Module mathml::ast

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  • Represents content identifiers such that variables can be have type attribute to specify what it represents. E.g. function, vector, real,…
  • Represents the differentiation operator diff for functions or expresions func E.g. df/dx
  • Handles ↓ such that {comp}↓_{sub}^{sup} can parse
  • Represents expoenential operator with terms that are in the exponential E.g. exp( x(y-z) )
  • Represents Hat operator and the contents the hat operator is being applied to. E.g. f \hat{x}, where op will be \hat{x}, comp with be the contents
  • Integral operation represents integral over math expressions
  • Laplacian operator of vector calculus which takes in argument comp. E.g. ∇^2 f
  • The Math struct represents the corresponding element type in MathML 3 (
  • Represents identifiers such as variables, function names, constants. E.g. x , sin, n
  • Represents groups of any subexpressions E.g. For a given expression: 2x+4 –> 2 and x are grouped together
  • Represents sum operator with terms that are summed over E.g. sum_{i=1}^{K} f(x_i)


  • The MathExpression enum is not faithful to the corresponding element type in MathML 3 (
  • Vector notation call for Ci being bold or an arrow