README for the development webapp

Running the Development Webapp

  1. Install docker

  2. Install Java 8

  3. Install sbt

  4. Clone the automates repo

  5. Go to the text reading docker subdirectory and launch the grobid-quantities docker container

    cd automates/text_reading/docker
    docker-compose up grobidquantities
  6. In another session, go to the main text reading subdirectory and launch the webapp
     cd automates/text_reading
     sbt webapp/run

    Note: The first time you run this, it will take a while because it is downloading and installing scala as well as the library dependencies and compiling the code. Subsequent runs will be MUCH faster.

  7. Open a browser and go to localhost:9000

  8. Enter text, click submit. The first query will take longer (~60 seconds) because of model loading. Subsequent queries will be much faster.