Coverage for skema/program_analysis/comment_extractor/ 100%

34 statements  

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1from typing import List, Dict, Union, Optional 

2from pydantic import BaseModel, Field 



5class SingleLineComment(BaseModel): 

6 content: str = Field( 

7 ..., 

8 description="The content of the single line comment.", 

9 examples=["#Single line Fortran comment"], 

10 ) 

11 line_number: int = Field( 

12 ..., description="The line number where the comment appears.", examples=[10] 

13 ) 



16class MultiLineComment(BaseModel): 

17 content: List[str] = Field( 

18 ..., 

19 description="The content of the multi line comment.", 

20 examples=[["/*", "Multi-line", "C", "comment", "*/"]], 

21 ) 

22 start_line_number: int = Field( 

23 ..., 

24 description="The line number where the multi line comment starts.", 

25 examples=[15], 

26 ) 

27 end_line_number: int = Field( 

28 ..., 

29 description="The line number where the multi line comment ends.", 

30 examples=[20], 

31 ) 



34class Docstring(BaseModel): 

35 content: List[str] = Field( 

36 ..., 

37 description="The content of the docstring.", 

38 examples=[[ 

39 '"""', 

40 "This is a Python docstring.", 

41 "It provides information about a function.", 

42 '"""', 

43 ]], 

44 ) 

45 function_name: str = Field( 

46 ..., 

47 description="The name of the function that the docstring belongs to.", 

48 examples=["foo"], 

49 ) 

50 start_line_number: int = Field( 

51 ..., description="The line number where the docstring starts.", examples=[25] 

52 ) 

53 end_line_number: int = Field( 

54 ..., description="The line number where the docstring ends.", examples=[30] 

55 ) 



58class SingleFileCommentRequest(BaseModel): 

59 source: str = Field( 

60 ..., 

61 description="The source code of the file.", 

62 examples=["def foo():\n # Single line Python comment\n pass"], 

63 ) 

64 language: str = Field( 

65 ..., 

66 description="The programming language of the source code.", 

67 examples=["python"], 

68 ) 



71class SingleFileCommentResponse(BaseModel): 

72 single: List[SingleLineComment] = Field( 

73 ..., 

74 description="List of single line comments in the file.", 

75 examples=[[ 

76 {"content": "# Comment 1", "line_number": 10}, 

77 {"content": "# Comment 2", "line_number": 15}, 

78 ]], 

79 ) 

80 multi: List[MultiLineComment] = Field( 

81 ..., 

82 description="List of multi line comments in the file.", 

83 examples=[[ 

84 { 

85 "content": ["/*", "Multi-line", "C comment", "*/"], 

86 "start_line_number": 5, 

87 "end_line_number": 8, 

88 } 

89 ]], 

90 ) 

91 docstring: List[Docstring] = Field( 

92 ..., 

93 description="List of docstrings in the file.", 

94 examples=[[ 

95 { 

96 "content": ['"""', "This is a sample", "docstring.", '"""'], 

97 "function_name": "my_function", 

98 "start_line_number": 20, 

99 "end_line_number": 25, 

100 } 

101 ]], 

102 ) 



105class MultiFileCommentRequest(BaseModel): 

106 files: Dict[str, SingleFileCommentRequest] = Field( 

107 ..., 

108 description="Dictionary of file names and SingleFileCommentRequest objects.", 

109 examples=[{ 

110 "": { 

111 "source": "def func():\n # Comment\n pass", 

112 "language": "Python", 

113 }, 

114 "file2.c": {"source": "/*\nMulti-line\ncomment\n*/", "language": "C"}, 

115 }], 

116 ) 



119class MultiFileCommentResponse(BaseModel): 

120 files: Dict[str, SingleFileCommentResponse] = Field( 

121 ..., 

122 description="Dictionary of file names and SingleFileCommentResponse objects.", 

123 examples=[{ 

124 "": { 

125 "single": [{"content": "# Comment 1", "line_number": 5}], 

126 "multi": [], 

127 "docstring": [], 

128 }, 

129 "file2.c": { 

130 "single": [], 

131 "multi": [ 

132 { 

133 "content": ["/*", "Multi-line", "C comment", "*/"], 

134 "start_line_number": 10, 

135 "end_line_number": 13, 

136 } 

137 ], 

138 "docstring": [], 

139 }, 

140 }], 

141 ) 



144class SupportedLanguage(BaseModel): 

145 name: str = Field( 

146 ..., 

147 description="The name of the supported programming language.", 

148 examples=["python"], 

149 ) 

150 extensions: List[str] = Field( 

151 ..., 

152 description="List of file extensions supported for corresponding language", 

153 ) 

154 single: bool = Field( 

155 ..., 

156 description="Indicates whether single line comments are supported for this language.", 

157 ) 

158 multi: bool = Field( 

159 ..., 

160 description="Indicates whether multi line comments are supported for this language.", 

161 ) 

162 docstring: bool = Field( 

163 ..., description="Indicates whether docstrings are supported for this language." 

164 ) 



167class SupportedLanguageResponse(BaseModel): 

168 languages: List[SupportedLanguage] = Field( 

169 ..., 

170 description="List of SupportedLanguage objects representing the supported languages.", 

171 examples=[[ 

172 {"name": "python", "single": True, "multi": False, "docstring": True}, 

173 {"name": "c", "single": True, "multi": True, "docstring": True}, 

174 ]], 

175 ) 



178CodeComments = Union[SingleFileCommentResponse, MultiFileCommentResponse]