Represents content identifiers such that variables can be have type attribute
to specify what it represents. E.g. function, vector, real,…
Represents the differentiation operator diff
for functions or expresions func
E.g. df/dx
Handles ↓ such that {comp}↓_{sub}^{sup} can parse
Represents expoenential operator with terms that are in the exponential
E.g. exp( x(y-z) )
Represents Hat operator and the contents the hat operator is being applied to.
E.g. f \hat{x}, where op
will be \hat{x}, comp
with be the contents
Integral operation represents integral over math expressions
Laplacian operator of vector calculus which takes in argument comp
E.g. ∇^2 f
The Math struct represents the corresponding element type in MathML 3
Represents identifiers such as variables, function names, constants.
E.g. x , sin, n
Represents groups of any subexpressions
E.g. For a given expression: 2x+4 –> 2 and x are grouped together
Represents sum operator with terms that are summed over
E.g. sum_{i=1}^{K} f(x_i)