if len(list(grfn.predecessors(node))) 

149 == ((len(list(grfn.successors(node))) * 2) + 1) 

150 ][0] 

151 for succ in dynamics_grfn.successors(loop_output_interface): 

152 for decision_pred in dynamics_grfn.predecessors(output_decision_node): 

153 if decision_pred.identifier.var_name == succ.identifier.var_name: 

154 for src, _ in list(dynamics_grfn.in_edges(decision_pred)): 

155 # dynamics_grfn.remove_edge(src, decision_pred) 

156 # dynamics_grfn.add_edge(src, succ) 

157 # to_remove.add(decision_pred) 

158 var_output_edge_matches = [ 

159 h 

160 for h in dynamics_grfn.hyper_edges 

161 if decision_pred in h.outputs 

162 ] 

163 if len(var_output_edge_matches) > 0: 

164 var_output_edge = var_output_edge_matches[0] 

165 var_output_idx = [ 

166 idx 

167 for idx, v in enumerate(var_output_edge.outputs) 

168 if decision_pred.uid == v.uid 

169 if decision_pred.uid == v.uid 

170 ][0] 

171 var_output_edge.outputs[var_output_idx] = succ 

172 dynamics_grfn.add_edge(src, succ) 

173 remove_node_and_hyper_edges(dynamics_grfn, decision_pred) 

174 break 


176 to_remove.update(dynamics_grfn.successors(output_decision_node)) 


178 # Now that we have created new edges ignoring the decision node, remove 

179 # the decision nodes 

180 for loop_decision in loop_decisions: 

181 remove_node_and_hyper_edges(dynamics_grfn, loop_decision) 


183 # For each subgraph within the loop, add an edge from the grfn root 

184 # subgraph to it, move nodes from loop to root subgraph, and track 

185 # these variables 

186 loop_nodes_to_preserve = set() 

187 for loop_succ in loop_successors: 

188 loop_succ.parent = dynamics_grfn.root_subgraph.uid 

189 dynamics_grfn_subgraphs_graph.add_edge( 

190 dynamics_grfn.root_subgraph, loop_succ 

191 ) 

192 loop_succ_interface = get_input_interface_node( 

193 dynamics_grfn, loop_succ 

194 ) 

195 loop_succ_interface_pred = set( 

196 dynamics_grfn.predecessors(loop_succ_interface) 

197 ) 

198 # Find potential paths to this loop successors interface 

199 paths_to_interface = all_simple_paths( 

200 dynamics_grfn, loop_interface, loop_succ_interface 

201 ) 

202 interface_hyper_edge_inputs = list() 

203 # for each path found to this interface 

204 for path in paths_to_interface: 

205 # for each node on the path, if it is from the loop subgraph, 

206 # add it into the root subgraph 

207 for node in path: 

208 if node != loop_interface and node in loop.nodes: 

209 dynamics_grfn.root_subgraph.nodes.append(node) 

210 loop_nodes_to_preserve.add(node) 

211 if ( 

212 node in loop_succ_interface_pred 

213 and node not in interface_hyper_edge_inputs 

214 ): 

215 interface_hyper_edge_inputs.append(node) 


217 existing_hyper_edges = [ 

218 h 

219 for h in dynamics_grfn.hyper_edges 

220 if isinstance(h.lambda_fn, LambdaNode) 

221 and h.lambda_fn.uid == loop_succ_interface.uid 

222 ] 

223 if len(existing_hyper_edges) > 0: 

224 dynamics_grfn.hyper_edges = [ 

225 h 

226 for h in dynamics_grfn.hyper_edges 

227 if h != existing_hyper_edges[0] 

228 ] 

229 dynamics_grfn.hyper_edges.append( 

230 HyperEdge( 

231 interface_hyper_edge_inputs, 

232 loop_succ_interface, 

233 existing_hyper_edges[0].outputs, 

234 ) 

235 ) 


237 # Preserve the output vars of the loop successors we are keeping 

238 loop_succ_output_interface = loop_succ.get_output_interface_node( 

239 dynamics_grfn.hyper_edges 

240 ) 

241 for v in loop_succ_output_interface.outputs: 

242 dynamics_grfn.root_subgraph.nodes.append(v) 

243 loop_nodes_to_preserve.add(v) 


245 loop_nodes_to_preserve.add(loop_succ_interface) 

246 loop_nodes_to_preserve.add(loop_succ_output_interface) 


248 # Create an edge from the variable going through the loop interface in main 

249 # to wherever the output variable of the loop interface is going to. 

250 # Remove the output var node in the loop from the graph. 

251 for input_var, output_var in loop_interfaces_input_output_var_pairs: 

252 for output_var_succ in dynamics_grfn.successors(output_var): 

253 dynamics_grfn.add_edge(input_var, output_var_succ) 

254 for edge in dynamics_grfn.hyper_edges: 

255 for idx, input in enumerate(edge.inputs): 

256 if output_var == input: 

257 edge.inputs[idx] = input_var 

258 break 


260 remove_node_and_hyper_edges(dynamics_grfn, output_var) 


262 # Remove variables going out of the loop sugraph as the results in main 

263 loop_edges = [ 

264 e for e in dynamics_grfn.hyper_edges if e.lambda_fn in loop.nodes 

265 ] 

266 loop_output_interface_edge = loop.get_output_interface_node(loop_edges) 

267 for loop_output_var in loop_output_interface_edge.outputs: 

268 if loop_output_var not in loop_nodes_to_preserve: 

269 remove_node_and_hyper_edges(dynamics_grfn, loop_output_var) 


271 # Remove all loop nodes that we dont want to preserve from the grfn 

272 for node in loop.nodes: 

273 if node not in loop_nodes_to_preserve: 

274 remove_node_and_hyper_edges(dynamics_grfn, node) 


276 # Remove the model driver loop from the dynamics grfn 

277 dynamics_grfn_subgraphs_graph.remove_node(loop_copy) 


279 def remove_empty_path(node): 

280 if node in dynamics_grfn.nodes: 

281 node_succs = list(dynamics_grfn.successors(node)) 

282 if len(node_succs) == 0: 

283 predecessors = dynamics_grfn.predecessors(node) 

284 remove_node_and_hyper_edges(dynamics_grfn, node) 

285 # TODO this works for now, but the node might not always 

286 # be in the root subgraph. 

287 # dynamics_grfn.root_subgraph.nodes.remove(node) 

288 for p in predecessors: 

289 remove_empty_path(p) 


291 # Remove hanging variables (and there potential singular path) going into 

292 # the loop interface that are not used anymore. (This applies to variables 

293 # like a loop iterator "i" or variables only used in the condition.) 

294 for n in loop_interface_hyper_edge.inputs: 

295 if n not in loop_nodes_to_preserve: 

296 remove_empty_path(n) 


298 for l_node in [ 

299 n for n in dynamics_grfn.nodes if isinstance(n, LambdaNode) 

300 ]: 

301 # There is only one output with a literal node 

302 output_var = list(dynamics_grfn.successors(l_node))[0] 

303 if ( 

304 # TODO maybe fix? 

305 l_node.func_type == LambdaType.LITERAL 

306 and len(list(dynamics_grfn.successors(output_var))) == 0 

307 ): 

308 to_remove.add(output_var) 

309 to_remove.add(l_node) 


311 for n in to_remove: 

312 remove_node_and_hyper_edges(dynamics_grfn, n) 


314 return dynamics_grfn 



317def extract_model_dynamics(grfn: GroundedFunctionNetwork): 

318 resulting_model_dynamics_grfns = [] 

319 root_subgraph = grfn.root_subgraph 

320 root_successors = grfn.subgraphs.successors(root_subgraph) 

321 for succ in root_successors: 

322 if isinstance(succ, GrFNLoopSubgraph): 

323 extracted_dynamics = extract_dynamics_from_loop(grfn, succ) 

324 resulting_model_dynamics_grfns.append(extracted_dynamics) 


326 return resulting_model_dynamics_grfns