Module mathml::parsers::interpreted_mathml
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This module contains parsers that perform some amount of preliminary domain-specific
interpretation of presentation MathML (e.g., globbing S(t) to an identifier S of type
‘function’). This is in contrast to the
module that contains parsers that
do not attempt to perform any interpretation but instead simply preserve the original MathML
document structure.
- Absolute value
- Absolute with Msup value
- Parser for change in a variable : Example: Δx
- Parses function of identifiers Example: S↓(t,x) identifies (t,x) as identifiers.
- Parse content identifier for Msub
- Parse contest identifier for Msub corresponding to univariate functions for ordinary derivatives
- Parse identifiers corresponding to univariate functions for ordinary derivatives such that it can identify content identifiers with and without parenthesis identifiers.
- Parse content identifiers corresponding to univariate functions. Example: S(t)
- Parse content identifiers Example: S
- Parse a content identifier of unknown type for ordinary derivatives. such that it can identify content identifiers with and without parenthesis identifiers.
- Parse a content identifier with function of elements. Example: S(t,x)
- Parse a content identifier of unknown type. Example: S
- Example: Divergence
- Handles downarrow operation (↓) in Superscript E.g. T^↓
- Handles downarrow operation (↓) in Superscript with includes function of content E.g. T^↓(x)
- Handles summation as operator
- Parse a first-order partial ordinary derivative written in Leibniz notation.
- Parse a first-order ordinary derivative written in Leibniz notation.
- Parse a first-order ordinary derivative with log. E.g. d/dt ln(dM)= 0
- Parse a first-order partial ordinary derivative written in Leibniz notation.
- Parse first order partial derivative. Example: ∂_{t} S
- Parse first order partial derivative where the function of derivative is within a parenthesis e.g. ∂/∂t ( S(t)* I(t) )
- Parse first order derivative where the function of derivative is within a parenthesis e.g. d/dt ( S(t)* I(t) )
- Parser handles vector identity notation. E.g. (v ⋅ ∇) u
- Gradient sub E.g. ∇_{x}
- Parse Hat operator with components. Example: r \hat{x}
- Handles downarrow operation (↓) in Superscript E.g. r \hat{x}
- Parser for Msubsup integral that handles integrand with many MathExpression E.g. \int_a^b 3x^2 dx
- Parser for Msubsup integral that handles integrand with MathExpression E.g. \int_a^b x^2 dx
- Parser for interpreted math expressions. testing MathML documents
- Example: Laplacian
- Laplacian Parse laplacian operator with components. Example: ∇^2
- Parse content identifier for Msup
- Logarithm operator: e.g. log
- Parser for math expressions. This varies from the one in the generic_mathml module, since it assumes that expressions such as S(t) are actually univariate functions.
- Msub to content indentifiers
- Msubsup to content indentifiers
- Parser handles e.g.
in the equation E.g. Q_i(s_{i-1}, T_{i-1}, … ) - Handles summation as operator
- Handles summation as operator
- Logarithm operator: e.g. log
- Function to parse operators. This function differs from the one in parsers::generic_mathml by disallowing operators besides +, -, =, (, ) and ,.
- Parse Mover
- Parenthesis with Msup value
- Parse a second-order partial ordinary derivative written in Leibniz notation.
- Parser for multiple elements in square root
- Parse content identifier for Msup
- Parses closed surface integral over contents where integration E.g. \oiint_S ∇ \cdot dS
- Surface Closed Integral
- Parse vector notation for Mover