Inferring Biological Context from Text

This repository is the homepage for all data and code associated with the UA Big Mechanism projects biological context project.

The main goal of this project is to correctly link biological events and biological context containers that have been extracted from Biomedical publications.

A copy of our publication is available on arXiv.

Obtaining our code and data

Dataset description

We obtained our corpus of Biomedical papers from PubMed Central. Below is a table of the PMCIDs for each of our 22 papers along with the paper titles. The PMCIDs can be used to find the original papers that are available on PubMed.

PMC ID Paper title
PMC2743561 Persistent DNA damage signaling triggers senescence-associated inflammatory cytokine secretion
PMC3203906 Phosphoinositide 3-Kinaseγ Controls the Intracellular Localization of CpG to Limit DNA-PKcs-Dependent IL-10 Production in Macrophages
PMC534114 The docking protein Gab1 is the primary mediator of EGF-stimulated activation of the PI-3K/Akt cell survival pathway
PMC2193052 Grf40, A Novel Grb2 Family Member, Is Involved in T Cell Signaling through Interaction with SLP-76 and LAT
PMC3032653 Spatially restricted activation of RhoA at epithelial junctions by p114RhoGEF drives junction formation and morphogenesis
PMC2978746 Regulation of C/EBPbeta1 by Ras in mammary epithelial cells and the role of C/EBPbeta1 in oncogene-induced senescence
PMC3717960 Up-regulation of c-MYC and SIRT1 expression correlates with malignant transformation in the serrated route to colorectal cancer
PMC3461631 The Role of Semaphorins and Their Receptors in Gliomas
PMC2195994 Cdc42hs Facilitates Cytoskeletal Reorganization and Neurite Outgrowth by Localizing the 58-Kd Insulin Receptor Substrate to Filamentous Actin
PMC3190874 Immunoglobulin E Receptor Signaling and Asthma
PMC2156142 The Developmental Role of warthog, the Notch Modifier Encoding Drab6
PMC2773002 Differential Role of Human Choline Kinase α and β Enzymes in Lipid Metabolism: Implications in Cancer Onset and Treatment
PMC2196001 A Novel Neural Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein (N-Wasp) Binding Protein, Wish, Induces Arp2/3 Complex Activation Independent of Cdc42
PMC3058384 COT/MAP3K8 drives resistance to RAF inhibition through MAP kinase pathway reactivation
PMC2063868 Semaphorin 4D/Plexin-B1-mediated R-Ras GAP activity inhibits cell migration by regulating beta(1) integrin activity
PMC2064697 Loss of linker histone H1 in cellular senescence
PMC4052680 Phosphorylation by Akt within the ST loop of AMPK-α1 down-regulates its activation in tumour cells
PMC420486 Phospholipase C δ-4 overexpression upregulates ErbB1/2 expression, Erk signaling pathway, and proliferation in MCF-7 cells
PMC3135394 Signal transduction by reactive oxygen species
PMC3378484 Regulation of lipid binding underlies the activation mechanism of class IA PI3-kinases
PMC3392545 Structure of STING bound to c-di-GMP Reveals the Mechanism of Cyclic Dinucleotide Recognition by the Immune System
PMC3233644 A MEK-independent role for CRAF in mitosis and tumor progression